The Dream of You.

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I had a dream and it was of you.

You sat peacefully at the park.

There were birds eating the bread you threw.

Quietly you were leaving your mark.

People rarely ever noticed her.

She was often used and forgot.

They're like the birds she was feeding there.

She sought love by giving all she got.

She never knew how to love herself.

So she looked for it in the others.

They would always put her on a shelf.

To be used until they got betters.

How strangely beautiful to see that.

You feeding all those little birds.

It was so much like the life you had.

Longing for love to heal all your hurt.

I wish you knew you did not lack love.

It just couldn't heal all your pain.

If you would let go you would rise above.

And finally in your life you would reign.

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