Over the Waterfall

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The kayaking trip was rife with peril.

The river water charged like cavalry.

It curved in jagged and serpentine ways.

The danger is what gave the trip allure.

My kayak entered the water quickly.

The rushing rapids thrusted me around.

I felt the rapids splashing all over.

My kayak did not bust against the force.

I could sense the river and it's anger.

It tossed me in the direction of rocks.

My paddle pushed me away from the stones.

The jagged river teeth would not bite me.

The river would not acknowledge my strength.

It narrowed in places to stop my moves.

My reflexes kept me flowing with her.

Yet she would not call me her master yet.

Foam and mist emerged to confound my eyes.

I used my paddle to slow my motion.

I came to know her curves intimately.

 Blinded, I could still dance with that river.

After some time, my vision was restored.

The land the river cut through was hilly.

The rapids bounced me, trying to throw me.

I remained firm in this battle with her.

Suddenly, the flow of the water calmed.

Had the river embraced my presence there?

I saw the rapids descending a cliff.

A grand waterfall awaited me now.

My heart pounded against my prison chest.

I felt my entire body getting hot.

I tossed my paddle aside and went on.

"I've come to close to give up  on us now."

I leaned myself back as far as I could.

I closed my eyes and prepared for contact.

I felt the kayak tugging my waist down.

Over the waterfall with no regrets.

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