Lying on the Beach

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The sand felt soft against her fingers touch.

She enjoyed how the beach took on her shape.

At a glance, it may not seem like so much.

Yet she laid there, not wanting to escape.

The surface of the shore captured her curves.

She loved the feeling of the lands caress.

It eased the tension from all of her nerves.

Life no longer seemed like such a big mess.

With each breath, the waves rose and receded.

She had become one with the little beach.

The shore knew exactly what she needed.

Nothing but pleasure was within her reach.

Her body was massaged by the sun's rays.

The warmth gave her a passionate embrace.

She felt like she could stay there all her days.

There was something magical in this place.

The touch of the waves soon met her bare feet.

She smirked; The water droplets tickled her.

Each wave rose higher, she was glad to meet.

The wave rubbed her leg like a cat with fur.

Excitement built up as the water rose.

She felt such an urge to both stay and go.

The waves reached her chest and would hold her close.

Her body shivered and now seemed to glow.

The water crawled hungrily to her neck.

Now even her soul had felt a shiver.

Inside, she felt she had become a wreck.

Such pleasure the ocean would now give her.

There was no resistance she had left now.

She could not resist such delightful sin.

All she could utter was a single "Wow."

All at once the ocean had pulled her in.

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