Why you gotta be so Rude?

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My mom has been mean to me ever since I have known. She hates me because I wasn't pretty enough to show to her stuck up friends. There was days she couldn't even look at me. My dad say she just feel guilty. He never gave me a reason why she would feel guilty. I would spend all my time by her hoping she would look at me and smile. I wanted her to hold me and tell me stories about her family. That is why I'm more of a daddy's girl. I haven't spent time with him since my brother was born. It's not like I hate him or anything. I'm just jealous cause he get love and attention from both our parents. I would stare from afar and watched them.

We had finally worked a date for a family time with the pastors. My dad kept canceling because of his busy work schedule. I was at home writing and looking out the window looking at teens who might be going to my school. My mom in her room with my baby brother.

My dad bursted in my room and told me to get ready to met the pastor. I put on a plain red shirt and black pants. I looked in the mirror and thought to myself do I want to do my hair. I never do... I put my hair in a ponytail and went to the car. I sat in the front, my mom and brother sat in the back. When he got to the church Ma sat in between my brother and dad and I sat at the far end. It was like a boy girl pattern. We all talked for a while talking all nice acting like the perfect family. Not to be mean or pick at my family but we are not a happy family. If we was we wouldn't be here.

"Aren't we happy Jamie?" My mom asked without looking at me... As always. I swallowed hard and looked at the back of here head should I lie? Should I tell the truth? Lying in church is so wrong. Look back at the table where my hand was.

"No." I said low but loud enough for them to hear.

"What?!" My mom said.

"No we are not happy." I said looking at her. I saw her face. She may have been mad but her face was beautiful. I loved her big eyes and her full lips. None of which I got from her.

"What is wrong with you?!" She said standing up.

"No ma it's not me it's you! This is the first time I seen your face!! This is the first time I seen you mama." I said standing up also.

"Don't call me mama." She said with hatred in her eyes.

"Why? Why can't I call you mother WHEN I CAME OUT OF YOUR WOMB?!?!" She banged on the table and I stood strong without moving an inch.

"BECAUSE YOU ARE A MISTAKE!!" I stop breathing and looked at her face. After coming I breath again.

"What?" I said softly.

"Baby that is enough!" My dad had said standing up from between us. My mom pushed him.

"I NEVER WANTED YOU AFTER I FOUND OUT YOU WAS JONATHAN BABY!!" Me and dad undramatically gasped as she looked at me madly. I was no longer mad. I just looked at her in disbelief. If this is what a mom is like I don't want them to suffer like me.

"Gloria What do that mean?" My dad(?) said sadly.

"Jake. You are not the daddy. The man who drove me down here is the daddy. I like him." He looked at her then sat down looking at the floor like this day wasn't happening.

"Gloria you never been my friend nor have you ever been nice to me. I am your child. How could you be like this!" I said crying.

"I told you why!" She shouted back.

"No A mother is suppose to love and care for there child not cut them out there life." I grabbed my dad hands and helped him stand on his feet. He looked up with confidence but his hand was shaking and sweaty.

"That's bull crap" She said rolling her eyes at me.

"No it's not. Let's go daddy!" I took my dad outside to have a breather. He held his heart and started breathing hard.

"It hurts." He laughed. Like seriously he's laughing. He sat down on the bench laughing. repeating 'it hurts'. His hands was over his face and he laughed and laughed and laughed. I sat next to his and laid my hand on his back.

"It's ok to cry..." I said. He held his breath looking at the sky and a tear fell down the left side of his face. He put his hands on his face again and start sobbing.

"My mom was right. I wished I grew up poor so I wouldn't hurt this bad. WHY AM I ALWAYS BEING USED?!?!" This is the first time seeing him cry. It's my first time seeing him hurt. I couldn't help but cry with him. I rubbed his back as he cried. It was the least I could.

"I'm sorry." I said whipping my tears away but they fell down even harder.

"For what?" my dad asked.

"It's all my fault. If I wasn't born you would be happy." I said not looking at him. The night wind blew in my face making it cooler then it was from crying.

"No it's me. Don't worry. I was born rich so everyone took my kindness for granted. When I lied and told them my father got downgraded so we was just average people they all left me." He said looking at the moon.

"Oh." I said.

"Oh? Oh? Just oh?" He laughed messing with me.

When my mom came out my dad unlocked the door. She bulked my brother in tightly and sat next to him. I looked at dad who sighs and get in the car. I sat in the passenger seat and avoided Gloria. When we got home my father went on the couch and started snoring. Gloria went upstairs slowly with the baby (Whoever his daddy is). I went on the love seat and watch Gloria closely. When I hear the door close I slumped down.

"She is gone." I signal dad.

"Thanks boo bear." He said seating up. He loosen up his tie and breath out in relief. He put his hands in his hair and sighed again but more dramatically with more spit.

"Dad... Will you be getting a divorce?"

To Be Continued.....

Thank you for reading and there will be more to come!!

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