Sorry For Being Me

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I am kind of cranky because I had woke up a bit to early. I never wake up to early except when I get a nightmare. Even when I had a nightmare I would fall back asleep. This time I could not. I don't even know why. I just laid there praying that I would go to sleep because I am tired. It was two in the morning. I had went to sleep at ten. Crap only five short freaking hours of sleep. I went and got a cup of hot milk and I still couldn't get sleep. It use to always get me. I just started stalling until the day was over because I wasn't getting anywhere near sleep. I even exercised. Around five thirty I fell asleep and was angry when I heard the alarm at six fifty. I quickly got in the shower and tried to fully wake up. I wore sweatpants and a black shirt. I ran down stairs gave my daddy a kiss, grabbed a bottle of water and took out the trash. I slid into Liam car which been parked out there for five minutes.

"Hi baby." Liam said bumping my lips with his.

"Hi Liam." I said kissing him back after he grabbed my hand. He broke eye contact and started to drive to my school. He opened the door for me and had hovered over me while I leaned on the car. He kissed me and had his face super close to mine like he was planning to do it again.

"I love you." That phase made my heart thumped quick and I looked him in the eyes. He was looking at me seriously and I looked down. I couldn't look at him for long. It wasn't the pleasant feeling I had when James said it. I will never understand why it feel so different I love Liam right? I looked at Liam and I knew he wanted me to say something back.

"I'm sorry." I said pushing his chest back a bit. I saw him covering his face with his right hand and ruffle in his hair.

"Why are you sorry?" I looked down and my lips was quivering. I was twirling my thumbs which was shaking quickly.

"I can't say it back. I'm so sorry." I said repeating his over and over again. I saw his face go red and he had his lips poke in.

"But we've been together for one whole year! I thought you finally started to like me back." I saw tears fall down his face. I went to take the tears away but he moved my hands. He went to the driver seat and I tried to catch him before he leave. He had the door open and it separated us to.

"I tried to." I said grabbing his hand that was on the door. He snatched it away and rolled his eyes.

"Jamie, I spent a whole freaking year falling for you! I freaking love you! I never loved anyone like you before. Now I feel like..." He stopped before he finished the sentence. He entered the car and looked at me one more time. We looked at each other for a while. I wish I fell for him. I wish I could happily say I love Liam Jones and mean it, but I can not do it. He slowly begin to back away I walked with his car.

"Wait Liam! Don't go! Liam! Liam!" I yelled after his car. He just drove faster. Ugh! I should have just said it. I kept yelling his name but he never stopped. I walked slowly to the building and couldn't help myself.

"Hi Jamie." I heard someone say. I quickly started to whip away the tears that started to fall when Liam left me. I sucked it up and turned to face the happy couple.

"James, Mary." I smiled at the two and tried to avoid all type of eye contact. I felt Mary almost tackled me. I laughed at her eagerness and balanced us so we wouldn't fall down.

"Where Liam he usually walk you to the building." Mary said messing with my natural curls I hate so well.

"Um... He um... I don't know." To be truthful I don't understand where we are after this little fight. He didn't dump me so we still a couple. It's never to late to dump a person so he might dump later.

"What do you mean?" James said curiously. All I could look at was his hand locked with Mary. Why didn't I say it back? It's just three simple words. Many people say it without feeling it. Why can't I do it?

"We kind of got in an argument." I sighed and began walking. I didn't feel like walking but my body was forced by my brain to move.

"Why are y'all always arguing?" I could see James rolling his eyes like it is no surprise that we are in a little disagreement. It annoyed me when he do that crap like he knows me. I smacked my lip and repeated his eye roll.

"We do not argue all the time! We just don't agree on everything." I unlocked my locker and grabbed my pre calculus book and threw it in my bag and zipped it up.

"I told you he wasn't good enough for you." He said into my ear. His breath hitting my ear sent chills down my back. It was the good kind that made you excited.

"Mary!! Come here!" I heard someone yell. I turned and saw Mary run to a random white girl with brown hair and a cheerleader outfit. James didn't look at her as she ran away.

"Jamie look at me." He grabbed my arm and put me against the lockers softly. I looked him in the eyes.

"Why must you say he's not good enough for me? Huh?" I said standing up do Liam. I crossed my arms and stood up tall... not that tall but close.

"Because he is not!" He said over me. I started to frown and looked him in the eyes.

"Why do you say that?! I really like him!"

"I am the only guy in this world that is good enough for you!" He said loudly in my ear so only I heard. I looked at him with wide set eyes. He also seemed surprised by what he said. I tried to get my words together but it took me a while.

"What?" Was all I could get out.

"I'm sorry that was not what I was intended to say." He started to back away and I felt my heart throbbing. It felt like it was going to burst out my chest. I haven't had this feeling in a real long time. I thought I never would.

"I got to go." I started to walk where ever my legs took me. I went to my first block and threw my stuff down. Why is he always making me feel this way?! Ugh! I want to get over him once and for all. I saw Tracy come in and sit next to me trying not to catch the teacher attention.

"Hello milk chocolate covered Popcorn." There go the weird food nickname that she gives everyone for some reason. I think she might be going crazy.

"Hi tracks." I know I give the best nicknames ever. I get it from my dad.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing why?"

"If something bothering you tell me." She said moving her long bangs out of her face. She looked at me all serious and stuff and I had to tell someone.

"Promise not to tell anyone."

"Ok promise." She said nodding her head so that I get the point.

"Well today when James said That he's the only one that is good enough for me is him I kind of realized that the reason I can't fall in love with Liam is because I can't get over James." I covered my face with my manicure nails that are painted red and black.

"James said what?!?!" Tracy said super loud. I tried to turn her down but she went crazy in her seat.

"Shh!! Girl! It just him saying that I need to be alone for a while." I looking at her tiredly. I pulled my hair back.

"You don't get it do you?" Tracy said shaking her head. I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes.

"Oh my gosh why do I keep hearing that! If you think I do not understand tell me what it is." I said with a frown on my face and turn my gaze to the teacher who was eyeing me and Tracy real hard.

"This is something that you will love to learn yourself." Tracy smile slowly flowed on her face. She grabbed my hand and pat it. I bet she feel like an old woman because she looking like one.

"I don't like surprises." I pouted. The teacher sat down in front of the class signaling us with her eyebrow to be quiet. Her nicely shaved legs crossed with such elegance. Her really short skirt intimidated all the girls in the room. Her over exposed cleavage got boys hormones running up and down the hallway. All the other female teachers are threaten by her so they often ignore her. The male teachers harass her.

I went the whole day thinking about James. What did he mean? He used simple words and made a complicated phase that means something more then I think. Oh my goodness. I need to lay down and think. Or I need to stop thinking. Oh gosh I have gone crazy. I am thinking about thinking. I waited for Liam to come to lunch but he never did. I called and he didn't pick up.

"Jamie May I talk to you?" Oh snicker Bar. I know that voice all to well. I don't want to turn around. I breath slower and calmed myself down a bit.

"Sure Brett." I said turning to him and smiling. I stood up and begun to follow him. I took me behind E building and pinned me against the wall.

"Are you happy to see me again?" To be honest no. I never wanted to see your face again. Now that I see it I want to smash it on the ground.

"Sure I guess." I said as nonchalant as I could. Brett started getting a little to close for comfort. I tried to back up but the brick wall was behind me.

"I missed you a lot." He kissed my neck and I pushed him away. I would have ran but my heels was stuck in the mud. He pulled me back against the wall and started kissing my neck like I didn't try to move him.

"Stop!" I said trying to stop him.

"No!" He said looking at me with such scary eyes. He made me go quiet with fear. He grabbed my hand and pinned them to the wall. I felt tears come down as I tried to push away.

"Leave her alone!" I heard someone yell. I felt Brett grip loosen and he turned and faced Liam. Liam grabbed him and threw him on the ground. Liam stood in front of me like a shield. With just one look at Liam Brett just went away. I hugged Liam back and started crying. He rotated 180 degrees and rubbed my hair.

"I-I'm s-s-sor-sorry." I tried to say but it was a struggle getting it out.

"I want you." He said holding me gently.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore." I said shaking my head in his shirt. He rubbed my back and took my face to face him.

"I don't mind getting hurt by you." he said with a smile on his face making me feel worse.

"I know how it feels to be hurt and You shouldn't feel it." I moved his hand and held it in between mine. He stayed silent and watched me.

"Four years. I've been loving you for four years. The time flew by fast. I saw you walking in BennyFoodFun and I fell in love at first sight." I saw a smile that was not a happy one. I didn't like that smile at all. It hurts to see him like that. I touched his cheek and gave him one more hug. I can't believe that someone can love me. I can't believe someone like Liam can love me. I can't believe I couldn't love him back.

"I'm sorry." I said hearing my self sobbing and tried to make it silent.

"Why are you crying?" He said looking at me confused.

"Because, You are a great guy and I couldn't love you back. Now you are hurt because of my stupid heart." He started to laugh and I frowned. Was he really laughing at my feelings? A few rain drop fell and we ran inside.

"You crying because I got hurt. That is one of the reasons I love you. I hope you find someone to love soon." I kissed him on the cheek then watched him run to his car. He stayed in his car for a while so I got closer and saw his head on the wheel and tears was dripping on his pant leg. The rain dripped harder but I couldn't move. I felt like the rain would wash my guilt away. He started the car and left. The bell rung and I still couldn't move.

"JAMIE!!! YOU WILL CATCH A COLD IF YOU STAY OUT THERE!" Who was saying that? Random person I want to cry so hard right now. He got his heart broken by a worthless girl. I heard that person yell my name but I didn't want to turn around.

"I'm a bad person!" I said to the person. I felt my hand shaking as I move my wet hair away from my face. I felt someone hug me and rock me back and forth.

"What's wrong?"

"I broke his heart! He got his heart broken by a incompetent ugly fool like me!!" I yelled not caring what I said any more. I said what I thought. No filter. No sugarcoating it either. "I should have been the one hurt because I am use to this! I am use to being the ugly one."

"Stop lying!! I wouldn't love you if you was those things." I felt the person kiss me and I looked at him to see it was James. I should push away because he is my friend boyfriend. I end up kissing him back. When we pulled away to breath I slapped him and went to class. When I walked inside my teacher did a loud scream. Dramatic.

"You are so wet!" NAWWW I am as dry as the desert.

"I know Ms. Candid." I begun to walk to my seat but she stopped me.

"Jamie I will need you to go to the office and get a change of clothes" She pointed out the door and I end up rolling my eyes and walked to the office. I called my dad to give me a new outfit. I had to wait twenty minutes to get a new outfit. While waiting for him I realized I want James back. I will get him back.


What do the kiss mean? Do you think they will get together soon? How soon? What about Mary? Do y'all what Liam back?

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