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I didn't think anybody would ever kidnap me. Today is just a bit too weird. I never thought anyone could think of taking such an irrelevant girl like me. I feel stupid. If someone mother had a heart attack why would the person come to me instead of calling the cops. She had a phone in her hand and wasn't using it. Like why couldn't I just listen to the girl on the phone. I woke up to see I was in a very junky room. I do not like how it looked. I would gladly clean it if they don't know how to clean. I just got kidnapped and all I could think about was cleaning up? I really need to concentrate. I turned to see what I was cuff to and it was a pole. It was a rusty pole. I think I could break free.

"Jamie." I heard a voice from the other side of the room and I see James tied to the other side of the room.

"Ugh more bad luck." I mumbled under my breath so it wasn't heard by James.


"Why you here?" I asked trying to hid the fact I didn't want to see him again.

"I was trying to help a girl because she said her mother was having a heart attach." He said looking at his shoes. He was probably looking at them to make sure it had no dirt prints or something.

"Same here." Please let him stop talking to me. I wish they tapped out mouths shut.

"So... How are you?" He said awkwardly. I rolled my eyes and looked at James.

"Let's not pretend that we are still friendly. Because to be honest I am tired if getting hurt by you. Today was the LAST time I will let you hurt me." I said highly annoyed with his actions. I can't even look at him right now. If I could I would cross my arms and walk away.

"Jamie. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you." Ugh. Stop talking. Just stop talking please.

"Well you did! And you know what I forgive you. When I say forgive you I mean that I am willing to forget the things you did to hurt me but I am not going to let you hurt me again though." I felt a Hugh weight flout off me. It was like Someone took half a ton off of me. I still felt a but of heaviness on me. I don't know what else could be weighing me down. I heard heels hitting the ground with a very loud and annoying sound.

"Hello you guys." I turn to see who it was and to no surprise It was the chick with black hair that was with James.

"Who are you?" I said. I seen her around but I have never talked to her.

"My name is Kelsey. Don't you remember me?" She smiled at me like I was suppose to smile back. I just looked at her like Why am I here?

"Ooooh!! I do remember! You were in my chorus class in freshman year." I said out loud to let her know I truly knew her. She looked different. She was skinnier. Her eyes look bigger and her legs seem thicker. It seem like all her fat from her stomach and arms went to her butt and thighs. It gave her an more In depth hourglass shape.

"I knew you would remember. Do you want to know why you here?" Nawww!! Because when you get kidnapped you don't get a slight bit curious about where you at.

"Yes, Because I need to finish my math homework. I kinda didn't start on it." You know I think she should understand. When I had classes with her I notice that every time we had a homework assignment she would look like she was sleep deprived.

"You don't have to worry about it no more because your never leaving again." She said with her smile overtaking her face. It took me a while to actually take it in but when it did I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What?! Why?!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

"I don't like you Jamie." She said like my name was like bitter coffee. Her nice and friendly smile turned quickly turned dark. I definitely remember her. I see the old Kelsey right before my eyes.

"Why am I here?" James asked not bothered at all by the fact that she don't like me. Well I kind of did know because of the way she treated me.

"Because you hurt me and my friends." Friends? Why would I hurt people? Who are these people that I hurt?

"Who? Which friends of yours did I hurt?" I thought I sounded like someone from back in the day trapped in a castle.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" I looked at the door she had her arms directed to. Out came Liam and Mary. Ok we kind of did a dramatic gasp but who wouldn't in this situation.

"Liam." His eyes hit me when I said his name. He quickly looked away which kind of hurt my feelings.

"Mary Kate Franklin." James said in a disappointed tone. Mary didn't seem bother by it at all. She held her hands on her waist and held her head up high.

"James Collins Debra." She said with her head floating higher. She seem like she wasn't bothered by seeing him cuff to a pole.

"Who should we start with?" Kelsey said stretching her arms out toward us two. Start what? What are they going to do?

"James." Mary said fast. Everyone circled around James and I tried to see what they was doing but they blocked my view.

"Brett!" Mary yelled. Oh Gosh it's Brett. I tried to move but I was handcuffed a bit to tight He walked in smiling at me.

"Hi." He winked at me and I felt myself get sick on the inside. He walked over to James and I see them lift his body and chained him in a way that supported him to stand.

"What are you going to do to Him?!" I yelled to get to their attention. Apparently I didn't make any sound because they didn't respond to my questions. I saw a large box next to James that Brett brought in.

"We are going to play Beat the Candy out the boy. Who ever get him the sweetest Candy out him wins." Kelsey explained to everyone. I looked at the faces they made when they looked in the box scared the honker out of me.

"Me first." Brett dug in the box and brought out a baseball bat. Me and James eyes widen at the sight of. My head filled with crazy assumptions and I started to panic a bit. They can not be serious.

"Ok First question, Why did you hurt Mary?" Kelsey asked holding James face. Brett practice swinging his bat and I pray to God thet they was just playing and would laugh at us for being scared.

"I don't know how I could have hurt Mary." He said looking striaght in kelsey eyes. Kelsey laughed unhumorously and it made me feel uneasy. Brett Hit James in the left leg and it didn't seem to affect him as much as I though it would. He moved his leg a bit and said ouch.

"Is that all you got?" He growled angerly. He laughed and threw the bat in the box.

"It's my turn." Mary said angerly. Don't get mad at James. Get mad at Brett because he is weak. He didn't hurt him a bit. She grabbed a long whip that you would likely find in a slavery movie. I have never been hit with that but I knew it was going to hurt.

"Mary don't do this... It's my fault hurt me instead." I said standing up so she knew I was serious.

"Shut up Jamie! I was the one who kissed you!" James yelled at me making me turn red with anger. Mary gripped the whip tightly and breath in slowly.

"Take off his shirt." I heard through Mary clenched teeth. Oh no. Oh my gosh! Oh My Gosh!!

"Mary Don't do this! It's stupid!" I said trying to convince her that violence isn't the answer.

"Shut Up Jamie!" If I had A Dollar for every time someone yelled at me I could buy a whole new set if bras at Lane Bryan. Seriously there bras or higher then ever but they are good for support. Brett unbutton his shirt and ripped it off like a savage. Everybody stood back as Mary slung back her whip and hit James across the back. He arched his back and screamed out.

"AHHH!!" He screamed out in agony and I could feel his pain a bit. I wanted to say something, anything but nothing came out.

"WHY DID YOU HURT ME!?!?" She yelled at James gripping the whip like she is prepared to do it again.

"I- I did nothing wrong." She got angrier and She hit again and again. Through his screams you could hear her yelling why you hurt me? Why you hurt me? The only thing I could do was beg her to stop but she never did. My vision started getting blurry and I was choking on my sobs.

"Stop Please!!" I begged and begged but she kept going soon her cries turned into laughter. She was going crazy. The wounds that she hit more then twice begin to open and the blood rushed down his back.

"Lo siento! Lo siento!!" He yelled from the top of his lungs. Mary finally stopped and dropped her whip that had blood stains. He wasn't standing with his feet no more. The chain held him and his eyes wouldn't open.

"Tell us all the truth." Mary said heavily. She unlocked his cuff and he fell down with his face on hard wood. His back looked terrible.

"Jamie... I ... love...love... her..." He said weakly and I couldn't handle it. I bit my lip and looked at Mary who face was red and her face show she was either mad or sad.

"I got you tomorrow." She's mad. Everyone walked behind her except Liam. He stood taking in what had happen and without looking at me he ran up the stairs. I took every effort to get closer to James. When he saw what I was doing he moved to me.

"I-I'm s-so-sorry." I stuttered. He laid on my thighs. I wish I could touch his hair. I love his soft hair.

"Mmmhmm." It was good that he was making a sound.

"I-I Wish I could treat y-your wounds." I said crying a bit. My tears hit his skin. I hope it helped him a bit.


Lo Siento means I'm sorry in Spanish for those who didn't know. Are y'all worried about Mary threat? What about Liam? Do y'all trust him or naw? How long do you think they are going to be there? How much damage can Mary do to Jamie?

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