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"Hanna💅🏻 added Spencer🔪, Aria🤷🏻‍♀️, Mona💫, Alison🍫, Emily🍿, Caleb😎, Toby😴, Ezra🍰 and Mike😜
to a group chat"

Hanna💅🏻: What's up everyone today is an awesome day👏
Spencer🔪: hi Hanna, nothing much, and why is it an awesome day?
Hanna💅🏻: Because today I'm going to fix my nails👏👏
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: that's so unnecessary
Hanna💅🏻: maybe but I can do it if I want to
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: okay, I'm going to try not to cause any drama, because I'm not a drama queen
Emily🍿: that's good Aria
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: I know I'm the best
Spencer🔪: you're not the best so stop trying to  Ar
Alison🍫: Agreed
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: stop hating on me I'm trying to be better
Mona💫: okay if you say so
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: it's true
Mona💫: I believe you
Hanna💅🏻: you do?
Mike😜: you believing in Aria... that's new
Mona💫: I mean we haven't really given her a chance to prove that she's better so I thought I would do it at least
Toby😴: agreed
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: thank you so much Mona
Mona💫: everyone deserves a second chance
Ezra🍰: Aria you have gotten your chances so I'm not going to forgive you
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: I'm sorry you feel that way Ezra, maybe we should divorce then
Ezra🍰: yes maybe we should
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: I wasn't serious but if you want to then fine
Caleb😎: shit is bout to go down
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: it's a divorce Caleb, god you're so stupid
Caleb😎: I'm not stupid
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: yes you are
Mona💫: I take back what I said you don't deserve a second chance because you mistreated it
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: I didn't want it anyway
Hanna💅🏻: I thought we were supposed to be nice in this group
Spencer🔪: not my fault that Aria is mean to everyone
Emily🍿: yeah I agree with Spence
Alison🍫: Aria you've gone too far
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: I don't care, bye bye losers
Spencer🔪: I'm not a loser but bye

Hey guys❤️ I've decided that I'm only going to do 9 more chapters. I'm so sad about that😞 but I hope you'll enjoyed this chapter❤️

Until we meet again💖

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