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"Hanna💅🏻 added Emily🍿, Spencer🔪, Aria🤷🏻‍♀️, Alison🍫, Mona💫, Caleb😎,
Toby😴, Ezra🍰 and Mike😜 to a group chat"

Hanna💅🏻: Hey guys, what's up?
Toby😴: Nothing much and you?
Hanna💅🏻: chilling with my fiancée
Toby😴: Okay, cool
Caleb😎: I still don't understand why you choose that loser over me🤦‍♀️
Mona💫: oh get over it Caleb, even I have
Caleb😎: fine
Mona💫: I thought I would need more to convince you
Spencer🔪: yeah I thought that too😂
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: stop using emojis Spence
Spencer🔪: stop trying to determine over me!
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: Why? Just because you say so??!!
Spencer🔪: um, yes
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: in that case I won't stop
Alison🍫: Aria, stop harassing my cousin😒
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: since when do you care??
Alison🍫: since forever, since when did you start to get so bitchy??
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: I'm not bitchy!
Emily🍿: um, yes you are
Ezra🍰: agree^^^
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: excuse me, this is between me and Ali not all of us
Caleb😎: we're just trying to help
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: you're A so you don't get to say anything you man hoe
Caleb😎: according to you, yes, you Arhoe
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: excuse me!! You don't have the fucking right to call me Arhoe!!
Caleb😎: you don't have the right to call me a man hoe either
Spencer🔪: Aria just stop harassing us and leave this group now!!
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: why do I need to leave it was you guys who did wrong
Spencer🔪: leave before I kick you out
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: you wouldn't dare!
Spencer🔪: watch me

"Spencer kicked Aria out of the group chat"

Emily🍿: damn Spence, your badass side, I love it
Spencer🔪: thank you Em
Mike😜: I think you were a little to harsh on her
Spencer🔪: maybe, but she needs to learn herself that it's not okay to do that
Mike😜: true that
Spencer🔪: I know, I'm so smart, right?
Emily🍿: I need to go now, bye
Alison🍫: me two
Caleb😎: me three
Mike😜: me four
Hanna💅🏻: me five
Toby😴: me six
Ezra🍰: me seven
Mona💫: me eight
Spencer🔪: and then it was just me🤦🏻‍♀️

•Hello everyone• I'm back😜• what's up??• I have a math test tomorrow and I had a history test today• anyway hope you'll enjoyed the chapter•credit to: ScottMcCallmepls for the nickname Arhoe• feel better btw👆• love y'all🙌

Until we meet again💖

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