Chapter Eight: Found you

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Sage and Yata woke before Anna and quickly but quietly got ready, Anna had a rough night, so they didn't want to wake her.

Rikio and Izumo where already in the bar when Yata and Sage made joined them.

"Took you lovers long enough," Rikio laughed.

"Shut the hell up!" Yata snapped.

"You both be quiet, Anna is sleeping," Sage said before their arguing got out of hand.

"Here's breakfast," Izumo said setting three plates of pancakes and eggs on the bar before he continued to talk, "all you guys need to do it walk around and ask people if they've seen the man in the picture."

All three nodded while shoveling the food in their mouth.

"I sent a picture to you PDA's, you do not need to stick together but it is preferred if you happen to run into the man who called himself the colorless king, you aren't alone. If you see him you are to send me a message and then attack, hold him off until the rest of us can come to back you up." Izumo continued – Rikio, Yata, and Sage giving him their full attention. "Sage we are aware you have not fought before so this is a big ask for you, will you be okay with this plan?" Izumo asked taking the now empty plates from them.

"There will be no hesitation from me, he will burn for what he did," Sage said with determination in her eyes. Sage would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous, Mikoto never allowed her to fight along side HOMRA in fear she would get hurt but the king was not there to stop her this time. She was going to revenger her friend's death, no matter what it takes.

"Sage, Rikio go wait outside for a moment, I need to talk to Yata," Izumo said.

They nodded as they head out the door.

"Yata, you know Mikoto doesn't want Sage in battle but with who it involves it will be nearly impossible to stop her from getting involved. Anna wants you to take care of her out there, make sure she doesn't get to hurt. Understood," Izumo said holding a serious face.

"Yes sir," Yata said standing up straighter with a look of determination, "I won't let anything happen to her."

"Good, now get going," Izumo said patting his shoulder.

"You guys ready," Yata said as he closed the door behind him.

"Waiting on you slow poke," Sage laughed sticking her tongue out at him.

"Where should we start looking?" Rikio asked.

"In the picture it looks like he is wearing a school uniform, so I think we should head towards Ashinaka High School and ask anyone who is wearing a similar uniform," Sage said pulling up the picture of the white-haired boy.

"Good eye Sage, lets go," Rikio said patting her on the head.

As they made their way closer to the school Yata began showing the picture to several boys, however no one seemed to know who he was.

"Yata why don't we ask those girls over there?" Rikio said defeated, "Obviously none of the guys know,"

"No! Absolutely not. If you want to find a guy you ask a guy," Yata demand.

"Okay well you have fun asking guys, I'm gonna go ask that group of girls of over," Sage said rolling her eyes as she made her way towards the group.

"Wait Sage, we have to stay together," Yata yelled after her.

"Then come with me," she shrugged slightly irritated by the whole situation. She wanted to find who killed her best friend and she wanted to burn them. The rage burning in Sage's soul had no room for Yata's shy behaviors.

Sage stopped in her tracks as a flash of white crossed her field of vision, she pilled up the picture turning around to examine the boy that just passed her. Her lips curling upwards, "found you," she said before running towards the man who killed Tatara. Her flame absorbing her body.

"SAGE!" Yata yelled worried for her well-being, he has never seen Sage so mad.

Sage completely ignored Yata as she continued to run towards the guy who goes by the colorless king.

"HEY!" She yelled causing the white-haired bot to turn around, eyes wide as Sage threw her flame covered fist at his face. He managed to dodge her quickly moving to the right, Yata and Rikio joining with their flames out as well.

"You'll burn for what you did," Sage growled.

"Wha-," he tried to say but was cut off by Yata swinging his bat at him, which he managed to dodge as well before running away in the opposite direction.

The three ran after him but was cut off by a tall man with black hair that was tied up, he pulled out his sword pointing it at the three. "This is not you fight. Return to where you came," he said.

Sage, Yata, and Rikio didn't say anything in return – instead they released their flames even higher.

"Fine, if you intend to fight me, don't expect mercy," he said coolly.

"Mercy my ass, get out of my way old man," Sage yelled running at him with her fist ready. The strange man stopping her hand with his own, "don't play games girl," he said before throwing her to the side - her body slamming against a building wall.

"Sage!" Yata and Rikio called in unison.

"Rikio go to Sage," Yata ordered as he skated towards the swordsmen, "You'll pay for that!"

Rikio ran towards Sage as Yata began fighting with the stranger, who just seemed to be toying with Yata – never actually hitting him with his sword.

"Sage, are you okay?" Rikio asked as he helped her up.

"Yeah I'm fine," she moaned pushing her flame back out, "I'm not done yet."

"Sage I really thin-," Rikio started to say but was cut off by Sage's glare.

"I said I wasn't done yet," Sage said with her fist clenched, "do not get in my way." With that she ran back towards the man. She had the upper hand in this move, the stranger's attention completely on Yata, at least that's what she thought but before she could make contact to the side of his head, he thrusted the back of his sword into Sage's gut throwing her into a light pole.

"Goddamn it, Sage!" Yata yelled taking his attention of the swordsman long enough for the man to get a good hit on Yata, grabbing the boy with his Lavender gel-like hand and throwing him at the wall where Rikio stood dumbfounded.

"This battle is over," he said before running after the white-haired boy.

"Fuck!" Yata yelled punching the floor.

"Yata, I don't think Sage is doing to well," Rikio said helping his friend up.

They both ran to where Sage was laying unconscious. Yata picking her up bridal style, "Sage why would you do this to yourself," he said knowing he wouldn't get a response.

"Dude we forgot to call Izumo," Rikio stated as he picked up Yata's board.

"That's the least of our worries, call him know and have him get the first aid kit ready," Yata signed. He was supposed to protect her but how can he do that when she gets like that. It was s bad idea to let her come, we should have at least tried to make her stay at base, Yata though to himself as they made their way back to the bar.

When they made it back inside HOMRA, Yata laid Sage on the couch as Anna ran down the stairs.

"SAGE!" She yelled, "What happened Misaki?"

"I was about to ask the same thing," Izumo stated with a stern look as he sat on the floor caring to Sage's wounds.

"I'm sorry Izumo, I tried-," Yata began to explain before Rikio cut him off.

"It's wasn't Yata's fault. He tried to stop her but it's like she turned into a completely different person," Rikio said while looking at the ground. "I don't think anyone would have been able to stop her in the state she was in."

Izumo signed as he continued to patch her up, "Anna what should we do?" He asked the young girl.

"Sage will be fine, her body will naturally heal itself," said said holding on to her sister's hand.

"I meant about her being in this fight."

"Sage is her own person, if this is something she feels she needs to do then we need to let her do it," Anna said looking Izumo in the eyes. "I'm aware my sister will get hurt in the process, but this is something she feels deeply for and we shouldn't stop her. It would be like stopping you all from beating that guy who owned the gun that killed Tatara." Anna looked up at her clan members, "you wouldn't have wanted someone to stop you during that time, would you?"

"I suppose not," Izumo signed as Rikio and Yata shook their head no.

Once Izumo finished bandaging Sage up he stood and looked at Yata, "You are to still try your best to protect her."

"You know I will do anything to protect her," Yata said standing tall.

"I can tell you care deeply for her," Anna said smiling causing Yata to blush.

"I mean, um, I-I wouldn't say d-deeply," he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Come on Yata just admit your feelings," Rikio laughed lightly punching his friend on the shoulder.

"Man, shut up. You don't kno-," Yata stopped as he noticed Sage stirring.

"I can't believe he got away," Sage groaned as she attempted to stand, "I'm going back to look for him."

"No," Anna said pushing Sage back down, "You need to rest, you took a pretty bad beating. You can return to your search once you've completely healed." Anna said giving her older sister no room to argue, she was no use in a fight if she could barely stand and she knew it.

"Fine, but as soon as I feel better, I'm going back out there," Sage said with determination.

"You know Sage, I think you're spending to much time with Yata," Rikio laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Why do you say that?" Sage asked raising an eyebrow.

"You should have seen yourself," Rikio laughed, "you straight turned into Yata. Fight first ask questions later. For fuck sake, you called the dude an old man. He could not have been any older than you." Rikio was weazing at this point causing everyone to burst out in laughter.

"Yeah I guess I did do that," Sage sheepishly said while rubbing the back of her neck.

"Wait what man?" Anna asked.

Before anyone could answer walked into the bar and stopping as soon as they saw Sage.

"Oh my god! What happened?" Bando asked as the three boys made their way towards the couch.

"Who did this to you Sage?" Chitose asked his eyebrows frowning.

"We will kick their ass!" Masaomi added clenching his fist.

"Do worry about me we have bigger things to worry about at the moment," Sage said.

"Wait do you mean?" Anna asked grabbing her sister's attention.

"It seems like Tatara's killer has a companion," Sage said signing.

"Some dude with long black hair that's tied in a ponytail," Yata added, "he had some sort of ability. It was like a gel hand that was incredibly strong."

Izumo mumbled something but not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"What?" Sage asked.

"That sounds like the black dog," he repeated himself before signing, "this battle just got a lot harder."

"What else were you guys able to find while out?" Anna asked.

"We aren't sure, but we think we can find Tatara's killer at the school island," Sage said.

"Good we have a location," Izumo said before standing, "all of you, stay here." He said before walking upstairs.

Izumo was gone for several minutes before returning, "Bando, Chitose, and Masaomi you three will not be during rounds. The other's have already been told to stay home as well. Instead we will meet here first thing in the morning, we have someone to meet." He said smiling at everyone.

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