Part 29

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"Aww, look at her. She's waking up." A familiar voice adored.

God, where am I? I felt myself tied against something. A piece of cloth of covering my mouth making me rely on breathing through my nose. My eyes won't open.

Wait, something is covering my eyes.

What is going on? My hands felt as if they were tied tightly together around my back. I started struggling out of such an uncomfortable situation. However, it was resistant to a helpless little girl like me.

"Oh my. Calm down, will you?" A voice called out from in front of me.

That voice. It can't be. No no no.

Suddenly, my vision was cleared as someone pulled down the blockage. What I saw made my hairs on my arm go stiff.

My breathing immediately came to a halt as I saw the recognizable face of my mother. The same from three years ago. The indistinguishable facial features with a different and longer hair style.

No. This is not real. I must be dreaming.

Mother smirked with such a despising look, "Long time no see, my daughter."

Her voice still had such a cold and oppressive tone to it. My eyes widen as I came to the realization this can't be a dream.

What is this place? The building looked worn down and huge. There were metal parts along the walls and ceilings. It reeked of metal and rust. Is this some type of abandon warehouse?

The cloth in my mouth restricted me from letting out a logical sound or calling out for help. I loudly tried to muffled against the restraint.

This is useless.

Mother snickered as she admired how pathetic I must look, "You look disgusting like this. So ugly. Just like when we dropped you off."

Her cheekbones formed into a smile as she caressed a couple of strands of my hair. My blood boiled inside of me as she stared me down with disgust.

"Why? Got something to say?" She teased knowing her power over me.

She pulled down my piece of cloth from my mouth. I gasped for extra air as another airway opened suddenly.

"Let me go. I have to go back to my family." I begged as she stared at me emotionless. She pulled her hand back as she ran her hand through her brown long hair. She breathed in slowly as she gritted her teeth.

"I'm your mother. You're staying with me for now." She suddenly grabbed my neck as she squat down lower to my level. The urge to breathe made my chest squeeze.

"Look here. When you're here, you're living under my rules, got it?" Mother snared with furry. I clenched my jaw as anger and resentment rose inside me.

"Don't you dare look at me like that." Mother smacked my cheek as she stood back up.

"Don't forget who I am, you little bastard."

I felt a sudden and powerful kick right into my solar plexus with Mother's leather heel. I coughed as the sudden blood spat out of my mouth.

Another kick shot straight at my gut, releasing more blood. The loss of blood made my head spin.

As the kicks came to halt, Mother spat right onto the ground in front of me.

"Don't forget your place."

Seungcheol's POV

"Seungcheol? What are you doing?" Mingyu questioned as he stepped into Sura's doorway cautisously.

I sat gently onto Sura's twin bed with white decorations. I admired the pictures framed onto the wall. The different pictures of our most beloved memories filled with happiness and pure joy.

"I just don't know what to do. As a father." I confessed as I stared at the day all of us smashed watermelons.

Sura's smile brightened the whole picture. Her face radiated as the sun perfectly reflected her teeth.

Mingyu sat down right next to me as he slightly brought the mattress down with his weight.

"Seungcheol, we'll find her. You have to trust the police." Mingyu gripped onto my shoulder. I sighed as I clenched my fist into my lap.

"I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now. She must be so afraid. Who would do such a thing?" My eyes became watery as the image clenched onto my heart.

Mingyu breathed in deeply. I buried my face into my hands as tears were dripping onto my palms.

"This is so hard. I would give up everything just to bring her home. I miss her so much, Mingyu." I whimpered as my body felt as if it were shaking.

Mingyu placed his arms around my shoulder pulling me closer to his body, "We all do. We'll find her. I promise."

Mingyu softly buried his head into my shoulder as I quietly sobbed into my hands. Whoever is doing this to her. I swear I'll hunt them down.

Gosh, please God. Tell me she's safe. Tell me she's not crying. Tell me she's not hungry. I can't handle it. I'll do anything to switch places with her.

"Seungcheol! Mingyu!" Joshua barged into the room. I immediately brought my puffy eyes towards me.

"You're gonna wanna see this." He commented as he signaled us to follow him.

What is this about?

Mingyu and I rushed over to Joshua's room where everyone was gathered around his laptop.

"Look. I got this email." Joshua sat on his chair as he clicked onto an email. A video filled the screen. Joshua pressed the play button allowing the video to run.

"Hello, I am assuming you are missing something very important to you." A lady in her late twenties grinned in front of a camera.

A man who sat next to her chuckled as he looked off the camera, "Bring her."

Suddenly, two men brought over a tiny girl with a cloth covering her eyes and another cloth covering her mouth.

Her hands were tied behind her back. The men brought her in front of the camera.

I gasped as I covered my mouth.

The girl frowned as blood covered her face along with her arms. Blood was streaming out of her mouth as her lips were scarred. Her mouth quivered with fear.


"I'll make a deal."

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