Author's Note:
Editor-chan finally finished this chapter after hours of combing through it. She told me she was frustrated by the ambiguity and well ╮(╯▽╰)╭. Like everyone else, she'll have to wait for clarification in the future chapters. Just to warn you guys, I will neither confirm nor deny anything lol.
Anyway, the fluff chapter I promised you guys! Well, it's 70% fluff and 30% something else. The next few chapters should be a lot fluffier! This is only the beginning, let me tell you!
Edward remembered the first couple of years when Thomas was brought into their household. The younger child was a quiet little thing and thinner than his sister. Even after he was cleaned and washed, the curly-haired boy still looked sickly. The clothes, Edward's old clothes, they gave him at the last minute hung off his frame, and at the time, being so young and partly naive to the cruelty of nobility and the world in general, Edward hadn't wondered why they couldn't request a tailor to create more fitting clothes.
Katherine, his younger sister by only a year, took one look at the frail boy and ignored him promptly. Edward knew she was just pouting because she had wanted a sister to play with and not another brother who wouldn't be interested in fashion or makeup talk. His mother was always upset whenever Thomas was even in the same room-- in fact, she never looked the same since the day Father had brought him back. Not since the time he saw that strange and malicious woman at their gates trying to reach for them as if she wanted to use her red, long nails to claw their faces into ribbons.
It took a while for Edward to realize that Thomas looked a lot like her; the eldest could see it after the youngest's cheeks finally filled out and his dark eyes became less hollowed.
Her appearances weren't the only thing he inherited from her as well.
"Keep your disgusting hands off me, you homewrecker!"
There was a loud slapping sound and Edward could feel the sting on his hand as Thomas tore away from him as if he was infected with some kind of deadly disease, the younger boy's face twisted into an expression similar to the one the woman at the gates had given his family.
The entire situation escalated too quickly for Edward to comprehend at the moment. He just happened to have seen the youngest exit out from their father's study, obviously in a bad mood with a pale face and red eyes.
The younger boy was swaying as he walked towards the west wing, where Father had placed his room, and Edward only wanted to make sure he wouldn't fall, but once he had touched Thomas' shoulder, the other rejected him with a revulsion that shocked the eldest. He couldn't recall having done anything to earn such hostility, especially since they hadn't really talked.
Both he and Katherine were preoccupied with their studies to truly interact with the youngest Rosetta and while they would often see their younger brother for breakfast, their meals together was always tense and brief due to their parent's cold attitude to each other, and as children who were unaware of the complexity of the situation, all they could have done was bear it.
Thomas, at the time, had often been shadowing their father as well, sometimes looking at the man with eyes of reverence and adoration. Though Father had once told him to consider Thomas, their newest addition, as family and that this frail and skinny boy would be his younger brother to look after and care for, the older man's own attitude did not reflect his words.
His father would be completely cold when it came to the youngest, so cold that it felt like a complete rejection of everything that was Thomas. In the beginning, he would always ignore the other as if he couldn't see the small child following him like a second shadow. His father would even avoid him, shutting himself in his study more often than he used to, and had never looked at the young boy in the eye or even brushed his gaze over the child's face.
His father had always been rather cool and distant when it came to affection, something that both he and his sister were fine with, but he was also gentle in nature. This change had baffled them greatly, but they were too young and naive to address it. All they could figure out was that the reason why their parents had changed so much was because of the new addition to their household.
It didn't occur to Edward to blame Thomas for their parent's abnormality, though. He wasn't convinced that someone so small and quiet would have caused so much trouble, but then, it only took that single instant to convinced him otherwise.
Edward had participated in many galas and social events since he was practically a baby and was familiar with the kind of gazes that would follow him in consideration towards his social status: envy, calculation, greed, sneers-- sometimes adoration from time to time. But seeing the burning, brown eyes trying to pierce through him, as if they wanted nothing more than to see him dying a slow death, the first time Edward had ever encounter pure and complete malice was from the person who was supposed to be his little brother.
Their relationship only seemed to devolve from there, creating a cycle of hatred and jealousy. As the firstborn and heir to the Prime Minister seat, it was only natural that Edward would have done his best to set himself from the rest. If he had shown any weaknesses or appeared unsuitable as his father's successor, those adults who often praised him would then come forth with their own children to suggest to both the King and the Crown Prince. While he was confident that Prince Xander would become a responsible and just King, his best friend was often too optimistic and lacked wariness; it has always been a concern for Edward that his charge's excessive kindness would one day be taken advantage of.
Thomas didn't understand this-- or maybe he never did want to understand Edward's position as heir. Edward, himself, didn't think his little brother was fit for the seat. Not because of his magical capabilities (or lack thereof) or his identity as their father's illegitimate child, but because of his sensitivity to the opinions of others.
As the heir, he would be subjected to many unwanted and unwarranted commentary, especially from his peers. Thomas was already so defensive about his status as a five-tier magician and the nature of his birth, the nobility would have latched onto that vulnerability like bone vultures to a feeble prey. He would have been devoured within seconds.
But Thomas didn't care about that. All he saw was the large mountain he had to climb and ignored the surrounding beasts and pitfalls. He was so caught up in his own inferiority that he never stopped to consider what it meant to be the Rosetta Heir, next in line to become one of the most powerful figures only below the Royal Family.
Edward was not that much older than the youngest, so he never bothered to soothe Thomas' insecurities, nor did he ever explained himself. He could not get close to him-- Thomas wouldn't allow it in the first place, so the misunderstandings and distance only grew.
It was only later on, when their father, for some inexplicable reason, enrolled Thomas into Evadne Academy, did his little brother then started scheming against him. They were all childish ideas and plans that often failed even without Edward's (or sometimes Katherine's) meddling, but it didn't mean he wasn't tired having to deal with them. Keeping up his guard even in his own home, no wonder his personality became so cold.
Around the same time as well, much to Edward's bewilderment, his father began to act even stranger than usual. Whenever Thomas was in the same room or area, he would put on a play that would baffle both his children and his wife. Though Kyron had always treated Anais very well, he rarely displayed any adoration towards her, but in front of his youngest, he would act very tender and loving. To his two oldest children, though he was a humble man and was the type that would withhold his pride from plain sight, in front of Thomas, he would actively praise them and embellish their accomplishments.
Both he and Katherine were uncomfortable with this unusual treatment, uncomfortable with how their mother seemed to quickly take advantage of it to curry some favor with her husband, but they all went along with it-- Edward couldn't remember the reason why. Maybe it was because they were too young to not follow along with their parent's wishes. Maybe it was out of spite towards the hellion that transformed their home into another stage for them to pretend upon. They had been like this for more than half of his life that he had forgotten.
At first, their father wouldn't scold Thomas in the same sitting and just concentrated on portraying a loving family to the youngest, but maybe he saw how much of a hard time his eldest had when dealing with his illegitimate child and started to crudely redirect his energy towards his youngest's school work.
This farce continued until Thomas stopped joining them for meals several weeks ago. They all thought he was probably planning something nasty or crying wolf, so Father summoned his youngest to warn him off from doing anything stupid, and maybe Thomas got the message and maybe he did not. It wasn't until recently, after weeks of eating breakfast in silence, did Edward figured out that his father had no clue what to do with his youngest son. It was like being back in the past when the older man was still quiet and reserved-- only now, the atmosphere around him seemed despondent.
His mother once again blamed Thomas, as if the stage they had been acting on was the real thing. Katherine, on the other hand, was the most relieved out of all of them. She was free spirited by nature and being forced to play out this happy scene for their father made her feel like a bird in a cage-- stifled and trapped. More often than not, she took her frustration out of their younger brother but never felt good about it afterward. It was like they were poisoned by his malice and she had hoped that the evil child would keep away until they could finally breathe once again.
But despite Thomas' absent, no one believed, or even considered, that he had a change of heart. Much less Edward, who was the main target for all of his little brother's childish schemes.
Then weeks after not even seeing a single strand of his hair, their paths crossed in the most surprising way, and looking at this slovenly-dressed, curly-haired, sleepy-eyed child in front of him, despite that fact he was obviously Thomas, all Edward could think during their brief interaction, 'This is not Thomas'.
Thomas wouldn't stand being treated as a child. He wouldn't stand looking so messy either. He wouldn't skip classes or sleep in the middle of them. He wouldn't climb trees to sleep on, spend time in the library trying to avoid anyone else, or arrive late and leave school early if only to socialize with other young masters and misses.
In the nine years they had known each other, Thomas had never smiled at him.
Maybe the entire personality change was part of his little brother's elaborate scheme and he had fallen for it stupidly... but the Thomas he knew would never sacrifice his own reputation and greed even for the chance to trap Edward. At this point, he rather believed that the youngest was possessed by another soul, as idiotic as that seemed.
As cruel as it may sound, maybe it was for the best. If Thomas had actually calmed down, they don't need to play 'happy family' anymore. Their father didn't need to strain himself whenever he was in the same room as his youngest. His mother might be less dramatic. His sister's temperament would be better, and he wouldn't have to peer over his shoulders trying to avoid his little brother's next great big scheme.
Yet, Edward still felt uneasy. It was as if his life would change once again as it did when Thomas first came into the household. He didn't know how he should feel about it.
But he didn't want to be passive as he once was when he was seven years old and let some unknown factor twist his feelings and his life around, especially when it would hit somewhere close to home. So he took the initiative to study this 'new' Thomas a bit more, gathering reports from his confidants around the academy about the boy's movements and interactions.
He found out quickly that Thomas seemed to cut himself off from the nobles he had been currying with. In fact, he acted as if they never had entered his gaze, but not in an arrogant fashion. It was more like he didn't recognize them, as if they were total strangers. It angered the majority of them to have the lackey they had been using to suddenly dismiss them, so bullying was fairly common in Thomas' school life.
Though the bullying was one-sided from the beginning since the new Thomas had never cared what they said about him or what they did to his stuff. Any attempt of physical abuse was easily dodged as well-- mostly because Thomas would often skip classes more often than not.
While that didn't make him the favorite of the professors, it was undeniable that his test scores were in the realm of perfection. If it wasn't for his practical exams, he would be at a place where no one could touch him. But it was obvious, according to the reports, that this Thomas was uncaring of status. Usually, this would be concerning since he could easily offend the wrong person and create an incident that Edward had no choice but to clean up, but the new Thomas didn't like speaking to people. He wasn't brazen or ostentatious. It was like he lived in his own world separate from everyone else except for a few chosen people.
Those people, notably, were Clarisse, of course, and some of the other servants that Edward only briefly saw Thomas interact with.
The old Thomas would never allow 'the help' to get close to him. He looked down at them like every other arrogant noble and would treat them as if he was the sun and they were only the dirt basking in his presence.
The new Thomas was incredibly soft to these servants though, almost indulgent. He treated them more like family when he never gave his actually family that courtesy. And maybe... that's why he found himself on the way back to the estate early after classes, sitting in his family's luxurious carriage.
Normally, Edward would stay in the academy's salon to interact with his peers and if he happened to get an invitation to visit someone's home, he would take it. Sometimes, he would stay for dinner-- of course after both informing his mother and his father of his whereabouts, but for the first time in a long time, he actually came back before his parents and his sister. He hadn't even informed the servants of his arrival, but he wanted to use the element of surprise to touch that 'boundary' Thomas had set up.
What would he see? What had Thomas seen? What was the reason for him to create a clear line between 'them' and 'himself'? Was the reason why the servants, including his own personal manservant, Amir Al-Amin, leaned towards his brother so openly because they had witnessed something that he hadn't seen?
Edward wasn't sure what to expect and admittedly, he was a little afraid to find out.
Regardless, the carriage had already moved passed the gates and it wasn't long until it stopped at the front doors. Edward was escorted off by Morgan and once he entered into his 'home' the manservant controlling the horses and the carriage drove off towards the stables.
Usually, there would be a line of maidservants and butlers to greet him, but the main foyer was strikingly empty all except for Morgan, who helped him out of his jacket and his gloves, and a maid rummaging in the closet under the stairs, probably for the cleaning supplies placed inside.
Though a little unnerved by the quietness (or maybe just by the unfamiliar but peaceful atmosphere that he had never noticed or acquainted the Rosetta Estate with), he considered the places where Thomas would frequent at.... But then realized that the Thomas he knew would be out of the manor buttering up to those unsavory nobles he had associated himself with. Where the other would relax while he was home, Edward wasn't sure.
Maybe he was a bit too hasty to send Amir off to take care of some of his errands. Though unprecedented, since he had always been aloof with everyone else, the relationship between his little brother and his personal butler seemed surprisingly good. The Zafarian could probably provide some insight with Thomas' habits. Should he try the other's room then?
"Ah! Young Master Thomas! There you are!" the maid from beneath the stairs cried out a little bit too joyously, causing Edward to pause in mid-step as he was about to head towards the west wing.
Edward: "......." Surely, he had heard wrong?
Edward took a step back, then a couple more to the left to have a better view of the maid crouching down to reach for something in the closet. Morgan followed him closely, probably just as baffled and as confused as his master.
Much to both of their bewilderment, as the maid stood up, she did carry out the Second Young Master, the third child of the Rosetta family, from the storage room.
Thomas, on the other hand, was half-awake when he was moved from his hiding spot. He had hoped he wouldn't be found for another hour and a half, because either Clarisse, Henry, and Amir by then had no choice but to look for him actively. Their scents were the ones he liked the most, but he sniffed the maid carrying him and thought, Oh, it's Nina, recognizing her faint vanilla-cinnamon-honey smell.
He remembered first meeting Nina when she had poured milk for him on the second day of his transmigration and had a good impression of her since then. Her scent might be a little bit too sweet for his taste sometimes, but it was always really comfortable to sleep to. So he didn't really have any complaints about who was carrying him and dropped into dreamland once again.
Due to how quickly the Young Master had completely relaxed after just a brief sniff of her shoulder, Nina was feeling particularly cheerful. Today, she was lucky to be the first one to find the youngest Rosetta, therefore she had the honor of carrying the little one to his room. And considering how long it would take to reach his quarters (especially if she shortened her strides), then she would have Young Master Thomas all to herself for the next half-hour!
Generally, there was a pattern to Young Master Thomas' sleeping arrangement, but they all had their own duties to attend at the same time and couldn't just abandon them just to look for the youngest Rosetta. So it was always a delightful surprise when they found the little one as they were doing their chores (though concerning, since the places they would find the child in were not exactly the most convenient places to sleep in), but there were only so many servants and only one Young Master Thomas.
Sometimes, it would be weeks before it would be her turn to hold the young master. In fact, if Al-Amin hadn't been always hogging the little one, maybe she wouldn't have to wait weeks for the chance to take care of Young Master Thomas!
To this day, Al-Amin's ability to accurately root out Young Master Thomas from his napping/hiding spots became the biggest mystery and the most talked about gossip among the maids, but no one was brave enough to ask the reserve butler about this particular skills. All they could do was sulk as the Zafarian carry away
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