I felt the burning pain as the bullets pierced into my skin. I muffled a gasp and smiled at her. She was in panic, she had seen everything and I could see how worried she was now.
"Nate you're hurt" She said.
"Hey don't worry" I forced out trying to sound normal, "It doesn't even hurt, see? I'm okay"
"Nate. We need to go now!" I heard Dean behind me. He helped me up while Ares and some other men protected Rosy. I kept my eyes on her trying to reassure her, but she was still in shock.
They led me outside and put me in one of our vans with Dean and Rosy next to me. Ares was sitting in front of me and Vincent was driving.
"You okay there?" Ares asked.
"I'm great"
"We're taking you to a hospital" Ares said before sighing.
"I don't need a hospital" I said trying to keep my eyes open.
"You were shot two times and we don't know if it's serious"
Rosy held my hand and I smiled at her.
I'll be happy if I die now.
Her eyes were becoming glossy and her bottom lip was trembling. I couldn't see her like this because of me. Her bruises made it even worse.
Who knows what they did to my girl.
"Hey love, it's okay see? I don't even feel it. I'll be fine in a few days and then we can go back home, yes?"
The truth was I wasn't sure if I was going to be okay, I felt my body slowly giving up and I just wanted to let go, but I had to have hope.
I was struggling to breathe properly and even more to speak, but I didn't want her to worry about me. She had gone through a lot already.
"Stop lying to me" She whispered and a tear rolled down her cheek, but she held my hand tighter and stroked it.
"I'm not, promise. I'll be fine tomorrow. Please don't cry"
It hurt to speak right now, but I felt the need to reassure her.
I closed my eyes for a bit but opened them when Dean started slapping my face.
"Hey hey, don't close your eyes now" He said sounding worried. "How far is the hospital?" He asked.
Vincent sighed, "Fifteen minutes away"
"Oh My God, Nate please hold on" Rosy whispered.
"Fifteen minutes? Easy" I chuckled.
Well I tried, but I think there was blood coming out of my mouth and I kind of choked. It didn't taste well either.
"Oh no" Rosy exclaimed and held my face, "Please stay with me Nate" She whispered.
I'm trying.
I was trying so hard to keep my eyes open but everything was becoming blurry. The voices around me were muffled and I felt my muscles relaxing.
"I'm sorry" I choked out before giving out.
His muscles relaxed and his eyes closed. I kept telling his to wake up, but he just wouldn't. I checked his palm and it was really slow paced, vut I was thankful he was still alive.
"Please go faster" I pleaded.
"You got it" The guy driving said and started going really fast. Normally I would be terrified, but Nate's life was the only thing on my mind right now.
I glanced at Dean and saw him looking straight in front of him without saying a word. His eyes were glossy and his jaw was clenched. It must be so hard on him watching his brother like that.
"What are we going to tell the doctors?" The driver asked.
"I know everyone in that hospital. Don't worry" Ares answered.
His phone rang and he picked up immediately.
"Hey Leo" He said weakly. "He-he might not make it" He whispered, but I heard every word.
I let the tears roll down my face and stroked Nate's hair.
"I'll be waiting" Ares said and hung up.
"We're here" The driver announced amd I let out a deep breath.
They all got out of the car. The driver guy and Ares picked up Nate and Dean and I followed them.
They rushed in and talked to the staff. He was immediately transferred into a room and they told us to wait outside.
I sat in a chair right outside and covered my face with my hands. I wamted to let it out. I just hoped this was a nightmare. I wanted to wake up on our couch with Nate right next to me, or even wake up back at Cole's place in a cell and realize nothing ever happened. Anything would be better than this.
"Hey" I heard Ares' voice and looked up trying to wipe away my tears without him noticing.
"Hi" I said weakly.
"I'm sorry about this. I should've been there quicker"
"No, don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be saying that. I got him into this mess in the first place"
"He wanted to do it. He said he would even if it was the last thing he would ever do. It made him happy" He said with a smile.
That made me feel even worse. I wanted to go back and reject his offer to save me. I felt so bad for all the people that knew him here, I felt so bad for his family. I didn't belong here. I belonged in my cell.
"I'm sorry" I said breaking down and hid my face with my hands again.
"It's not your fault. I guess I should leave you alone for a bit" He said and left.
Time passed and after a little while I heard someone running towards us.
"Where is he?"
It was Leo. I didn't dare look up. I was scared of him and I was sure he would blame me. He would be right too.
Ares explained to him and after a few minutes I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. He sat beside me and sighed.
"You okay?" He asked.
I looked up at him.
"Ooh nevermind, you're not okay" He said. "It's not your fault. He will be fine" He said, but I doubted he himself believed that.
I was shocked about the fact that he was being so nice, but he didn't look okay either. His face was swollen and he was barely holding back his tears.
"He won't die. It's not a Nate thing to do" He chuckled.
"Thank you" I said nodding.
"No problem"
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