Chapter 1

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I slam my book down on my desk maybe a little too hard. I look back and see almost the full class staring at me and my teacher starts shaking her head at me. It's not my fault if I can't contain my anger right now!! Why I keep reading these books still remains a mystery... Well, not really. I read them because romance is my favorite category... The men in these books are so romantic, sweet, loving, In real life men are just jerks, and no those words are not brought on by the pregnancy hormones coursing through my blood right not. I have always had that opinion on men. Just when I thought I had a really nice one he took the most precious thing from me and replaced it with another. He took my virginity forcefully and left me pregnant and he's not even a player!! Why can't men be like they are in books? If I lived in a book, my man in shining armor would love me right now!! Despite my being 10 weeks pregnant and staring to show. In my book, a sweet and caring man would come and lift me off my feet and make me feel like I was the only girl who existed. I use to have hope for a man like that, that one would exist and for some reason choose me but I know better now!

It takes me a second to snap back into reality as Miss Taylor asks me a question, "Mayarna Ava Fields! I don't mind if you read in class but please keep it quiet and keep up on the work we're doing!"

I murmur under my breath then look up, "Sorry Miss Taylor, I zoned out..."

About a minute later the bell rings to signal lunch. I scoop up my books and walk to Miss Taylor's desk; I know she'll want to ask me about my baby. 

She looks at me and smiles, she knows what it's like being pregnant and a teen, she was pregnant at 17 like I am. Her baby must be at least four now!

"How's the baby going?"

"The morning sickness sucks!! It's really magical when I feel her move though!"

"Her? Do you know that baby's gender?"

"No but I want to think it's a girl! I get to find out in just 3 weeks! They have some new ultrasound machine in the hospital and I’m one of the first who's getting to see my baby's gender at 13 weeks!"

"That's great! How are things going with the baby's father?"

The question makes me feel a little sad, "Still nonexistent. He left me to it after taking my virginity so..."

Just as I am about to go into more detail I hear someone near the door clears their throat. I look over and oh my god..... Best body ever!! It’s weird but I immediately feel my body tingle and grow heated. Wait, how embarrassing... I was just talking about losing my virginity, now he'll know!! Oh, wait... It's visible.... Right... I place a protective hand over my baby bump.

"Um, hi... I'm Oliver Norman, I start the class you just had tomorrow, I just wanted to drop by and introduce myself but you look busy so I'm just going to-" I cut him off without even realizing.

"No! Stay! I was just about to get off that topic!!" I burst out.

"Nar, it's ok. It was kind of interesting. You can keep going, I mean I'll just got to the tuck shop and get some food or something and come back...."

"No, seriously, topic over! Stay!"

He laughs and runs his hand threw his brown hair that stops just before his pale blue eyes. "So you're pregnant? Any names?"

"For a boy I like Bradley, Jeremiah or Richard and for a girl maybe Kylayna like she could be nicknamed Kyle!! I also like Sofia and Stella," I have to admit I am excited about having a baby but I'm really scared too. 

"I always liked the name Bonnie," he suggests.

"Yeah, I use to love the name Bonnie! I over used it I think though and now I don't like it as much."

Miss Taylor smiles and starts to speak, "Well, I have to go to a staff meeting! It was nice meeting you though Oliver, I'll see you both tomorrow."

We start to move out of the door and Oliver waits for me to exit, gentleman! I can tell he's a player though. The way he runs his fingers threw his hair is an easy indication. Same with the way he bites his bottom lip seductively. I don't think he's trying to hit one me though because, let's be honest, no one wants someone's pregnant seconds. Maybe in a book with my dream man yes but not in real life.

We exit and Miss Taylor speeds off down the hall in her heels. "So, you're really preggers?"

"Really" I reply.

"You don't look it! You're skinny as!" He says while looking me up and down, I know I am slim even now but when I lift up my shirt the bump is visible, or when I wear a tighter shirt instead of a loose fit like today.


"Why'd you do it?" He asks me looking kind of confused.

"What do you mean? My pregnancy wasn't planned..."

"No, I mean why did you fall for some loser who took your V-card and left you with his baby? You could get any man you want, look at you."

"I thought he was nicer than he is. I thought he was special and I though he was a man out of my books, turns out I was wrong. Plus, it was not really up to me."

"Can I take you out for some lunch or something? Like just a friend kind of thing. I don't really want to go to a big group of people until tomorrow and you seem really nice and like you could use a cheering up!"

I feel my stomach protect me in a way, I know a player would never try and get with a pregnant girl, better girls to do.... Or at least that's how it works here at my school, Preeton High. "Yeah, I guess, I have 50 minutes and then I have to be back here, can you give me a lift back?"

"Yeah, come on!" He leads me outside to his car and we both get in, it looks fairly new and looks nice! I wish I had a car like this, I mean I love my little, blue getz but this car... Awesome, mine.... Cute.

We drive up to some food place and I figure must of just moved schools because he sure does know his way around town. 


Sorry this is short but it's more of a intro. Photo on the side is of Oliver and i would love to hear your suggestions for cast. The only character who i already know someone for is Oliver...

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