Jugheads POV
Was I really catching feelings for Betty? I tried to go to sleep but it was no use. All I thought about was Betty, her soft pink lips, the way she smelled like fresh vanilla. Ok. Ok jughead this is getting out of hand, she probably doesn't like you.
Betts POV
I couldn't get him out of my head, his ravin hair, the way a single curl would fall onto his face, and that smile. Betty he probably doesn't like you ,why do I even bother. He's just one of those players, right?
3rd person POV
These two couldn't stop thinking about each other. But none of them thought that the other like them, boy they were wrong.
Hey guys I'm sorry this is so short I'm just having writes block and have no idea what to write. Any ideas? Or should I stop this au and start a new one?
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