Bettys POV
A"ELIZABETH YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" B"coming mom" I unplugged my curling iron and rushed down stairs
^^^her outfit
^^^her hair
I grabbed an apple. A"bye honey love you have a good day at school" she said handing me my lunch box. "Ok thanks mom" I ran out the door into my car. I wonder what school is going to be like in riverdale. I guess I'm just going to wait and see, when I got there I took a deep breath before going though the doors.
I walked to the front desk. D" hello how can I help?" B"yes do you know where mr. Honeys Office is?" D"yes just over there" she said pointing behind. B"ok thank you" I knocked on his door H"come in" I walked in "oh Elizabeth well come to riverdale high" he took his loud speaker and said "Cheryl blossom come to my office I repeat chery blossom come down to my office" A few minutes later I saw a red head girl with kind locks.
H" Cheryl this is Betty you are going to be giving her a tour" C" ok come along" she pulled me out into the hall C"damn cooper your a smoke show" I laughed B"thanks" C"well I'm Cheryl I think we are going to be great friends what do you say?" B"sure" We were walking and then Cheryl said " all high schools has its group so in that case those boys over there are jocks" she said pointing to boys in a blue and yellow jacket "now the nerds, the cheerleaders I'm the hbic. You know what you should join" B"I'll think about it" C"ok so those are the it girls Veronica, Ethel, and Evelyn. I think you should just avoid them they think their all that. But they really aren't" she whispered in my ear which made me giggle
"And then the playboys" I looked and saw the most handsome boy with ravin hair, blue ocean eyes B"holy-" C"hot? Yeah I know but he's sleep with every girl in the school. Now your the only one he hasn't slept with. Your basically royalty now" we laughed B"where's my crown?" C"you already have one" We were finished the tour and we missed basically all of are classes she we decided to skip and go to pops. B"so what even is pops" I said pulling out of the school parking lot
"You got to be kidding me. It's the most amazing diner and the best worker pop" B"I'll be the judge of that" we pulled up to pops and took a booth P"hey Cheryl who is this?" C"this is Betty" B"hi" P"nice to meet you betty now what can I get you guys" we ordered and waited for the food. I heard the bell ring and saw the one and only play boy jughead jones
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