Introduction Prompt

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● 6/26/2024

[The door opens, a young, blond steps through.]


Platinum: No, Digger, I don't think this is Cloud. Cloud doesn't have freckles, or fingerless gloves, or a black vest. What's your name, stranger?

"Prompto Argentum."

Platinum: Nice to meet you, Prompto. I'm Platinum, and these are my Paradox Twins.

Jule: *taps their chest* Jule. *nudges their sibling* Flor, they're shy.

Flor: The rodent Digger is a guardian of a prior Guest.

Platinum: My apprentice's little alter fronted, and is keeping said Guest occupied. Who brought you here?

Prompto: A worm who looks a bit like you, except brown and white, no fangs on the sides, and blue stalky eyes all around. *shows an image from his camera reel*

Platinum: Ah, Ironsilk. She was serious about speed-running you as a Comfort Subject. Guess the Meowth's out of the bag. We have been analyzing the traits of you and your companions. Digger, stop taunting Wanderer.

[Digger waves his claws at a Pidgeot, a large, tan bird with a long, striped plumage, who swoops down over Platinum's head. Digger slips away discretely. The Pidgeot lands near the Paradox Twins.]

Platinum: To start, we have Wanderer Pidgeot. We were well aware of your circumstances, and Wanderer's species had been portrayed as a clone too.

Prompto: What's that on his leg? *points to a striped pattern*

Platinum: It's National Barcode Day, and Wanderer took this temporary marking so you won't feel so alone.

Flor: We used vanilla sticks.

Jule: Then they started falling off, so we used chocolate pudding.

[Wanderer nudges Prompto, he wraps his arms around the Pidgeot's neck in an embrace. Prompto unfurls his arms and pats Wanderer's head. Flor giggles.]

Prompto: What's so funny?

Flor: Nothing, *snickers* Quick Silver.

Prompto: You mean this? *pulls out a pistol, the Paradox Twins back away, Wanderer raises his wings preparing a Whirlwind*

Platinum: *scolds* Prompto, put that away. They're not daemons.

Prompto: (remorseful) Oh. *drops the pistol back in his bag* Sorry. *sets the bag down, lightly kicks it out of view, then sits cross-legged next to the Paradox Twins*

Platinum: Moving on. We're gonna play "either or" with birds like Wanderer to introduce your friends. How would Fearow suit you for your secondary? They are lanky and aggressive.

Prompto: Sure, I'll take it.

Platinum: As for the rest of the King's Guard, we have Night Light Sky (Noctis Lucis Caelum), Fire Knowledge (Ignis Scientia), and Sword Lily Friendship (Gladiolus Amicitia). *discretely gestures for Spectre to lead the guard in*

[Spectre leads a young ravenete, a blond with glasses, and a gruff brunet with black feathers tattooed around his arms and a light beard out their ring portal, they sit beside Prompto, who reassures the Paradox Twins and Wanderer that they are friendly.]

Jule: Night Light.

Platinum: Noctis, Staraptor or Honchkrow?


Platinum: Ignis, Talonflame or Swellow?


Jule: *giggles* You sound like Aunt Debbeye.

Ignis: Oh really?

Flor: Yeah, she has an Old English accent, too.

Platinum: Gladiolus, Skarmory or Corviknight?


[A furry, blue ball strikes Platinum's back.]

Platinum: *turns around as the ball unfurls* How can we forget about the original 626, Stitch? *waves* Thanks, Sora.

Sora: *waves back with his Keyblade* No problem.


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