Oh, I forgot to add this last chapter! Me, also known as Glaciersong, is now going to be your friendly editor for this story~
Support Jazzmino though, she came up with the beautiful plot ^-^
Edited 9/18/2018.
Fan Art Artist: KonekoLoli613
When Plagg woke up, it wasn't the peaceful way he would want to wake up, which was to the delicious smell of Camembert, oh no, but it was due to Adrien shouting at Plagg to wake up.
"Wake up Plagg, it's time for patrol with Ladybug!" Adrien shouted.
"I don't suppose I could enjoy a piece of Camembert before you transform?" Plagg asked him.
"Plagg, claws out!"
"That's a no," Plagg said grudgingly, letting himself get sucked in by the Miraculous.
Adrien grew cat ears, a mask, and a leather suit, and a tail, which completed the transformation. When he was fully transfigured, he jumped out of his window and headed towards Ladybug's general direction. When he arrived a few minutes later, she was already there waiting for him.
"Hello, Kitty," she said.
"M'lady, I heard a strange rumor today," he told her.
"Oh? What rumor?" Ladybug asked innocently.
"Well, I was informed that my kwami went out for a stroll trying to find some cheese and ended up being lost, but you showed up and saved the day," he said.
Ladybug laughed. "Oh, Plagg? Yeah I saved him; he's really nice."
"Well, he seems to be especially fond of you." Cat Noir said.
"Don't be jealous Kitty, you are still my favorite cat." she said, stroking the hair out of his eyes.
"Now, c'mon. We still have to patrol," she said jokingly.
After their patrol, which thankfully included no akumas, the two superheroes went their separate ways home. Cat Noir detransformed in his room and Plagg flew out, fainting dramatically.
"I'm exhausted, where's my precious Camembert?" Plagg whined.
Adrien rolled his eyes, but gave him a piece of cheese anyways. The rest of the night Adrien couldn't help but think about the fact that Plagg knew who the girl was behind the mask, and liked her. That fact made him love her even more, considering Plagg was not one to show affections.
Meanwhile at Marinette's house, Marinette was deep in has thought.
"What are you thinking about Marinette?" Tikki asked.
"Something just has me wondering. Plagg said he smelled cheese and followed the scent into my bag. If that's true, it's quite likely that Cat Noir goes to my school, or may even be in my class," Marinette absentmindedly, scrunching her face up in thought.
"That is quite likely, considering that even though Plagg loves his cheese, he wouldn't go to far away from his miraculous holder. He's not that irresponsible," Tikki said.
"Are you close with Plagg?" Marinette asked Tikki.
"Of course. He's my other half," Tikki said simply.
"I'll pack a Camembert tart in my purse then, so that I can hopefully lure him in and you two can have a conversation. I doubt you two get to talk frequently."
"I would like that very much. Thank you, Marinette!" Tikki smiled.
The next day, Marinette arrived at school with cookies, Tikki, and a Camembert tart in her purse. When she sat down to start the lesson, she opened her purse ever so slightly, hoping Plagg would catch wind of the scent of Camembert. When the lesson began, all Marinette could do is hope and wait.
On the other hand, Plagg was sitting in Adrien's bag munching on some Camembert. He remembered to pack some today and Plagg was eating it happily. When he had finished it, he noticed that he could still smell Camembert.
"Where is the smell coming from?" he wondered.
He popped his head out of Adrien's bag and tried to pinpoint the smell. To his surprise, it was coming from Marinette's purse. Marinette knew he loved cheese, Camembert especially. She must've done this for him.
Plagg like around to see if anyone was looking and then made a beeline for her purse, which was conveniently left open. Inside was a beautiful Camembert tart. Tikki was sitting next to the tart eating a cookie.
"Hello, Plagg" she said.
"Hello Tikki," Plagg replied. He flew the towards the tart.
"Marinette knew that we never get to talk. It's been so long Plagg, I've missed you." Tikki said.
Plagg's eyes softened. "I missed you too Tikki," he said.
"Plagg, if you don't mind me asking, who is your holder? You know mine. I would very much like to know who yours is," Tikki said.
Plagg sighed. It was only fair she knew his as he knew hers. "It's Adrien Agreste, the kid who sits in front of Marinette," Plagg said.
Tikki gasped. "You're not joking are you?"
Plagg waved his paw in annoyance. "No, why would I joke about something like this?"
"My goodness Plagg, They've formed a love square with each other! Marinette loves Adrien, who is Cat Noir, who in turn loves Ladybug, who is Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed.
Plagg burst out laughing. "Oh man, this is hilarious. I can't believe that Ladybug is crazy for Cat Noir and neither one knows it."
"Speaking of Cat Noir, how does he treat you? You know how Marinette treats me and I know you've had some rough handlers in the past," Tikki said.
"Don't worry, the kid treats me well. Granted, I could always go for a bit more Camembert but I can never get enough of it," Plagg said.
"That's good," Tikki said, looking relieved.
"Do you think they will ever reveal themselves to each other?" Plagg asked.
"Not intentionally, but I do think that someday their identities will be revealed to reach other," Tikki said.
"Well I hope that day comes soon, Marinette is an angel who makes the best cheese related food I've ever tasted." Plagg said. He licked his lips.
"Of course you'd be thinking with your stomach," Tikki giggled.
"Hey, a kwami's gotta eat," Plagg said.
"I know Plagg, I know," Tikki said.
By this point Plagg had finished the tart. Tikki moved closer to Plagg and they had begun to cuddle. They missed moments like these. The truth was time and time again their Miraculous holders fell in love, and in time so did they. They were fated for one another. However, their love didn't come without heartbreak. Sometimes it was centuries before they were together again, and then they were separated once more. Tikki was grateful that Marinette gave them this opportunity to be together; however, it was mind blowing how close they were to each other.
"I should probably go back to Adrien's backpack. I'll see you and Marinette soon," Plagg said.
"See you soon Plagg," Tikki said.
"Bye Tikki," he said and was about to fly back into Adrian's backpack when Tikki called out again.
"Plagg wait! Would you like to join Marinette and I for lunch tomorrow? She usually goes home for lunch, so you could feast on her treats."
"That would be delightful Tikki. I'll see tomorrow," Plagg said and flew back into Adrien's bag. The lunch bell rang and Marinette ran into the girl's washroom. Tikki flew out.
"So how did it go?" Marinette asked.
"It was wonderful, thank you Marinette! I asked Plagg to join us for lunch tomorrow, is that alright?" Tikki asked.
"Of course! Plagg is a wonderful guest, but it does mean I'll have to do some baking," Marinette giggled.
"You'll be baking all night to satisfy Plagg," Tikki laughed.
"Then we better go get started," Marinette said. Tikki flew back into her purse and Marinette went home to prepare baking up a storm for Plagg.
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