Ch.17 he likes someone else?

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Adrien went home smiling after school. He had repaired his relationships with both Marinette and ladybug. When he got home, he went to his room and Plagg flew out.

"So, looks like you sorted everything out," Plagg Said.

"Yeah," Adrien Said, smiling to himself.

"Now all you have to do is figure out which one you choose," Plagg Said.

Adrien froze. He was so involved in trying to fix his relationship He completely forgot about having to choose which path for his heart to follow.

"Ugh" Adrien said, sitting down on his bed.

"Don't worry Adrien, I went through the same thing." Plagg Said.

"Really? You went through the same thing?" Adrien asked sceptically.

"Yeah, i had a hard time choosing between Limburger and Camembert, but I just had to clear my taste buds and my heart told me Camembert," he said.

Adrien rolled his eyes and let himself collapse on his bed.

What was he going to do? Marinette or ladybug?

The next day at school, Adrien was still deep in thought about what to do. He didn't even realize he was lost in thought until he heard someone calling his name.

"Adrien? Bro, you okay?"

"Wh-what?" Adrien asked.

"Dude, you were spacing out like crazy," he said.

"Oh, sorry," Adrien said.

"It's cool," he said.

At lunch, Adrien caught up to Marinette.

"Hey, Marinette!" He called out.

"Oh, hey Adrien!" She said.

Adrien paused, not sure what to say next.

"Marinette, you told me that Cat Noir visits you, right?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Marinette asked.

Just do it. Just do it.

"Well, what do you think of him?" he asked.

There he said it. He looked at Marinette and watched her reaction, anxious of what she is going to say next.

"Well, what do you think of him,"

Marinette didn't know how to respond. Could she tell Adrien, her true feelings?

"He's a great guy. He kind, loyal to his friends, caring, outgoing, and so much more," Marinette said.

"There isn't enough words in the dictionary to describe how amazing he is," She said.

She felt her cheeks start to heat up a bit. Oh no! She couldn't let Adrien see her blushing when talking about cat Noir!

"I, uh have to go, see you tomorrow Adrien!" She said, then started heading towards her house, leaving a stunned Adrien.

Adrien went home and sat on his bed, stunned, silent. He didn't know what to say. Plagg flew out.

"Kid, are you okay? You seem to be frozen," he sad.

Adrien didn't reply. He didn't realize Marinette thought of him that way.

"Kid? Hello?" Plagg aske,d flying in front of his face and waved his hands.

"I didn't realize..." Adrien said.

"Didn't realize what?" Plagg asked.

"What? That your precious princess cares about you?"  Plagg asked.

Adrien was silent. He didn't know what to do,"

"Plagg claws out," he said cat noir transformed and went over to Marinette's house. He knocked on her window and waited for her to open the door.

"Hello cat noir!" She said.

"Hello purr-incess" he said, and came into her room.

"So, what's brought the stray kitty this time?" Marinette teased.

Cat noir faked hurt.

"And here I thought you liked my company," he said

Marinette laughed. He could listen to that sound for hours.

Marinette went downstairs and came back with the usual cookies and croissants. The two of them spent the next hour talking, joking and eating.

Cat Noir was silent for a moment, unsure wither or not to ask her about his love life problems.

"Cat? You okay?" Marinette asked.

"Mari, can i ask you something?" He asked.

"Of course," She said.

"Well, see there are two girls I like, one of them is ladybug who I've like for a long time, but the other girl is great too, and Ladybug doesn't seem to return my feelings, but I'm not sure anymore, but I don't know if the other girl does either, and I don't know what to do,"

Marinette was silent. He liked two girls? Who was the other one?

"Uh... is the other girl from your civilian life?" She asked.

"Well, Yes, but she also is a good friend of cat noir," he replied.

Marinette was silent.

"Well, does your heart feel a stronger connection with one or the other?" She asked.

"No, that's why I don't know what to do," he replied.

"Uh, sorry Cat, I'm not the best at relationship advice, especially since I don't really know either girl that well," Marinette said.

"I guess that's true, it was worth a shot." Cat Noir Said.

"Well, I better get going, it's almost time for patrol, see you later Marinette!" He said and left, leaving a quiet Marinette.

Tikki flew out fo her hiding spot.

"Marinette, are you okay?"

"He likes someone else?" She asked out loud, though more to herself than tikki.

Tikki was speaking g in the background but Marinette couldn't hear her. She was lost in her own world.

"He likes someone else..." she whispered.

"Marinette!" Tikki said.

"Ahhh! Who? What? Where?" Marinette Said.

"You have to transform, it's time for patrol," tikki said.

"Oh, right. Tikki spots on!"

Ladybug transformed and went to the Eiffel Tower, where Cat Noir was a,ready waiting for her.

"Good evening m'lady," He said with a bow.

"Good evening kitty," She said with a smile, she couldn't let cat Noir see she was upset, otherwise this could turn out to be a bad night for her.

" you know, I was just admiring the city, but it dulls in comparison to your beauty," Cat Noir Said.

Ladybug laughed.

"Flirt after we finish patrol," she said.

After they finished patrol, ladybug and cat noir met back at the Eiffel Tower.

"Cat Noir?" Ladybug asked.

"Yes bugaboo?" Cat Noir asked.

"I'm glad we repaired our relationship," she said.

"I am to ladybug," He said.

"I better get going, see you tomorrow kitty," Ladybug Said.

"Goodnight M'lady," He said as she swung off into the night,"

When Marinette got home and detransformed, she sat on her bed and sighed.

"Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"He likes someone else, but I don't know what to do, because he likes me as ladybug, the perfect girl,  but I want him to like Marinette," she said.

Tikki remained silent, unsure what to say. Marinette laid on her bed and let sleep overcome her.

The next day once class had started, Plagg was just chilling in adrien's bag when he started to smell cheese somewhere else. He poked his head out of his bag and looked at Marinette's purse. It had to be coming from there. Plagg checked around and then carefully flew into the purse, where tikki was waiting for him with a small piece of Camembert.

"Plagg!" She said and flew up to hug him.

"Good to see you to tikki, you have some Camembert?" He asked.

Tikki shook her head playfully before she flew over and handed him the Camembert.

"So Plagg, Marinette likes cat noir, but yesterday Cat noir came and he told her he liked two people, one of which was ladybug. She doesn't want to lose him, but she wants him to love her as Marinette," tikki said.

"Well, he does," Plagg Said.

"I know, but what do I tell Marinette to do?" Tikki asked.

"Well, Cat Noir is the form where Adrien is free, he can do what he wants without the control of his father over him, and Marinette feels that everyone only loves ladybug cause she's the perfect super hero, so why not get her to confess to him as Marinette, it'll work." Plagg Said.

"Since when have you been so good at relationship advice," tikki teased.

"Since I found my true love Camembert." He replied.

Just then the school bell rang for lunch. As Usual, Marinette went home for lunch. She opened her purse and the two kwamis flew out.

"Plagg! It's so nice to see you again," Marinette said.

"Nice to see you to Marinette, tikki tells me you are having boy trouble,"

"Oh, well yeah, Cat Noir Said he likes someone else aside from ladybug and now I don't know what to do, I want him to love me for me, not for ladybug," She said.

"Then confess," Plagg Said.

"Wh-what? I can't do that!" Marinette said.

"Marinette, it's simple, you want him to love you for you, tell him how you feel, it will at least provide you with clarity of if he loves you beneath the mask," Plagg Said.

Marinette was silent. Plagg was right. If she wanted to know how he feels, she'll first have to tell him how she feels. It won't matter if he loves ladybug if he doesn't love Marinette.

"You're right Plagg,"

"Of course I am," he said.

Marinette went downstairs and returned with cookies and cheese for the two kwamis.

When they were finished Marinette headed back to school. She knew what she was going to do. She was going to confess her feelings to cat noir.

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