Ch.13 Acceptance pt.2

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Fan art artist: kaiyayame

"ACHOO!" Adrien sneezed. Sure enough, Ladybug was right. He had caught a cold When Natalie saw him sneezing, she insisted that Adrien stayed home for the day. So here he was, sneezing in his bed.

"maybe you should think about that the next time you jump into water without thinking. Cats don't like water," Plagg said.

"well, what would you have done?" adrien asked Plagg.

"Used Ladybug's yo-yo to get the kid out the water," Plagg said, munching on his cheese.

"Whatever," Adrien said.

"I need to get out of the house," Adrien said, standing up.

"Woah kid, where are you going? You're sick you need to lie down! Where would you even go?" Plagg asked.

"Mari's house." Adrien said.

"And she's still just a friend, huh?" Plagg asked.

Adrien didin't asnwer that.

"Plagg, Claws out!"

Cat Noir transformed and headed towards Marinette's house.

When he got there, he knocked on the window. Marinette opened it with a smile.

"Hey Cat Noir!" She said.

"Hey Princess," He said and entered her room.

"So, are you alright? I heard about you diving into the river."

"I'm *Achoo* Fine" He said.

Marinette reached out and touched his forehead.

"Cat Noir you have a fever you're burning up you should be at home, resting," She said.

"I'm fine," He said.

"C'mon," Marinette said, leading him towards her bed.

She laid him down and got him comfortable. She then went to the bathroom and got a towel and wet it with cold water. She returned and put the towel on his head. She then went downstairs and made some soup for Cat Noir. After she finished cooking it she poured a bowl and went upstairs. She sat on the bed next to Cat Noir.

"Mari what are you doing?" Cat asked.

"You're sick, I made you soup, " Marinette said.

Cat Noir tired to grab fro the soup, but he almost made Marinette drop it.

"Here, I'll feed you,"

"Mari, I'm fine," he said.

"No, your not, you're sick let me help you," Marinette said.

Cat Noir saw he wasn't going to win this fight and gave in. Marinette spent the next half hour feeding cat Noir. When She had finished feeding him, Cat Noir was almost asleep. Marinette was about to stand up and leave when Cat Noir grabbed her wrist.

"Stay," He said.

Marinette paused. She was nervous about how she would react if she was this close to Cat Noir. Before She could say anything Cat Noir rolled over and pulled Marinette on top of him. Marinette's face instantly started heating up. She was lying on top of Cat Noir! When she tried to get up again Cat Noir held her down

"Please stay," He said.

Marinette's blush became a deeper red.

"I guess it's okay,' Marinette thought to herself.

She let herself lay her head on his chest and she closed her eyes. Before long sleep had overcome both of them.

When Cat Noir woke up, he was feeling much better than before. He felt something warm on his chest and looked to see what it was. He was surprised to see it was Marinette. She was lying on top of him, fast asleep. Cat Noir started to blush. He vaguely remembered asking Mari to stay with him while he slept. He can't believe she stayed. She took care of him when he came. She was so kind and caring. Cat Noir gently got out of bed, careful not to wake Marinette. He went home and detransformed.

"Just a friend he says," Plagg said after Adrien detransformed.

"Plagg, you know I have feelings for ladybug," Adrien said.

"Uh-huh, which is why you went to Marinette's house and then asked her to stay with him while he slept," Plagg said.

"Plagg, stop talking or I won't buy you cheese," Adrien said.

Plagg gasped.

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." Plagg said.

"we'll see, won't we?" Adrien teased.

The next day at school, When Adrien saw Marinette, he went up to talk to her without thinking.

"Marinette, I-" He stopped himself. He was Adrien right now, not Cat Noir.

"Adrien?" Marinette asked.

"Marinette, I was wondering if you got the interview for our project?" he said.

"Uh, yeah, if you got your interview we can merge the interviews and send it to Ms Bustier. We could sent it to her today and our project would be done." Marinette said.

Ms Bustier walked into he class.

"Okay class, today is the last day you have to work on your projects so try to finish them," Ms Bustier said.

Adrien walked over to marinette.

"Okay, send me your footage and I'll send it to Ms Bustier.

"Okay, it's sent," Adrien said.

Marinette typed a few things into her phone.

"Okay, it's sent. Our project is done." Marinette said.

After school, Marinette and Adrien were walking together.

"so, how was your interview ladybug?" Marinette asked.

"It went really weel, she's really amazing," Adrien said.

"Yeah," Marinette said.

"Suddenly a perosn riding a bike came out of nowhere and came straight at Adrien.

"Adrien look out!" marinette said and pushed adrien out of the way. The bike sliced a long cut on her leg and it was bleeding pretty badly.

"Marinette are you okay?" he asked.

"Ow, yeah, the bike cut my leg," She said

"Here, let me help you to the nurse's office." he said, helping marinette up and putting her arm around his neck to help support her as she limped to the nurse's office.

"The Nurse seems to have left, so I'll help you," Adrien said, getting some bandages.

"It's okay Adrien, I can do it," marinette said.

"No, Marinette you pushed me out of the way of that bike, it's the least I can do," Adrien said.

He sat down in front of Marinette and began treating the wounds,"

"This is going to sting for a bit, but we need to clean the wound" He said, applying the alcohol wipe to the cut.

"Ah.." Marinette said.

After Adrien finished cleaning it, he bandaged it.

"All right, all done," Adrien said.

"Thank you Adrien. It was really nice of you to do this for me," Marinette said.

"I should be thanking you. You pushed me out of the way," Adrien said.

Marinette laughed.

"Your welcome Adrien, We should probably get going." She said.

"Yeah," he said

They both walked out of the school and went their seperate ways. When Adrien got home and went to his room, Plagg popped out.

"Just a friend,"

"Shut up Plagg,"

Adrien sat on his bed and realized he never did thank Marinette for caring for him when he was sick.

"Plagg, claws out," He said.

"Wait where are we going-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as he was sucked into the miraculous.

Cat Noir went through the city and made his way to Marinette's house.When he knocked on the window, Marinette opened it.

"Hello purr-incess" He said.

"Hey kitty, come on in," She said.

Once he came in, Marinette sat on her bed.

"So, what brings you here kitty?" She asked.

"I wanted to come here and thank you for taking care of me,"

"It was no problem kitty." She said, smiling.

"Here, come sit, I'll go get us some snacks." She said, so Cat Noir sat on her bed waiting to come back.

Marinette came back with croissants and cookies.

"Here," She said.

Cat Noir munched on the snacks, all the while Marinette watched with a smile on her face and her eyes filled with so much happiness.

"so, yesterday, waht time did you leave?" Marinette asked.

"Oh, it was late. I didn't want to wake you," Cat Noir said.

"You should've, I wanted to say goodbye,"

"But you look so cute when you're sleeping," Cat Noir siad.

Marinette playfully whacked him with a pillow.

"Hey, you look pretty cute when you sleep too," Marinette said while laughing.

Cat Noir responded by tickling her.

"hahaha No... I give... I give...." Marinette said between laughs.

Cat Noir was laughing to by now.

"Marinette? What's all that noise?" Her father said, coming up the stairs. Marinette quickly just threw the blanket over Cat Noir.

"Stay quiet," she said.

Her father opened the door.

"Marinette? Is everything okay in here? You seem to be making a lot of noise." He said.

"No, everything is fine papa," She said.

"Oh, okay then," He said and went back downstairs.

Marinette pulled the blanket off of cat noir.

"That was close," he said

Marinette started laughing again and Cat Noir joined in.

"You should go, I can't have my parents finding a superhero in my room," She said.

"Well then, until the next time princess," He said.

"Goodnight kitty," She said.

"Goodnight Marinette," he said.

Adrien got home and detransformed and Plagg flew out.

"Okay fine," Adrien said.

"What?" Plagg asked.

"I admit it, Marinette is more than a friend, I like her,"

"Finally," plagg said.

"Don't gloat plagg," Adrien said, handing him some cheese.

"I'm to busy eating cheese to gloat," Plagg said.

Adrien smiled.

He hated to admit plagg was right, but he was right. He definitely liked Marinette.

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