Ch.11 Interviews

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Fan art artist: Eden daphne

Marinette woke up the next morning and went to school. As she walked into school Alya ran up to her.

"Girl, you won't Believe this! Look at these photos I got!"

Marinette looked at the photos and saw they were of her and cat noir in romantic positions from last night. Alya had caught them!

"I found ladybug and cat noir cuddling at the Eiffel tower! My lady blog viewers are going crazy. As far as I know, I'm the first person to catch them." Alya said.

"Congratulations Alya!" Marinette said, even though all she wanted to do was whack herself in the head for being careless.

"Thanks, Marinette. People are so excited that ladynoir is finally confirmed." She said.

The bell rang and they made their way to class. Ms Bustier walked in.

"Alright class, today we are just going to continue working on the projects from yesterday," she said.

Alya went with Nino and Marinette went with Adrien.

"So, we are doing interviews with them for our project right? How are we going to get in contact with them?" Adrien asked.

Marinette paused before answering.

"Can you keep a secret?" Marinette asked.

Adrien nodded.

"Cat noir visits me every now and then ever since the evillistruator. He's coming tonight to do the interview and he said he'd ask ladybug." Marinette said.

"Your secret is safe with me." He said.

after school, Marinette went home and started sketching some designs. After a while, she heard a knock on the window. She opened it and was greeted by those piercing green eyes.

"Hello princess," he said

"Hello, Kitty." She said.

She let him in and then got him some croissants to eat.

"So, are we going to start the interview?" He asked.

"Yup, let me just get the camera set up."

After an hour of asking questions, Marinette had finished

"We're done," Marinette said.

"Well, that's good. You got everything you need?" He asked.

"Yup, and you'll talk to ladybug?" Marinette asked.

"Cat's honour. But in the meantime, I didn't just come here for the interview. Do you have any more croissants?" He asked.

"Marinette laughed and threw her pillow at him, resulting in cat noir throwing it back, resulting in a full-out Pillow fight.

The pillow fight was a full out war, neither one of them giving in
It would've continued but suddenly they heard a voice.

"Marinette? What's all that noise?" She asked.

Marinette froze, then without thinking shoved cat noir into a closet just as her mom opened the door.

"Marinette, are you alright?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm just moving some stuff around." She said.

"Oh, okay," Sabine said then closed the door.

Marinette opened the closet and cat noir fell out.

"Give a guy a warning before you do that? Cats don't exactly like enclosed spaces" he said

"Sorry cat noir. It was just impulsed." She told him

"It's alright, I've been in worse situations." He said with a smile.

Marinette laughed

"I'm sure you have," she said

"Well, I best be going. Until next time princess," he said then left.

Marinette laid on her bed and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next morning Adrien and Marinette worked on the project during class again.

"So, here is the video of the interview with cat noir." She said, gesturing to the USB key.

"Great, now all we have to get is an interview with ladybug." Adrien said.

Shouldn't be too hard. Cat noir said he would ask her.

" Well, then all we can do is wait." He said.

That night on patrol, ladybug waited for cat noir to show up.

"Hello, M'lady,"

"Hello Kitty," she replied

"M'lady, I have a favour to ask you," he said.

"Oh?" Ladybug asked. She knew what it was, but feigned ignorance.

"Bugaboo, a friend of mine named Marinette is doing a school project on us, and are doing interviews. I've already done an interview with her, so I was wondering if you could do an interview with her partner Adrien" cat noir said.

Ladybug smiled.

"Of course I'll do it. I'll be at Adrien's house tomorrow. I'm assuming this is Adrien Agreste" ladybug asked.

"The one and only." He said with a smile.

"I'll be there tomorrow. Now let's get to patrol." She said.

Once patrol was done, Marinette went home and detransformed. Tomorrow she was going to spend time with Adrien as Marinette as well as ladybug.

"Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for you Marinette," Tikki said.

"Yeah, I'm going to bed. I want to be ready for tomorrow." She said.

Once she fell asleep, she started dreaming. She was looking in on the world like a ghost. She saw herself walk home and go to her bedroom, then there was a knock on the window. After she opened it, cat noir came in.

"Hey, Kitty. How was your day?" Marinette asked.

"It was a tough day, but I know what would make it better.." his voice said suggestively.

Marinette giggled and walked up closer to cat noir, then kissed him.

"My day has become purr-fect." He said.

Ghost Marinette was watching this with shock. She couldn't believe it. What's going on? Why would she kiss him?

Marinette woke up from her dream, Tikki was sound asleep. She cradled her knees with her hands. Why would she dream about kissing cat noir? She only loves Adrien.....


Adrien had gone home excited. Tomorrow his lady would be talking to him as a civilian.

"Calm down kid, your acting as if you just received some of the most finely aged Camembert in the world," plagg said.

Adrien just rolled his eyes.

"I get to be with M'lady tomorrow without the mask! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. What if she thinks of me differently then she does of me as cat Noir?" He asked.

"Kid, I think you are overreacting," plagg said

Adrien sighed. "Maybe I am," he said.

His thoughts drifted to Marinette. The pillow fight they had earlier, her courage to stand up to his father. Everything about her was perfect. Adrien saw where his thoughts were heading and shook them out of his head. This was ridiculous. His heart only belonged to his lady.


The next day, school seemed to go by very slow for Marinette. She knew it had to do with with the fact that she was meeting Adrien as her alter ego today.  When school was finally over, Marinette ran home and Tikki popped out.

"Marinette, just remember to breathe," Tikki said

"Okay, Tikki spots on!"

After she had transformed, she went over to the Agreste mansion and knocked on Adrien's window.

"Hey ladybug, are you here for the interview right?" Adrien asked

"Yup, so you mind if I come in?" Ladybug asked

"Of course I don't mind. Come on in ladybug" Adrien said.

Ladybug came in and sat on his couch.

"You have a nice room," she said.

"thanks," Adrien replied.

"Okay, let's get the interview started shall we?" Ladybug said.

Adrien spent the next while asking ladybug interview questions. finally, when Adrien had finished asking the interview questions he paused.

"Is that all the questions?"

"Do you think you'd ever give Cat Noir a chance?" Adrien asked.

Ladybug paused, shocked by the question.

"I mean, he's made it pretty clear he has feelings for you, do you think you would ever return his feelings?" Adrien asked.

Ladybug paused, unsure how to answer.

"Is this... part of the interview?" Ladybug asked.

"No, I'm just curious," He said

Ladybug sighed.

"Cat Noir is loyal, kind, brave, selfless outgoing and so many more things. The list goes on and on. Maybe one day I will develop feelings from him, after all, he's always there for me, but there is this boy, who I actually met right before I became ladybug, and he took it before Cat Noir had a chance. However, you never know. My heart could easily change its mind one day." Ladybug said.

Adrien was silent after that. A boy had stolen her heart before he even had the chance.

"Well, I better get going. Bye Adrien," She said and then leap away.

"Goodbye M'lady," He whispered.

Plagg popped out from hiding.

"So, that went well," Plagg said.

"Another boy stole her heart before I even had the chance," Adrien said.

"Did you not hear the second part?" Plagg asked.

"The second part?" he asked.

"She said that her heart could change its mind. The fact that she said that means you have a chance,"

Plagg knew that Adrien already owned his lady heart, of course, he couldn't actually SAY that, as much as he wanted to.

"I guess you're right, I just have to stay positive," Adrien said with a smile.

Meanwhile, after Marinette had gotten home and detransformed tikki popped out.

"Your heart belongs to another boy, but it might change its mind, Marinette its sounds like your heart is already starting to change its mind," Tikki said.

"Tikki, no, My heart belongs to only Adrien," she said, but even as she said it she could hear the uncertainty in her heart. But she wouldn't let her heart be swayed. Not yet anyway.

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