A "Noisy" Customer + Prank Gone Wrong + NTV Beatdown

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*Meanwhile, outside Peppino's pizza business*

???: *Looking into the camera lens* Is the camera on, Todd?

Todd: It's on, Mr. Noise. *Holds the camera up onto his shoulder, as he flies above his boss* You're on the air in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...and action! *Points the camera in the Noise's direction*

The Noise: *Holds his microphone up* Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to another episode of "Noisy Pranks"! Today, we will be pranking our most funniest... *Whispers under his breath* ...and most stupidest, chef in our little town! Oh? "What kind of prank are you going to pull off today?" you say? Well, let me demonstrate to you lucky fans! *Enters Peppino's pizza business*

Y/n: *Holding a deck of 5 cards in her hand, as she glances up at Gerome* ...You don't have a full house, do you?

Gerome: *Chuckles* Why would i tell you that?

Tobias: *Hops onto Y/n's lap, and whispers into her ear*

Y/n: Oh? Ah, that's a shame...

Gerome: *Watching Y/n, his eyebrow raised* You're not cheating, are you, Y/n?

Y/n: Me? Cheat at poker? I would never do such a thing.

Gerome: Then you wouldn't mind if you showed your cards? *Places his deck of 5 cards on the table*

Y/n: A four of a kind? I've got a four of a kind. *Places her deck of 5 cards on the table*

Gerome: Well, looks like i've lost...i got 4 eight's...you have 4 ten's...

Y/n: Yes! I did it, Tobias! Hello, $100. *Pockets the $100* Now, we can pay Mr. Stick the rent money this week.

The Noise: *Kicks the front entrance to Peppino's pizza business open* Peppino?? Your old pal Noisey has come to pra- i mean, order!

Gerome: There's my cue to get back to work...you should too, Y/n.

Y/n: Finally, a customer at last. Come on, Tobias. *Places Tobias on her shoulder* It's pizza time.

Gerome: Oh, and Y/n? Please, don't fall for the Noise's tricks... *Grabs his mop, and begins mopping up the floors*

Y/n: Uh...what do you mean by that, Gerome? *Turns back to the counter to hear loud ringing* Yes, yes, i'm coming. *Picks up a nearby notepad and pencil from the kitchen table, before rushing towards the counter* What can i get for you, sir?

The Noise: Eh? Where's Peppino? Did he finally abandon his job at becoming a pizza chef? So, what? He got you to do his dirty work? *Bursts out into laughter*

Y/n: What? No! He left a few hours ago to run some errands, so, he left me in charge for the time being.

The Noise: Sure, toots. Whatever you say... *A lightbulb appears above his head, a cheeky grin slowly forming on his face* ...wait a moment...if you're in charge...and with Peppino gone...

Y/n: *Notices the floating camera behind the Noise* What's with the camera? Am i on tv or something?

The Noise: Why yes you are, my friend. Say, i have an errand for you.

Tobias: *Let's out a distressed meep in alarm, as he furiously shakes his head*

Y/n: Jeez, Tobias, what's gotten into you today? *Places Tobias on the counter* Sorry about Tobias...he's not normally like this...

Tobias: *Stomps his foot in frustration*

The Noise: Not to worry... *Looks at her name tag on her shirt* ...Y/n. Here, i would like you to watch over this delicious cake that i made for my dear friend, Peppino. *Pulls out a cake, which was in the shape of his face*

Y/n: Wow! *Takes the cake shaped like the Noise* Triple chocolate! Buttercream icing? *Gasps* Even thornton's melted chocolate? It even has a small sign that reads, "FOR MY BEST FRIEND, PEPPINO, FROM, THE NOISE" . It's even made out of dark chocolate! Peppino is going to LOVE this!

The Noise: *Grinning evilly, as he twirls his moustache* Oh, he sure will.

Y/n: Did you say something, Noise?

The Noise: I said he sure will love to light the candle on his cake...sadly, he isn't here...so i'm going to light it for him! *Pulls out a lighter from his other pocket, as he lights the flame, before lighting the candle on the cake*

Tobias: *Starts to panic, as he rushes to nudge Y/n's leg*

Y/n: Are you sure we shouldn't just wait for Peppino to come back- what is it, Tobias? *Turns around, and looks down at Tobias in annoyance*

The Noise: Nonsense, my friend! We wouldn't mind waiting just a few moments for our overwe- uh...best, friend, would we? *Lightly nudges Tobias with his foot, before kicking him away* Here, let me take the cake into the kitchen. *Grabs the cake from Y/n*

Tobias: *Lightly bumps into the wall, as he slowly gets up, a dazed look on his face, until he notices the lit "candle" on the cake*

Y/n: No, no, no, let me take it into the kitchen. *Grabs the cake back from the Noise*

The Noise: I insist, my friend. *Reaches for the cake* I'll bring the cake-

Y/n: *Holds the cake away from the Noise* Like i said, i will bring this cake into the kitchen! No help needed!

Todd: *Watching Y/n and the Noise's squabble over the cake, his camera pointed at them both* Uh...boss?

Tobias: *Runs towards Y/n, yelping fearfully to get her attention*

Gerome: *Pokes his head from the kitchen* What's all the ruckus in there?

Y/n: Everything's okay, Gerome. No need to worry-

The Noise: *Snatches the cake from Y/n* I'll carry it!

Y/n: *Grapples over the cake, trying to yank it out of the Noise's grip* Get your hands off of the cake, Noise! I said i will handle it!

Tobias: *Watching the "candle" disappear under the icing, before he let's out a loud meep*

Gerome: *Steps out of the kitchen* Is there a problem, young one?

Tobias: *Rolls towards Jerome hurriedly, and whispers into his ear*

Gerome: *Raises an eyebrow, only for his eyes to widen in fear, before he sprints towards Y/n* Y/n! The cake! It's-

Y/n: I said, HANDS OFF!!

The Noise: *Smirks evilly* Alright. Whatever you say. *Let's go of the cake*

Y/n: *Steps back, only to accidentally trip over a rolling pin on the floor, causing her to fall back and lose her grip on the cake*

Gerome: *Jumps out of the way from the cake, and rushes to grab Tobias*

Tobias: *Leaps back from being flattened by the cake*

Y/n: Tobias?? Oh, thank goodness...i thought you had gotten hur-

*Meanwhile, outside Peppino's pizza business*

Pepperman: *Walking towards Peppino's pizza business* Once i get my hands on that girl, i'm gonna- *Jumps back to witness the glass window to Peppino's pizza business explode* ...... *Turns around and starts walking back home* ...maybe another time.

*Back inside Peppino's pizza business*

Y/n: *Pushes a broken table off of herself* Tobias?? Gerome?? Noise?? Where are you??

Gerome: Over here... *Behind the counter, crouching over a familiar tomato toppin*

Y/n: *Peers behind the counter, and gasps in horror* TOBIAS!! *Runs next to Gerome* I-is, he-

Gerome: He'll be okay...he's just got a broken leg... *Wrapping some bandages around Tobias's small leg*

Tobias: *Cries out in pain*

Y/n: Ssshhh, it'll be okay, Tobias...rest now...Gerome? What the h### was in that cake?

Gerome: That explosion, happened to be a stick of dynamite planted inside the cake by yours truly... *Motions to the Noise and his cameraman*

Todd: I got it all on camera, boss. Let's skedaddle before Peppino returns.

The Noise: *Pushing a table aside, picks up his microphone from the floor, before turning to look at the camera* There you have it, my adoring fans! Pranking the new girl instead of Peppino was easier than i thought! Maybe i should start pranking her every day instead! *Chuckles* Until next time, folks, on "Noisey Pranks"!

Todd: *Lowers his camera, as he takes a step back from the Noise* B-boss?

The Noise: Not now, Todd. Let's wait for Peppino to arrive on the scene. His reaction to the state of his pizza business will be priceless!

Todd: We should really get going, boss-

The Noise: Oh, yeah? Who's going to stop us?

Y/n: *Behind the Noise, a dark look on her face, her teeth clenched, her fists clenched tightly in anger* I aM.

The Noise: *Slowly turns around to notice Y/n, sweat dripping from his head* H-hey, Y/n, was it? This isn't what you think...this is all just a big misunderstandi-

Y/n: *Grasps ahold of the Noise by his neck in a crushing grip*

*Meanwhile, inside Noisette's cafe*

Peppino: *Sighs in bliss* Thank you'a so much for the tea, Noisette...this really hits the spot.

Noisette: No problem, Peppino! Anything for a friend! Oh! Look! Noisey's on tv!

Peppino: That meddlesome little- wait, is that Y/n? He's in my pizza business?? *Screams in anger* MY PIZZA BUSINESS!! WHAT DID HE DO TO MY PIZZA BUSINESS?? *Breaks the cup he's holding in his hand in fury, shattering it into tiny pieces*

Noisette: T-take it easy, Peppino. Maybe he's promoting your business so more customer's will come to your pizza business.

Peppino: Since when has the Noise ever promoted anything good about my pizza business?? I'm going over there!

Noisette: N-now, now, Peppino...i'm sure Y/n can handle your pizza business just fine by herself. S-see? She's talking with him...she's going to take part in broadcasting your pizza business on live tv...she's, uh...she's...

The Noise: *Screams in terror*

Peppino: *Watching the beatdown on tv, his rage slowly dissipating, being replaced with a calm and relaxed expression* You'a know what? I think Y/n has everything covered. *Sits back down at the counter, and drinks his tea*

Noisette: *Sighs disappointingly* I'll call an ambulance...

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