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The same day, the soft glow of the evening cast a warm ambiance in Milica's living room as she and Lisa settled in for an impromptu movie night. The table was adorned with an array of snacks—cookie-dough ice cream, Oreos, Nando's takeout, and an assortment of chocolates. The air was filled with the aroma of comfort food, creating a haven for the heart-to-heart conversation that was about to unfold.

As they immersed themselves in the sugary indulgence, Milica couldn't escape the emotional turmoil that lingered beneath the surface. Determined not to succumb to the cliché of crying over romantic movies, she found herself doing exactly that. Lisa, sensing her friend's need for company, had quickly joined her in the emotional rollercoaster, armed with snacks and an open heart.

As scenes of love and heartbreak played out on the screen in the form of "13 Going on 30," Milica couldn't help but feel a pang of resonance with Jennifer Garner's character. The realization struck her like a gentle breeze, carrying with it the weight of unspoken truths.

In the midst of ice cream and heartfelt confessions, Milica took a deep breath. "You know, Lisa, I think I've been blind to something for a while."

Lisa, ever the perceptive friend, leaned in with curiosity. "Spill the tea, Milica. What's been going on?"

Milica sighed, her gaze fixed on the TV screen where Jennifer Garner's character was navigating the complexities of love. "I think I've been missing something that was right in front of me."

Lisa, sensing the shift in the conversation, encouraged her to continue. "What do you mean?"

Milica, her voice tinged with realization, confessed, "I've been so caught up in the idea of what love should look like that I overlooked someone who's been there for me all along. Someone who cares about me deeply."

Lisa's eyes widened with understanding. "Wait, are you saying...?"

Milica nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "I think I've been blind to Dominik's feelings for me. I always thought it was just our flirty friendship, you know? But now I see it differently."

Lisa grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

Milica, contemplating the newfound revelation, replied, "I need to talk to him. I need to be honest with myself and with him. I can't let this go on without acknowledging what's been right in front of me."

As the credits rolled on the movie, Milica felt a sense of clarity settle within her. The twists and turns of the game of hearts had led her to a moment of realization—a moment where the threads of connection with Dominik seemed to untangle, revealing a truth that had been concealed by the nuances of their friendship.

Little did Milica know that the conversation with Lisa, and the revelations that followed, would set the stage for a conversation with Dominik that held the promise of uncharted territories—a conversation that would navigate the delicate dance between friendship and the potential for something more. As the night unfolded, the stars witnessed the quiet transformations that took place within Milica's heart, ready to script a new chapter in the intricate tapestry of her intertwined life with Dominik.

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