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Ashton's POV

"You havent remembered anything else?" Winter asked desperately.

"No," I sighed, "the last thing I remembered was when we got out matching scared because of my stupid bike." I small smiled.

Winter and I closed the door to the back section of the tour bus, to have some privacy.

"I know Ash, but that was almost 4 months ago." Winter sighed. "I thought by the end of the tour, you would have remembered more."

"Hey," I smiled lifting her sad head. "It's not your fault. I've just got bad brains."

"Did you know that Calum and Michael still have late night chats with Emma and Patty." Winter smirked.

"Oh really?" I laughed. "That is interesting."

"I know." Winter smirked. "We should have another meeting somewhere before we head back home."

"Like what?" I smiled, intrigued in her plan.

"Let's go back to the beach. Everyone seemed to love that." Winter smiled in excitement.

"Okay, let's ask John and see if that's how we can spend our last day's off before heading back home."


"I don't see why not." John said over the phone. I had him on speaker so we could both heard him. "It's your decision."

"Okay but don't tell the boys. I want it to be a surprise." Winter smiled.

"Alright, but don't give security a hard time." He said before hanging up. John had to go home early because of some family issues, but he said he trusted security. He also said we weren't that famous yet, so we couldn't get in that much trouble.


"I cant believe John wants us to go home early." Michael sighed as we got onto the plane.

"I know, he said he trusted security." Luke sighed.

"It's us he doesn't trust." I laughed.

The entire plane ride, the boys complained until they realized that the ride was shorter than the trip back home.

The voice on the overhead said we were landing in California and the boy jumped for joy.

"What!" Luke shouted. "Did you know about this?" Michael asked Winter.

"Me??" She shouted in a shocked tone. "How was I going to know this?"

"Did we get on the wrong plane?" Calum joked.


I decided to drive our car all the way to the girl's house and Winter agreed. Luke secretly told us his suspicions about hanging out with Emma and Patty, and he agreed not to tell Michael and Calum.

On the way over there, we were all singing and having a good time until Winter turned down the radio. "Do you two still talk to Emma and Patty?" She asked.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"Because whenever they don't respond to me, it's because they are talking to someone else." Winter smirked.

"That doesnt mean it's our fault." Calum shrugged. "They could have been busy today." Michael said.

"Well they could be busy today but I doubt they've been busy for the past 4 months." Winter smirked just as I pulled up to their house.

"Oh look where we are." Luke smirked.

Winter got out of the car and stood in front of their house. "HEY BITCHES COME OUT HERE AND HUG ME!" She shouted. Two familiar faces peeked out from the top window and I waved.

Within seconds they came rushing out of the front door to hug Winter. "We've been seeing all the places you go." Emma smiled as they approached the car.

Michael and Calum stepped out and the girls separated Winter's side and ran into their arms.

"I KNEW IT YOU ASSHOLES!" Winter shouted.

The boys, Emma and Patty went inside to change while Winter and I waited in the car. Since we knew we were going to the beach, we were already changed underneath our clothes.

"I don't think Emma and Patty have been to any of your concerts." Winter sighed.

"Really?" I started thinking of all the concerts we've had and then I started to think of Winter.

Winter hasn't been to any of our concerts either. She always had something else to do. Whether it be help set up the next show or help John with something, she was never there. During the first show, she was waiting in the dressing room but ever since then, she was acting strange and didn't want to attend anymore.

"Well, you know we are planning another tour for the new album we are writing. Maybe they'll attend one of those." I smiled. I didn't want to ask her why she never went to any of our shows right now. When we got home we would have time for that.

"That's not for another year." She teased. "But you have a point."

Luke came out of the house first and came rushing to the car. "Now I understand why you guys hated it when I was with Nicole." He sighed.

Michael and Calum came out of the house with their arms wrapped around Emma and Patty. "GROSS!" Winter yelled from the car and their faces turned red.


"Why don't we ever go to the beach back home?" Calum asked playing with the sand

"Because we are home. This is like a vacation." Luke explained.

"Let's go in the water." Patty smiled to Emma.

"Okay. Let's go boys." Emma smiled.

"Nah." Michael shrugged.

"Fuck you both, I'm going in." Luke shouted as he started going toward the water.

"What did you say Hemmings?" Calum said offended.

"FUCK YOU CALUM!" Luke shouted as he started running from Calum who was now chasing him.

Patty pulled Michael up from the sand and they went for the water. Again, leaving Winter and I on the sand.

"You can go in, I won't mind." Winter smiled to me.

"No. I'm fine up here with you, but Calum might not be." I laughed as I spotted Calum sneaking behind Winter.

He picked her up from the sand and started taking her toward the water.

She kicked and screamed for him to put her down, but she was over his shoulder so there was no way to she was getting down. I stood to watch it all go down, while Luke and Michael cheered him on. The closer he got to the water the more Winter screamed. I glanced over to Emma and Patty, and they seemed worried. They started telling Calum to put her down, but he continued laughing.

I starred at the terror in Winter's face.

The sound of water splashing against us both, defeated the sun that was beating down on us.

"I really like swimming. I could be a lifeguard." I laughed to Winter.

"You could be Ashton. This was a fun- fun idea." Winter's face started slowly going more into the water and her lips were darker.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I started going toward her.

"I'm- I'm okay." She small smiled trying to hide her concern, but I saw through it.

"Do you want to get out of the pool?" I asked as I started getting closer. We were maybe a couple feet in distance now.

Winter started flaring her arms around in a panic before she yelled and went under.

Immediately I dived after her. Under the water, she was trying to swim back up to the surface but she kept sinking. Adrenaline ran through my veins as I wrapped my arms around her and quickly went to the surface.

Winter coughed a couple times and then clung to me with her entire life. "It's okay, I've got you." I said concerned as I got us to the edge.

I helped her out first and then got out myself. She sat with her head in her knees. I sat beside her and just wrapped my arms around her.

"CALUM DON'T!" I yelled. Before I knew it, I started running toward them, but I was too late.

Calum was already waist deep into the ocean. Luke and Michael laughed out loud, while Emma and Patty struggled to walk through the water.

It seemed as if I blinked before I was in the water myself. "So you decided to join?" Michael teased.

Winter kept shouting out before Calum threw her into the ocean. He thought it was all fun and games but I now knew it wasn't.

"What's up Ash?" Calum asked as I swam past him toward Winter.

"Oh shit!" I heard Luke yell in fear as I glanced up toward Winter. Again, her arms flaring out in panic before she went under. The tide and currents were extremely strong that day, making it hard to swim. The water wasn't the clearest, making it hard to see her. But I managed to make out her figure, from under the water I heard two other bodies dive into the ocean.

I had another flashback to when we were kids as I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her up to the surface. She took a deep breath before clinging onto me.

"It's okay." I small smiled, "I've got you."

Michael and Luke came up from the water and met Winter and I as I started swimming toward the surface.

"Are you okay?!" Michael shouted. "Winter I'm so sorry." Calum added as he stood in shock.

"It's okay." Winter said out of breath.

Emma and Patty helped Calum out of the water, while Luke and Michael helped me fight off the currents with Winter at my side.

"You're lips are dark." Luke said concerned. "Are you cold?" Michael asked.

As we got toward the shore I picked Winter up in my arms and walked her back toward the sand.

Calum knelt beside her as I set her down. "I'm sorry, I didn't want-" he started. Winter ran her hand through his hair and smiled. "It's okay." She said softly.

I grabbed my warm shirt from the sand and gave it to Winter. She took off her wet shirt and put mine on. "Let's go." Michael said concerned.

"I'll get everything." Emma said. Luke and Patty helped her pick up our little set up.

I grabbed Winter's arm to help her up. "Can you make it to the car or-" I started.

"I can do it." She said shoving my arm away.

She took one step and collapsed into the sand. I quickly knelt beside her, holding her in my arms.

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