More of @GachaGirlinLumios's prompts...This game is going to be loooooong.
The original 10 will be playing.
1. Trickster
2. Patessier Gretel
3. Lollipop
4. Prince Blanc
5. Villainess
6. Scissors
7. Strawberry Witch
8. Witch Girl Style
9. Raspberry (and Fox)
10. Indigo (and Fox)
1. 3 is walking down the street when they see a clown. With a chainsaw. Coming at them. What do they do?
Lolli: NO NO NO!!!! I DON'T like the Horror House!!!! *runs away*
2. 8 now has everyone under her control. Does she do anything special to any of the OCs?
Majora: Stardust supply from Baku, magical knowledge from Ichigo, the power of the Fox twins, and the resources of the deMonique Corporation... Finally, my utopia will become reality!
Monique: He should be afraid of me....
4. 10 accidentally drinks a love potion and is now in love with 4. (If 10 was already in love with 4, then he hates them now. Because that's how love potions work.) What happens?
Aitetsu: My prince!!!
Charles: What is this, Len x Kaito garbage? Someone stop this game!
5. 2 has turned into a robot and has awesome robotic powers. What does she do with them?
6. Aww, 3 is crying because...well I'm not sure why. Anyway, how does 7 cheer him up?
Ichigo: Oh, cheer up little one! Have a pastry!
Lolli: Thank you *sniff*
Gretel: NO! Now she'll feel even worse!!!
7. Why is 10 hugging that teddy bear?
Aitetsu: I guess I'm just lonely...
8. Oh God. It turns out that teddy bear is cursed with an evil spirit and is trying to kill 10 now. Does 4 help or be a douche and leave 10 to die?
Charles: Fear not, I shall rescue you! *runs bear through with sword*
Aitetsu: My, um...hero?
Charles: Okay, this is just awkward.
9. 5 has been kicked out of their house/rock/wherever they live because...just because. Who's gonna offer to take 5? (Teehee. That sounds kinda...Yeah.)
Charles: That villainess got what she deserved.
Gretel: I'm not taking her...
Lolli: Scaaaary! No!
Suou: Yeah, scary!
Hasami: Don't even think about it.
Majora: No, I don't think so.
Baku: I'll gladly take care of you!
Monique: Thank you...
Baku: Very well then...I hope you like monochrome. *snickers to himself*
10. 9 now has the power of the force. Who does she kill with it first?
Aitetsu: Oh Muse, my sister has the Force.
11. 1 is being chased by a rabid dolphin with a pitch fork. How does 8 help 1?
*smoke and Stardust clears to show the dolphin asleep. Looks like they took care of it just fine.*
12. 7 catches 3 watching porn. 7's reaction?
Ichigo: *covers Lolli's eyes* NO NO NO DEAR GOOD GIRLS DON'T WATCH THAT
13. What's 2's favorite color? (No, I couldn't come up with something better.)
Gretel: Orange, of course!
14. 4's favorite animal?
Charles: A horse...preferably white.
15. Well guess what? Mutant Cat was not impressed with those answers, so as punishment, he's going to eat 10. Does anyone care?
Suou: NO!!!! MY BROTHER!!!! You're going to regret that.....
16. Give me a song that reminds you of 5. JUST DO IT.
Probably "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish.
17. Okay, well, see, that song is now going to play in 5's head throughout the whole quiz. Over and over and OVER again. (If you didn't find a song that reminds you of 5, the Happy Happy Joy Joy song will automatically start playing in her head. Yaaay.)
Monique: I am not impressed.
18. So tell me, 8. What is your most evil desire? MOST. EVIL. DESIRE!?
Majora: I want the world to become just like my fantasies...
19. Yeah, you suck. So I am now going to send mutant ketchup covered pancakes to eat 9. Because seeing food eat people is ironic and fun.
Baku: I have no idea. Besides, their dreams are much tastier. Well, Suou's are...
Hasami: Don't you get started too...
20. So now 9's dead. BUT WAIT. I revived her. But the catch is, 9 is now a bloody rotten zombie corpse thing even though she only been dead for less than 15 minutes. WHAT HAPPENS?
Gretel: So now we have a spontaneously transforming kitsune AND an undead spontaneously transforming kitsune...Oh Muse.
21. 5 is going to sleep when she hears something moving under her bed. She thinks nothing of it until...THAT THING GRABS HER LEGS. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. What does 5 do?
Monique: I feel sorry for you, monster.... But it is only fair. *She calls her minions to taze the monster*
22. 6 serenades 1. Does 1 find this weird or romantic?
Baku: Ah...shouldn't this be the other way around?
23. 2, 3, 4 and 5 go to a Miley Cyrus concert even though they've never heard her sing. Show us what they do a few minutes into her first song.
Gretel: Why am I here? I don't even like Miley Cyrus.
Lolli: This is weird...
Charles: Personally, I prefer classical.
*Monique can't hear anything because she has "Bad Guy" stuck in her head*
24. 10 is walking through the woods late at night and gets lost. All of a sudden, something grabs him from behind. What does 10 do?
Aitetsu: *whirls around* Who's there?
25. Ah, don't worry. It was just 7. But now they're stuck alone in the woods. What do they do until someone comes to the rescue? Do they even wait for someone to rescue them?
Ichigo: Don't worry, my shop is just this way!
Aitetsu: How do you know?
Ichigo: I have a way of knowing when people are lost in the forest....
Baku: Hmm...This reminds me of someone I know...
Hasami: Ha ha, I'm a boy! Bet my nightmares don't smell so good now, huh?
Gretel: I still look like Hansel in a dress.
Aitetsu: Am I Suou?
Suou: Am I Aitetsu?
Monique: This outfit...doesn't quite fit anymore....
Majora: NOT AGAIN!!!
Ichigo: So...does this make me "Strawberry Wizard?"
27. *Twitch* Okay. So they've switched back to their original genders, thank God. But now they're all naked. What happens?
28. *Cringe* Okay...Now...IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! I want 3 to cover him in peanut butter and 4 to cover him in jelly. AND THEN DANCE.
Hasami: That's it, I QUIT!
*Lolli has just passed out. Baku is crouching by her for some reason*
29. Yay! 5 asks 1 to come play with him. But 1 notices that 5 is holding a knife behind his back. What does 1 do?
Baku: You can't fool me dear, I know there's a knife behind your back.
Monique: You can never be too careful...
30. 6 finds 9 asleep on his bed (or wherever he sleeps). Does 6 let 9 just sleep there, or does he violently wake 9 up?
Hasami: Hey! Get up, you stupid kid! Hey! *nudges her* Dang...she won't move.
31. Now I want everyone to couple up. JUST DO IT.
Baku: Such a hard decision...but I choose my teddy bear, of course! *hugs her*
Hasami: Why did I feel like I ever had a choice?
Gretel: Ummm...I guess I pick Aitetsu? He is a pretty good cook...
Charles: I choose Lolli! I'm not letting that witch put a spell on me!
Ichigo: What do you think. Witch schoolmates stay together?
Majora: I suppose so...
*Suou and Monique look at each other*
Suou: So...Big Sis Monique?
Monique: *muttering to herself* It's only fair. It's only fair. It's only fair.
32. And then a random meteor hits...somewhere, which gives me an excuse to end this quiz. Woohoo! It's over now.
Hasami: THANK MUSE!!!!
33. Not really. Still 17 questions to go.
Hasami: GAAAAAH!!!!
34. Can 5 read?
Monique: I run a corporation. Of course I can read.
35. 1 and 3 are forced to get married. (This is getting quite repetitive, neh?) It's time to eat some wedding cake. But as the OCs sit down at the table, a random cake ninja jumps in, yells "CAKE IS A LIE!" and eats the cake in one gulp. Does anyone actually care?
*Lolli starts to cry*
Baku: Cheer up, dear, there's always the wedding feast...*licks his lips*
Gretel: Why do I have the feeling he meant something completely different?
36. 7 walks into a dark room and sees 1. What is 1 doing there?
Ichigo: How did you get in here...what's Lolli doing on the ground?
Baku: Never mind that, go back outside. There's nothing wrong, madam...
*Lolli suddenly stands up, surprisingly stiffly. Her eyes are completely grey*
37. 5 is holding a mudkip plushie. What is everyone else's reactions?
Aitetsu: That's not what I expected from you, either.
38. 7 is now Megatron and and 2 is Optimus Prime. (If you haven't watched Transformers, those two are arch enemies. Or something.) Is it a showdown or a tea party?
Gretel: So basically robot Hansel and Gretel?
39. 8 opens the door to their room where, and what do they find? Edward Cullen chained to their bed. Yeah. Why is he there and what happens next?
Majora: This isn't my did it get there?
Suou: Don't have one yet. Sounds cool, though!
41. 10 is rocking out to Fer Sure by The Medic Droid when...A giant mutant rat with fangs holding a magic fairy wand makes him/her smell like cotton candy. Who omnoms him/her first?
Aitetsu: Lolli, no. NO, don't do that. Lolli, don't lick me. LOLLI!!!!
42. Have you noticed that I put the numbers that identify the OCs in order starting from 38?
Hasami: No, and I don't care. Just end this already.
43. 6 and 2 are walking down the street when Shane Dawson jumps out of the bushes in front of them. What happens? (For those who don't know who Shane Dawson is, look him up on Google.)
Gretel: Wha? Are we on YouTube or something?
Hasami: Great. Just what I needed.
44. What color is 3's underwear?
Lolli: Oh, it's...
Charles: DON'T ASK HER THAT!!!!
45. Yaoi fangirls are taking over the world. How does 4 react?
Charles: Yaoi AGAIN?! Can Cendrillon stab me now?
46. 6 is walking out of a shop when fangirls/boys sees him and attack him. Does 7, 8, or 10 help him?
Ichigo: She has fans. Isn't that wonderful?
Majora: Very. *sarcastic*
Aitetsu: Give the girl a break. She deserves to know she's loved.
47. 1 finds a Deathnote. 15 minutes later, what happens?
Baku: Shinigami. So dramatic. I should return this....but I won't. I'll keep it for...sentimental reasons.
48. The king of Fairytale Land decides to choose one of the OCs to become a royal knight. Who does he certainly NOT pick?
Either Monique, because she's LITERALLY a villainess, or Baku, because you just know he'd be after the princess.
49. 5 pokes 10 on Facebook. What does 10 do?
Aitetsu: This is....REALLY unexpected.
50.'s OVER. If you thought it was that bad/long, just know that I was going to make it 100 questions. BE GRATEFUL. I WANT THE OCs TO SING A SONG FOR ME. KTHNX.
*They sing their respective songs, except for Monique, who sings "Bad Guy". She actually does it pretty well.*
(Forgive me @GachaGirlinLumios)
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