Phil proposes

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I slept through my alarm today. Today is the worst day for me to sleep through my alarm. It's 2:30. I was supposed to be up by 10 to make all the final preparations for tonight. Tonight, I'm going to ask her to marry me. I've been waiting my whole life for someone as incredible as she is and now that I've found her, I'm not going to let her go. Now that the moment is almost here, I'm getting very nervous. I have been sitting in bed, shaking at the terrifying prospect of this for the past 10 minutes. I'm nervous because I don't want to mess this up, I have no doubts in my mind that she is the girl of my dreams. I walk out of my room to find that Dan is already up. "Morning Phil" Dan says brightly. "You could have woken me up sooner, what if I can't get everything done in time?" I say panicking. "Phil, stop worrying. She is going to say yes, we both know it" Dan reasons. "What if she doesn't? What if I'm not good enough for her? I say, as terror boils up inside me. "She's going to say yes" Dan reiterates. I pour my cereal and as I'm figuring out exactly what I still have to do.

"Yes?" The manager of the restaurant "Garden walk" asks as I call. "I would like to make a reservation for two for tonight" I say as calmly as I can. "I'm sorry, we don't have any tables available" He says brightly. "But I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight and this is where we had our first date!" I say as panic starts to build again. "I'm terribly sorry" He says genuinely, "why don't you take her to where you had your first kiss?" "That's a brilliant idea!" I say excitedly. I hang up the phone. This is so perfect, I should have thought of this in the first place. We had our first kiss at the carnival that is back for this weekend only. It must be destiny. I buy our tickets online and then call her to set up the date.

That night, I pick her up from her house. As soon as I see her, my stomach does a little flip. She looks incredible. Her blonde hair gently waving in the wind. We drive to the carnival. One of my hands on the steering wheel, the other holding her hand. We always hold hands when we are together. After getting cotton candy, we head for the Ferris wheel. After waiting in line ten minutes, we are up. I help her step into the carriage and we sit down. The moment is now. "Okay Phil, it's now or never, you can do this" I think encouragingly to myself. She senses that I'm nervous and looks at me worriedly. "Are you okay Phil?" She asks. "I-I'm fine" I say hurriedly. "Darling, I have something I want to ask you." I say, speeding through it a little too quickly. "Anything" She says with a smile. "Ever since we met I've been in love with you. I can't imaging my life without you. You are the most beautiful, compassionate and loving person I've ever met and you make everyone around you a better person. So what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?" I say, holding a ring in my hand. Her face lights up, in the most dazzling smile I've ever seen. "Of course I will! I love you!" She says, her voice bursting with happiness. I am on top of the world. I can't imagine anyone feeling happier than I felt at that perfect moment. Everything was right with the world.

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