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There is a ton of equipment you can add before traveling to a location to assist you. Here, we will go over each one and how to use them...

Parabolic Microphone
Detects sound from far away.
The microphone is really only useful when in a large map, because it can point you in the direction of the ghost's room.
There is a ghost called the Myling that will whisper to you if you use the microphone, a really creepy experience.

Used to light a small area, can be blown out for an objective*, or used to threaten a Onryo ghost.
The candle only stays lit for so long, but can be relit using a lighter. There are also candles on maps that can be lit, so you don't always have to add your own candles before traveling to a location.

The crucifix is incredibly helpful in that it prevents hunts when in close proximity to the ghost. It also can be used for an objective*.
     The crucifix also scares Banshees and causes them to be less active. It's a good idea to throw down or two in the ghost room quickly. It might just save your life. Be sure to spread them out to cover as much of the room as possible.
     Since it has three points, the crucifix can only be used three times. Each time it successfully prevents a hunt, the ghost takes a "bite" out of one of the points. When all the points have been used up, the crucifix turns red and is no longer useful.

Salt can be stepped in by the ghost for an objective*, or to ward off Waiths, as they hate salt.
     They can also step in the salt under a UV flashlight or glowstick and leave behind footprints 📸.

Can be mounted with a camera for a good angle for watching rooms.
     You will probably learn that placing cameras on the floor limits your visibility greatly, so a tripod is a great way to fix that issue.

Strong Flashlights
Use this any and every time you can.
     Strong flashlights (left) are much easier to see with compared to the default flashlight (right). You can see farther, clearer, and in a bigger width.

Motion/Sound Sensors
Used to detect where the ghost is or for an objective*.
     The sound sensor, in my experience, is not as useful as the motion sensor. The sound sensors are white, and cover a large area. However, their data can only be detected from someone watching in the van and covers the yellow square on the map.
     The motion sensor is dark grey, and lights up when it detects movement as well as beeping from the van. The motion sensor is also visible on the map, but as a red line. It turns green and beeps when something passes through.

Can be used to find fingerprints and footprints.
I find it incredibly helpful to toss a glowstick in a window or doorframe just so that you don't have to carry a UV flashlight around everywhere you go.

*Objectives are covered in the Objectives chapter.
(Smudge sticks are in a separate chapter, as well as evidence-finding equipment)

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