There will be one of six items available in each location. Each of these can be used to give you information at the cost of sanity or even your life. Usage of these objects will remove the grace period timer and you can now be hunted at any time. The cursed objects are listed below:
Ouija Board
Can be picked up and moved, used anywhere inside the location (must be indoors if it's a building). If you click on the board, it will be turned on and the planchette will appear (triangle with hole in middle to point to letters). To turn off, players must say Goodbye.
If a player who turns it on walks away, or lacks the sanity required for the question asked, the board will break and trigger and cursed hunt. That means that all hunts after this extended hunt will now also be extended. They are not good. Basically just made hunts last longer for the remainder of this game.
Cursed Voodoo Doll
Interaction with this doll will randomly insert a pin, which has a different effect based on where the pin lands. There are 10 possible pins that can be pressed down. If it lands in the heart, the players sanity drops 20% and a cursed hunt will begin. With every normal pin, a ghost event will occur.
Music Box
The box can only be used once and can be used to find the ghost's location at a risk. The ghost, remaining invisible, will sing along with it (which you can follow to find) and if the box is close to the ghost, it will become visible and walk towards the player holding it.
The box must be placed on the floor to avoid triggering a cursed hunt. If the ghost touches the box, walks for more than five seconds, not the player drops the box while it is playing, a cursed hunt will begin.
Listening to the music box will drain a player's sanity.
Haunted Mirror
Can be used to find the ghost room be viewing inside, but at the cost of rapidly draining sanity. If the user's sanity reaches zero, a cursed hunt will begin and the mirror will crack and be unusable.
Tarot Cards
There are 10 random cards in the deck, and each one can only be drawn once with a different effect. While there are 10 possible cards, it is probably that a single card can be in the deck more than once. Therefore, not even care listed below is guaranteed to be in the deck. Beside each type of card is a %, which is how likely the card is to appear...
The Sun 5% fully restores sanity to 100%
The Moon 5% fully depletes sanity to 0%
The Tower 20% triggers an interaction
The Devil 10% triggers a ghost event
The High Priestess 2% resurrects one dead player
The Hanged Man 1% instantly kills the player
Death 10% triggers a cursed hunt
The Hermit 10% teleports ghost back to room
The Fool 17% no effect
The Wheel of Fortune 20% green = 25% more sanity
red = 25% less sanity
(All cards drawn during a hunt will result in The Fool)
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