Chapter 1

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/Terreria Andros/ /Forest Planet/ /Novacane System/

It's been fifteen years since the Galactic Union of Planets ordered the execution of the members of the Knights of Seraphim. Many have been executed while those remaining few have been in hiding. On Terreria Andros, a forest planet located at the fifth orbit of Novacane System, have been reported that a Knight has hidden there.

Some locals, traders and tourists have reported that a hooded man that walks in the forest. They manage to see that the hooded man have a feint but recognizable symbol that the Knights of Seraphim used.

On one hand, the small rural town of Davinral, people have been living on their daily routine, Traders imports, Shopkeepers sells on their spots, Transporters waiting for passengers and Workers doing their errands.

At the market, a hooded man is walking, searching for the ingredients for his dinner when accidentally, a kid bump into him. The collision cause the kid to fall and the man immediately went to help the kid. When he inspects the kid, he noticed that he is a humanoid male, approximately ten to twelve years old, have blue hair and scales as skins, a defining feature that this kid is a native of this planet.

"Hey kid, you alright?" he asked the kid

The kid, confused at the man, simply shrugged and immediately went off. The man just sighed and continued on walking. While the natives are the ones who originally live on this planet, the fact that they are discriminated was what caused a Civil War, among other things.

He managed to buy all the ingredients he needs, but he knows that something of his possession have been lost. With another sigh, he went to the one place he knows the snatcher went.

After a minute, he reached the alley known as a Hotspot for criminals. He silently walks as he look for the person he knows have his possession. He spotted the person, the kid that bumped into him earlier, in transaction with another hooded man, with the feint symbol of the Knights of Seraphim etch on the shoulder.

"Greetings" he said as he walk on the two

The two look at him, the kid in surprise while the hooded man in confusion.

"It seems that I am gonna intrude in your transaction, but I think that you have something that belongs to me." he continued

The kid immediately knew that he is screwed while the hooded man immediately went to protect the kid. What they didn't know is that the man already got what he wanted and was about to leave when he saw squadrons of enforcers of the Galactic Union of Planets approaching.

"Surrender now, Knight!! You are surrounded!! If you resist the arrest, we will execute you on the spot!!" one of the squadron officer said

The hooded man immediately retrieve his weapon, ready to activate it. The man then realized that while his weapon looked legit to be a weapon that the Knights of Seraphim used, he knew that it will be destroyed the second it contacted with the Melee of the Squadrons. Deciding to help, he took out his possession, the one that the kid took, and got ready to activate it. He walk on the squadron, knowing that he is not the target, and decided to fool the Squadrons by making it look like he really left.

"Me?! Surrendering?! Don't fool me, all of you are idiots if you think that you can take me!!" the hooded man said and immediately activated his weapon, a laser sword.

The Squadrons immediately surge into battle as they head on the hooded man and the kid when out of nowhere a blur came and half of them went down. When the blur stop in front of the hooded man and the kid, as the man suddenly look at them.

"Bold of you to assume you can fight them all. Reinforcements are coming." the man said as he quickly grab the two, making them realized that their life are on the line

The Squadrons followed, and unknowingly activated something that the man set up. As soon as they turned to a random way, the man grab the nearest thing, which happen to be a long steel pipe. They immediately entered a random building and after a few seconds, the Squadrons entered, with their rifles raised, a moment later realized that there is no people in the building.

On the other side of the alley, on a random roof where the man left the ingredients he bought, now stood with are the hooded man and the kid. He approached the kid and handed the pipe to him.

"Here, you don't have anything to protect yourself." he said as he started to walk away

"Who are you?" the hooded man asked

"Me? I'm a self Exiled Knight. One of the few that knows the truth, but no one knows who I am, as it should always be." he answered and sighs

"The two of you should also hide, especially the kid." he said and before they could, he already banished

The two went quiet and the hooded man immediately remove his robe and cut it, to which he gave the bottom half to the kid, to cover himself, by making it a make shift cloak. The formerly hooded man, have blond hair and Orange eyes, a characteristic only an Umbrans have. They managed to stole a hoverbike and make it to a clearing outside the town on the edge of the nearest forest.

As they managed to evade all of the Squadrons, they set up the hoverbike only to encounter something, or rather someone, and that is none other than a reptilian humanoid, which they know hail from the Moon Cruda, which orbits Planet Kentark, a Gas Giant Planet that is a few orbit from where Terreria Andros is.

"Quinter!! Im so glad your here!!" the Crudan said as he approached the kid, now known as Quinter

"Acrom, nice of you to be here!! Can you help us?" asked Quinter

"Who is he?!" Acrom asked

"I'm Sin Specter. You must be the infamous Acrom the liberator." said the man now name Sin

"Sin, as in the same Sin the strategist?" Acrom asked

Before Sin could answer, the sound of a ship could be heard, along with it came into view, is the source of the sound, a Corvette freighter to be exact. Sin, who recognized the ship, knows that his old friend really is here. The Corvette landed and a woman went out of the ramp. The woman is bald, her eyes are as black as the eyes can be and her skin is pinkish, meaning the woman is a Brakan, a warrior species that is located at the Brakus System.

"Sin!! I know it is you!!" she greeted as she walk on his way

When she was a few centimeters from him, she immediately tackle him. A few moments later, she composes herself and look at the rest of the people.

"Hi, I'm Mudra Baibai-in!! Let's go inside the ship before they could detect us." she said as they started to get inside

Unknown to them, a person has already been inside the ship, in the cockpit, Mudra and Sin are preparing the ship for take off. They start the engine and switches the buttons

"This is Sin Specter speaking, and we're ready for take off. Now, fasten your seat belt." Sin said through the comms

As they exited the atmosphere of the planet, they scanned the whole system for any Squadron ships, to which there have been, that they successfully avoid.

"Okay, we are far enough, initiating the lightspace sequence in t-minus one minute." Mudra said as the switch for lightspace sequence is turned on.

"Now, time to meet an old friend." Sin said as he immediately get out of the cockpit and went on the place of the shield where he knows his old friend secretly went.

As he went inside the ships area, he immediately sense his presence, but couldn't pinpoint where he is, just like always.

" Always masking your very presence with the Essence as always, Phantom." Sin commented

"And you always have the knack of using the Essence in persuading others to do you a favor, Specter." and with that, a silhouette begun to form

When the form of the silhouette cleared, with the now identified person as the man that got robbed and the one that help them escape.

"We are now entering lightspace." Mudra announce on the comms

"Well, I should start wearing my mask then." Phantom said as his hand went on inside his robe and took out his mask.

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