Uncle Fur..ry?

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Summary: When Nick Furry meets 4 year old Peter Stark.

(A/N): I'm writing this with a bandaid on my thumb, thank goodness for auto correct.

<3rd Person PoV>

(Imagine this is in a meeting room instead of a restaurant)

"I told you, I don't want to join your super secret boy band." Tony said, already irritated with the talk they are having.

Fury scoffed. "I remember, you do everything yourself. How's it working out for you?" Fury asked him while taking a sip out of his coffee. "It- It's, sorry, I don't wanna get on the wrong foo-" Tony was interrupted by a little Peter Stark running towards him.

"Dad'y!!" Little Peter tugged on Tony's jeans signaling he wants to go up. "Tony? Who is this?" Fury eyed the little boy making Peter confused.

"This is my son, Peter." Peter waved at Fury with a bright smile on his face, Fury might not admit it but he already had a soft spot for Peter the second he entered the room.

"s' yu' Capt'in hu'k?" Peter asked Fury tilting his head a bit. Tony chuckled as Peter went to Fury for upsies. Fury hesitated, but soon had Peter on his lap.

"Sadly, I'm not captain hook, but you can call me Uncle Fury." Fury smiled at the little boy. Tony was stunned, his son managed to make the head of S.H.I.E.L.D smile.

"Uncle Fur..ry?" Tony was definetely not recording the whole thing. "Yes, It's Uncle Fury." Fury commanded the shield agents to get him some paper and crayons so Peter could play whilst Tony and Fury were having their conversation.

"Looks like you got yourself a nephew, Fury." Tony had a smug smile on his face, being proud of his son. He decided to name his son's magical power "The Peter Tingle".


Over the years, Peter Tingle has always worked and it will never stop working. It even worked with the rogues when he was 16.

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