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~Steve PoV~

It had been a few days since we have arrived here and I'm going to be honest, Tony and his intern have been acting very wierd lately. I get that Tony changed and all but something's suspicious between the two.

I just can't figure out what.

The thing is, I know for a fact that Tony doesn't just hire a personal intern, especially if he's 16 years old. They are way more than that. Even the others agree with me.

So today, I took it upon myself to interrogate Tony personally.

I made my way towards his lab where he spends most of his day in and type in the passcode to get in. "Tony?", I call for him.

"Rogers? What do you need?", He asked me, stopping what he was doing for a moment.

"I need to ask a few questions about you and your.. intern."

"Alright, what is it?"

"So anything between you and Peter?", I asked Tony. "Uh- no?"

"Are you sure about that?", I ask him again, there can't be nothing going on between them. Tony rarely acts the way he does with Peter.

"Why are you talking like that, this isn't a Sherlock Holmes movie and no there's nothing between me and Peter. Seriously.", Tony answered, confused about all the questioning.

"Okay..", I slowly backed away and left his lab. That went no where.

You see, we already tried everything to figure out what was going on, from questioning Tony to spying on him.

Spying on him doesn't work though, for some reason his intern always catches us.


"Bambi, don't tell the others about your real identity.", Tony said, we were spying on them secretly without them knowing.

Real identity? What does he mean by 'real identity', They listened intently for more information.

"Yea, I won't d- uh..", Peter turned around and saw a bush of hair popping out. "I won't, doofus?.."


Peter pointed to the door where we were hiding. We walked out and surrendered. "You caught us."

End Of Flashback

Which is why since the questioning didn't work, we might aswell try spying on them again. I mean, for all we know they could be working with Hydra!

"Y'all, I think its time we try to spy on Peter and Tony again.", I announce as I walked towards the living room where most of the avengers were.

"You sure? We got caught last time.", Sam butted in but I assured them that we won't. We will try to be extra careful to not to get caught this time.

We all discussed and figured out a plan for our spying.


So you all know the plan?", Natasha asked us and most of us nodded. "Scott, put down those orange slices.", Natasha demanded Scott and he immediately put them down.


"Peter and Tony usually hang out in the labs alot so Clint, use the vents to listen above them. The rest of us will spy in different places.", We all nodded and spreaded out.

The plan was in action.

~3rd Person PoV~

The rogues were all in their spots and we're ready to hear what Peter and Tony would say. "Testing, can you guys hear me?", Scott asked, there were a chorus of 'Yes'.

Tony and Peter walked into the room and started tinkering with their inventions. "When do you think we should tell them?", Peter asked Tony but Tony shrugged. "I have no idea Bambi, maybe they'll figure it out themselves, they are assassins and spies.", Tony replied.

Clint and Sam snorted and earned a "Shh, your going to blow our cover!", A whisper-yell from Steve. He was hiding under a table, which wasn't a very good hiding spot but it worked.

"Do you think they already know tho?", Peter asked Tony once again. "I'm not sure."

After a bit of small talk with the two they finally get to the point. "Okay dad, we should reveal it today.", Peter and Tony agreed to reveal their father-son bond to the rogues.

Between them, all of the rogues heard what they said and were shocked to learn about the duo's secret identity.

"I'm looking forward to seeing their faces..", Peter laughed and Tony laughed along with him. They obviously didn't expect that the rogues were already there spying on them.

"Holy sh*t Peter is Tony's son!", Clint shouted accidentally from the vents, earning a confused look from Tony and a surprisingly calm look from Peter.

"Nice way of blowing out cover, Katniss.", Natasha hissed.

They all walked out of their hiding spots leaving a shocked Tony and smirking Peter there. "I already knew." Peter smirked at them.

"How? We were barley audible." Peter looked at Tony and Tony nodded. "I'm.. Spiderman.. well- and Tony Stark's son." Peter said.

"Damn, wait-- I threw a bridge on yo-"

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