Don't Mess With Peter

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Summary: Peter is being tracked by Hydra since they found out about his Spider powers, Tony, his dad, decided to get him a bodyguard that happens to be Natasha Romanoff. They go to school.

(A/N): So my Parent-Teacher conference is tomorrow so I'm probably gonna get scolded, I'm taking a short break from making wattpad stories since I'm working on a game but I will be back on the 18th of December.

Into The Story

~3rd Person POV~

Peter has been experiencing wierd things lately, his Spidey senses were telling him that someone was watching him.

Even when he is at school it's like someone is watching him through a window. He kept looking at the windows but saw absolutely no one.

It was time he told Mr. Stark about it.

~Time Skip~

Peter walked into the avengers common room to see his dad watching Dolittle.

"Dad?.." Peter asked Mr. Dad. "Yes Bambi?" Once Tony turned to look at Peter, concern washes over his face. "What's wrong?"

"I think someones watching me.." Tony looked at Peter with confusion and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" Tony asks.

Peter nods and says "Everytime I do something my Spidey senses tell me that someones watching, even when I go to school."

Tony thought for a bit while stroking is goatee. "We will send a bodyguard to protect you, our most scariest person here, Natasha."

~Le Time Skip~

Peter was with Natasha Romanoff at school. They got a lot of stares and Peter had to admit, this was almost as worse as being followed by a Hydra spy.

That was only when they got out the car.

When they actually went into the hall the students stopped in their tracks and started recording. Peter felt uncomfortable at the moment so he just looked at the floor. Hmm yes, marble floor.

Flash apparently heard the news since he went marching down the hall with a smug smile.

When Peter spotted him, he almost immediately started praying at the speed of light. "not now Eugune! not now not now not now."

That praying was interrupted by Flash screaming. "Hey Penis!" Natasha was enraged at what he called Peter, but she had to stay calm due to how many cameras that were pointed at them.

When Peter didn't answer, Flash walked over to Natasha thinking she was a stunt double. "Wow, you look almost like my girlfriend, Black Widow, if you didn't know."

Natasha raised an eyebrow and looked at Peter, he shrugged. "Is that makeup? This almost looks realistic, wow." Flash examined the 'stunt double'.

"Flash- don't mess with her- she's not a stunt double." Peter tried to warn Flash but he scoffed. "Really Penis? this is what you could get for your fake internship?"

"It's not fake-" He was rudely interrupted by Flash punching Peter in the jaw. Natasha couldn't hold in the anger anymore and decided to go for it.

"YOU DO NOT THREATEN MY NEPHEW LIKE THAT!" Natasha punched Flash in the face and grabbed his collar lifting him up.

"First, I'm not your 'girlfriend', who the f*ck even told you that. Second, You do not know who your messing with I am the REAL Black Widow your walking to. Third, who said my nephew's internship was fake?! It's real and its bad enough that you call the heir of Stark Industries 'Penis'!" There goes Peters secret.

"The secret was bound to come out anyway." Peter shrugged while earning a bunch of shocked gasps from the students in the hall.

Flash looked at Natasha with fear in his eyes and Natasha dropped him down, he quickly regained his confidence. "Prove it, Penis. Prove that your the Stark heir." Flash said earning nods from students.

"Alrighty then."

"Karen, call irondad." Peter said into his watch, the students watched in confusion until he realized what he was doing. "Dad?" Peter said shocking the whole hallway.

"Yes, Bambi?" The voice of Tony Stark shocked the crowd even more. "Can you come to school, the secrets out and everyone wants me to prove it." I asked and he says "Alright, I'll be there in 2."

Flash's confidence started draining but not enough to make him stop taunting me. After 2 silent minutes, Tony Stark arrived through a window while breaking it.

"Hello kiddies." Mr. Dad said, students were speechless and some teachers watching were speechless aswell.

Tony Stark looked at Flash and said. "I know what you did, don't mess with my son."

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