~ c a u g h t i n 4 k ~

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(A/N): Peter is 4 years old in this one-shot.

~Tony POV~

Today was a particularly slow day, it had been fun when I was with Peter, but I had a meeting so I had to unwillingly leave him in the penthouse because of it. We were currently talking about how to fight off the villain Loki, which is Thor's brother.

He had been causing mischief on earth and we are so close to finding him— we just need to find his exact location and boom we are done.

"Tony.. Tony! Are you paying attention.", Nick Fury glanced at me, making the others glance at me as well. "Bet he's been fantasizing about his new mistress..", Steve spoke up, purposely being insensitive to me. We haven't been on good terms, but we'll get there.

"Steve! That's an inappropriate thing to say.", Nick Fury scolded him and continued on with the discussion, not even waiting for me to answer his previous question. I look at my watch.. 3:08, Shit I was supposed to be at the penthouse by 2:40! Peter must be so worried.

I look at Pepper and signal her to look at the time. She nods understandingly and gives me a thumbs up, meaning I could leave the meeting to take care of Peter now. "Guys, Nice meeting, but I have to go now, bye.", I smiled quickly at them and left the meeting room in a hurry.

~Steves POV~

Tony's been like this for the whole week.

There he goes again, escaping yet another meeting. We couldn't figure out what was so important that he needed to walk out of a meeting for. I glance at Pepper and she seemed fine with it.. which was unusual.

"Seriously? He left again.", Clint complained and the others grumbled. "Pepper, aren't you getting suspicious about this? Maybe he's back to his old ways.", I spoke up and looked at Pepper for an answer.

"Old ways? Gosh no, he would never cheat on me.", She looked like she was about to laugh at my accusation.

"Then what was it that was so important for him to leave a meeting for?", Bucky questioned and she just shrugged her shoulders, not even giving us the slightest answer.

"Do you think we should follow him?" Natasha asked, most of us nodded except for Sam. "Nu-uh I don't wanna see him and his mistress", Sam spoke. "Hey, I'm right here, you know!", Pepper said.

"Right, Sorry."

"He told us he doesn't cheat anymore.", I recalled that one time where we tried confronting him, and he said in these exact words. "Cheat? Ew no, Pepper would kill me."

"Okay, you're coming with us Sam.", Natasha dragged him towards the door and we started quietly following Tony, hiding behind every possible object we can. Sam almost got caught by him since he hid behind a trashcan. A small one, he just held it up as if that would cover his 5'10 body.

"We're almost there.", I spoke as we were nearing the penthouse floor. Once we got up we quietly stepped towards the kitchen and hid behind a very tall counter, damn Tony and his counters could really come in useful at times.

I poked my head out along with the others. We stared in awe as we saw a little boy run up to Tony and hug his leg.

"Daddy!! Your back!", The little boy says, we were confused as to why a boy that looks to be 3-5 is in the penthouse and why he's calling Tony 'daddy'. Tony can't have a kid? He's too immature for it!

"Hey bud.", Tony smiled while picking up the little boy. "I made a Lego castle today.. look!" The boy said while pointing to a Lego castle on the coffee table.

"That's amazing Peter.", Tony walked over to the couch and Peter showed him the castle. For five minutes, they just sat there, talking about the castle that the boy 'Peter' had apparently made. I got to give him credit tho, it looked like a nice castle.

I retracted my head and stared at the rest of the guys with me. "Tony has a son?", I whispered to them. Clint shrugged but Natasha decided to speak up. "Obviously, why would he be calling Tony 'daddy' if he wasn't his son?"

"Good point.", I look back up only to realize that the boy was already staring back at me.

"Wait.. daddy.. why is capsicle behind our counter?..", The little boy climbed down the couch and hid behind Tony's leg, he picked him up and slowly started walking towards the counter.

" 'Capsicle', really?", I thought as they neared the counter.

~Tony POV~

I cautiously walk over to the counter to see what Peter was talking about. I see a blonde string of hair poke up, and that was indeed capsicle.

"Cap, get out, I can see you, goldilocks.", I stated sarcastically and I was caught off guard when I saw 5 people pop out the counter. "So it wasn't a mistress..", Sam spoke first, while scratching his head.

"Well of course not! Avengers meet my son Peter."

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