Without Him

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REQUESTED BY @shazada1

SHE IS AN AMAZING HUMAN BEING! You guys should totally check her out. She puts a smile in my face every time I talk to her. AND she made my new book cover for my other book "My Allegiance." TYSM BTW.

Third Person Pov


Y/N sat in a booth at Granny's, twirling her glass of hot coca in between her cold hands. It was all to much, to much to handle all at once. These people, as good and noble as they may be, didn't care about her or what she wanted. If they did, he would still be here. 

For the first time in history, Peter Pan failed. He was gone, he was dead and Y/N couldn't do a thing about it. She was alone in this town. No one knew her hopes, her dreams, nor her fears her. Yet her greatest fear came true. 

She lost him. 

Her eyes scanned over the happy people in the diner, watching as they talked and joked amongst themselves, completely oblivious of the pain they caused her. They didn't know she loved him, they didn't know she never got the chance to tell him. Y/N didn't even get a chance to say goodbye before her life was torn apart completely. 

Y/N stood up from the booth quickly, heading towards the door. David stepped in front of her, his wife, the savior, and the queen all standing next to him. He put his hands on his hips, looking down at Y/N.

"Where are you going?" He asked her, noticing she was unhappy while she sat alone in her booth. Y/N sighed, not in the mood to talk to him. 

"I'm going to talk a walk. Parties aren't my..." She trailed off, her eyes lingering over to the jukebox in the corner of the restaurant. The song playing made her gulp, tears brimming in her eyes. 

I am a lost boy from NeverLand. Usually hanging out with Peter Pan...

Y/N bit down on her lip, tears slowly spilling out of her eyes. She glanced back up to David. Snow squeezed her eyes shut, realization washing over her. The others slowly put the pieces together, now understanding why she was so quiet, why she was so sad. 

"Y/N, wait." Snow called, but Y/N had already run out of the diner, heading towards the street where he died. She sobs echoed through the streets of StoryBrooke as she fell to her knees, she freezing cold hands running over the pavement where Peter drew his last breath. 

He was gone, and she never once told him that she loved him. Theres no greater pain than regret. And now, she was filled with so much regret, so much anger that she never told him, but she was to late. 

"Please come back to me." She whispered, her voice shaking. "I miss you...I loved you." She cried, an endless trail of tears running down her cheeks. They created little rivers, landing on the ground in pools. 

Without him, she was lost, unloved, and alone. 

Without him, she would never be the same. 


SO, this is really short, BUT this is a two part imagine. The next part will be up soon!


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