Y/N's POV.
Me and Pytor walk down to the common areas. When we arrive, we see all the avengers sitting there. I pause.
"It's okay. I'm right there with you." Pytor says grabbing my hand.
I nod and we walk up to Thor and Loki.
"Can we talk to you two? Please." Pytor says.
"Of course. Come on Brother." Thor says.
We then lead them to the elevator. Getting out, we lead them to the common area on the floor above. Pyotr then asks them to sit.
"What is it you need?" Loki asks with a little snare.
Pytor looks at me, he then starts talking," We called you because we need your help..."
"With what? Wouldn't it be better to have the whole team help?" Thor asks.
"Thats the thing... It has to do with our families." Loki sits up a little, I think he recognized Pytor, "I'll show you..."
Pytor stands up and removes his magic. "Py-Pyotr..." Loki stutters.
"Hey Dad..." Pytor says getting tackled in a hug.
"Glad to have finally found you son... But if this is the help you needed, why is she here?" Uncle Loki asks.
Pytor looks at me with encouragement.
"I also needed help finding, well more telling my dad that I found him. and given that Pyotr is telling his dad I should tell mine. Py can you?" I ask
Pytor nods turning my hair back to the bright blond it once was.
"T/N/N (Thor's Nickname for you) ..." He says tearing up.
"Hey... Dad." I say quietly.
"Finally, I found you..." He says squeezing me inside a hug.
When he finally releases me, he asks, "But why didn't you tell me earlier?" Dad asks.
"I was scared... I didn't know how you'd react. Plus, I didn't really know until a few weeks ago, when I met Pytor..." I say.
He nods and gives me another hug.
"So how have you two been?" Loki asks.
We then spend the next hour and a half catching up. We only stop because FRIDAY called us for dinner.
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