Small Council Chamber, the Red Keep
112 AC
"It happened at the blackest part of night, my lords, during the Hour of the Bat." the Chief Dragonkeeper, told the Small Council, Rhaenyra, and Elaera. "The thief eluded our pursuit."
"How is it possible a dragon's egg was stolen from beneath more than fifty Dragonkeepers?" Viserys growled.
"It was Prince Daemon, wasn't it? He knows the Dragonpit like the back of his hand." Elaera deduced.
"It was, Your Highness." the Chief Dragonkeeper confirmed.
"Daemon?" Viserys said in disbelief.
"A missive was left." Otto informed them.
Mellos unrolled the scroll and began to read. "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, and rightful heir of the Iron Throne, to announce he is taking a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title of Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone, and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of—"
Elaera snatched the scroll. "There are three very big holes in the story, Lord Hand, but I do congratulate you on almost convincing us."
The room went silent, all eyes on the rider of the Fire Queen.
"One, Daemon might be Daemon but he wouldn't take a second wife and royally piss of my father with taking a second wife while married to me. Daemon would do a lot of stuff, but risk his head? Not. A. Chance." Elaera said. "Two, Lady Mysaria to be blunt was a whore who just paid off her debts to the brothel she was tied to. She was Daemon's lover because he gave her enough gold to help her pay off her debts quickly. Lady Mysaria now works for here in the Red Keep, and I can confirm this because I saw her not two hours ago."
Rhaenyra was grinning at her sister with pride as the Ruby Dragon tore into the Lord Hand. Viserys had switched his death glare to Otto.
"Three: this is not Daemon's hand writing at all. It's also written in common when ninety two precent of the time he writes in High Valyrian." Elaera continued.
"Now that is true." the Young King admitted.
"You pride yourself on being a good politician, Ser Otto, but you should have paid a bit more attention to Daemon if you wanted him out of the city without getting caught. Four: Is Lady Alicent already pregnant with my father's bastard or has she been taking moon tea? My friend hasn't been able to confirm it."
That made both the king and the Lord Hand freeze. Rhaenyra also had a look of betrayal on her face.
"I think you broke them." Corlys said amused.
"Father, I would recommend Cousin Rhaenys to the job of Hand of the King once you get ride of Otto or something will without a doubt happen to him." the silver haired princess told her father.
"You dare threaten me?" Otto said angrily.
"No, I did not." Elaera said serenely. "This is a threat: Ser Arryk, the next time Ser Otto speaks, cut off his tongue."
She turned back to Otto. "That is a threat. Do you see the difference?"
There was silence. "Well then. I'm going to get the egg. Do you want to come with me, Rhae?"
"Absolutely." Rhaenyra said. "I'll deal with Alicent later, if Father doesn't do something."
"Good." Elaera said.
The Realm's Delight and the Silver Princess left the Small Council Chamber arm in arm, followed by Ser Arryk and Ser Criston.
That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!
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