Battle of the Eyrie

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Skies Above the Eyrie

Early 133 AC

Aemond smirked when he saw how few men were there at the Eyrie. Did they truly think 12,000 could go against his twenty thousand?

"Dracarys!" he roared, and Vhagar dove, burning five hundred men with her golden bronze flames.

Vhagar pulled up, turning to the Eyrie. She inhaled, obviously ready to burn the castle down.

Then a mass of scarlet slammed into Vhagar, causing the dragon to falter. A loud roar went up, and Vhagar rolled to make sure her wing took the brunt of bronze flames.

Aemond scowled when he was Rhaenys and Maekar, atop their respective mounts. Rhaenys's bow was drawn, an arrow knocked and ready.

"WILL YOU BECOME A KINSLAYER TO END ME!?" he taunted, the three dragons circling one another.

"IT'S NOT KINSLAYING IF WE AREN'T THE ONES WHO KILL OU!" Maekar bellowed. Aemond glared at the man he hated and loved, whom he desperately wanted to be his.

Rhaenys fired her arrow, hitting Aemond's shoulder. He screamed in pain, and Vhagar roared in anger, Queen Visenya's mount surging at Meleys, causing the scarlet she dragon to fly up into the sky.

Vhagar gave chase, and Aemond glanced below to see Syrax leading another horde of troops to ambush his from behind, yellow flames bathing his own.

It's a trap! he shouted down the bond.

Vhagar paused, letting the Red Queen hide among the clouds. What should we do?

He didn't get to answer before the Queen of All Dragons roared in pain, and he turned to see that the Bronze Fury had sunk his teeth into Vhagar's tail and jerked.

His chains snapped, and Aemond screamed as he fell. He hit a pair of bronze wing membranes, and then he blacked out.

Skies Above the Eyrie

Early 133 AC

Maekar gave a soft sigh, before chaining Aemond's wrists and tying him down to Vermithor's saddle.

His mother had correctly predicted that the chains on Vhagar's saddle would snap, if weakened enough.

Vhagar shrieked, turning to him.

Tell her I won't hurt him. he told Vermithor.

Vermithor let out a deep rumble, conveying the message. Vhagar stared at the firstborn son of the Rogue Prince and the Wise, but nodded her head.

Meleys flew down back to the battle, and as Maekar followed she bathed more Green troops in her scarlet flames.

A few minutes later, the Blacks had won.

And they had taken Aemond captive.

Maekar urged Vermithor to land, soldiers rushing over.

"He's alive?" one asked when he saw Aemond, tied to his saddle.

"Yes. No one is going to kill him, we don't need kinslaying right now, and he makes a vital political prisoner." Maekar said sternly.

His uncle was untied, properly chained, and Rhaenys flew back to King's Landing with Aemond tied to her saddle.

Maekar wanted to go home to the Midnight Fortress and fall asleep in Ethan's arms.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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