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I was seated on the couch in the Slytherin Common room, crossing one leg over the other as I had a book in my hands.
It was old, and the pages were crinkly and filled with dust, like nobody has touched it in years.

It was the Horcrux book Tom and I read together when I was in first year.
As I turned the pages, the warm feeling of nostalgia took over my body as memories filled my head.
I remembered everything.

There was this one time where I knocked a glass of butterbeer all over one of the pages, I expected Tom to be angry with me but we couldn't control our laughter.
That was the first ever time he laughed around me.

I flipped through the book, trying to find that same page, until I finally found it.

As I was tracing my finger down the page, I heard footsteps trudge through the entrance and come near me as I was sitting on the couch.
"Is that the book?" Tom pondered as he stood behind the couch, gazing his eyes over to the book.

"It's the book." I answered, squeezing the book tight in my hands.

"Wait.. whats that I see.." he pleaded as he made his way over to the couch and sat next to me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Is that you smiling as you're reading through it?" he smirked as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Nope." I snickered as I turned my head back to the book, trying to hide my smile.

"It's strange seeing that book after three years." Tom mumbled, his voice trailing off.

I nodded my head in agreement as we sat for a while, flipping through the book and talking about memories.
Until Pansy strolled in, holding Draco's hand.

"Hello everyone." Pansy called out as her heels clicked against the stone floors.

Tom turned his head towards Pansy and half smiled at her.
"You've brought the weed I suppose?"

"Of course of course." Pansy grinned as she dug into her pocket and pulled out a small, plastic bag filled with weed.

She walked over to where Tom and I were sitting, and sat herself next to Tom. As she brushed past us, a scent of tequila trailed behind her and traveled up my nostrils.
She must've drank before she came.

Draco stood across from us, glaring at Pansy like he was disgusted, and disappointed.

"Pansy, you should move to the other couch. I'm squished." I suggested.

"No i'm okay." Pansy chuckled as she started crushing the weed.

"I said move." I snarled as I pushed into Tom, who pushed into Pansy causing her to fall to the floor.

"What the fuck Avalon." she fumed as she glared into my eyes.

She fell to the floor and started laughing uncontrollably, as she grasped onto her stomach.
"I think i'm gonna throw up."

"Get up Pansy, what the fuck are you doing." Draco hissed quietly, trying not to let us hear.

"She's crazy." Tom whispered into my ear, causing shivers to travel down my spine.

"Mhm." I gulped.

"Oh yeah, in case you didn't know I brought some tequila too, just so we can get crossfaded you know? Woohoo!" Pansy muttered lousily as she tried sitting herself up, but flung back down to the floor.

What the fuck.

How drunk was she?

"Pansy are you alright?" I questioned as I stood up from the couch.

Suddenly, I felt cold fingers brush against my wrist, gently gripping on to it.
"Don't leave." Tom whispered as he looked up at me, his eyes compelling me.

What was up with Tom.. i've never seen this side of him.
Gentle, and sweet..
Actually being nice?
I don't know how long it's going to last.

I sat back down and laid my head on his broad shoulder, as he started rolling up two joints.

"One for me and you." he winked at me as he gave me one joint.
"And one for you guys." he added as he gave Draco the other one.

"But I wanted to share with Tom." Pansy chuckled to herself as she continued laying on the floor.

I swear if this bitch doesn't shut up.

"Pansy, get the fuck up now or we're leaving." Draco hissed as he stood up and stomped over to Pansy.

"But whyyy, it's fun being down here." she chortled.

"Get up." Draco repeated as he tapped his foot anxiously on the ground.

"Fine." Pansy snarled as she finally stood up, and sat down on the couch next to Draco.
Draco didn't look amused, he looked irritated and ready to punch Pansy in the face.

The tension in here was too awkward. I needed to drink.

"Pansy you still got any tequila left?" I questioned.

"Of course I do." she smirked as she brought the bottle out of her jacket and handed it to me.

"How the hell did you fit that in your pocket?" I chuckled as I opened the cap and started chugging it down.

"I used the spell Reducio, duh." she answered.

Tom glanced over to me with a concerned look on his face as I chugged down the bottle.
"I think that's enough." he muttered as he grabbed the bottle out of my hand.

"I think i'll decide when it's enough." I replied as I yanked the bottle back into my hands.

"I think you're not the one who gives orders here." Tom hissed, his lips three inches away from mine.

"Just kiss already what are you guys waiting for?" Pansy chuckled as she lit a joint.

"Please don't." Draco snarled as he rolled his eyes.

Tom lit up our joint and brung it up to his lips, inhaling it and blowing the smoke out carefully.
I watched him inhale about three more times, until he passed it over to me.
I brung it up to my lips, and inhaled the smoke in, shortly blowing it out after.

Everything started moving in slow motion, and I started to feel my heart pounding in my throat.

The only time i've ever gotten high was the same month my father left.
Last year.

I noticed Tom couldn't keep his eyes off me, and apparently his hands too.
He placed his hand on my thigh as he leaned his face in very close to mine.

I smirked at him and brung the joint up to my lips, inhaling it and slowly blowing the smoke out into his mouth.
He inhaled it in and grinned at me as he blew it back out.

Everything felt heightened at this point. My hands were shaky, and my vision started to blur. All of the noises I heard started to fade out as my mind could only focus on one. His breathing.
I melted at the feeling of his hand placed on my thigh.
It was mesmerizing.

"Let's go back to my dorm." he whispered into my ear, causing the hairs on my neck to rise.

I hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he just said.
He probably wanted to fuck, but I was a virgin.

"Tom." I whispered back as I placed my hand on his chest.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Do I tell him?

"What?" he whispered gently as his fingers brushed against my thighs.

"I'm a virgin." I blurted.

He widened his eyes and started chuckling, gripping onto my thigh.
"Better for me."

"You're not freaked out?" I pondered as my eyes gazed into his dark, coffee colored ones.

"Why would I be freaked out?"

My stomach started flipping upside down , and I could feel butterflies fluttering around.

He grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently and brought his lips close to my ear.
"Are you sure you want to?"

"I don't want to while we're high." I replied, biting my lip anxiously waiting to see what he was going to say.

"I don't either."


Why was he doing this to me.

Why was he making me fall for him.

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