(Yo guys, I'm now down hard for Tadashi again, should I make a book about him next??)
The game went smoothly. The stadium was filled with fans and excited people watching on with enthusiasm as the players did their thing. Ken played exceptional, and took every chance he could to give you some sort of gesture while out on the field. Which went from winking, waving, pointing, blowing kisses, fucking anything. And of course, this didn't go unnoticed by the crowd and the announcers. Much to your dismay.
"It seemed Kenji Sato has a ms someone here to watch?" The announcer pointed you out while a break was taking place, you could feel several thousand eyes stare at you, "that's a first" the announcer egged of, making the crowds laugh. Since you were the first girl to be brought along in a long time. You could also tell a few hard core fans recognised you from the presses photos and the news articles from random drama websites littering the internet.
All this made your face go beat red, sinking into your seat and practically hiding yourself behind Konoi. Who kept laughing at the inconvenience that you were currently going through, as well as the other two ladies, even the little boy giggled. "Damn not my situation being laughed at by a little boy". And as the game ended, the giants won once again, pushing them to second in the charts. Causing all the fans to go crazy about the chances of winning after the months of bad plays and loss.
As you stood with the four; Konoi, Monu, Siaki, all talking about the match, happy with the outcome, and awaiting for the players to arrive at the moving bus, which was to transport everyone to the restaurant everyone was going to be attending to celebrate the sudden winning streak.
"That was great" a big smile plastered on the scary looking man, who stood almost a good foot over all of us. "It was!" An excited Siaki whisper yelled, eating a small rice ball she got from the stands in the stadium. Monu had a passed out sleeping little man in her arms, which you found out was named, Toko, which you wouldn't help but grin at, seeing a small similarity with Tokyo and his name.
As you three talked, a few more ladies joined the group, awaiting for the giants to arrive at the bus. And finally, they did, walking out talking about who knows what, all you could guess was about game plans and whatnot. The two groups mixed, linking up with their partners and talking to each other. There was a good number and you lost Ken in the small gathering of people and players.
But luckily, Ken stood out like a light, and you had spotted him, standing with a few of his friends, him moving along and listening while looking across the other couples. Almost as if he was looking for something, someone.
Making your way over to him, he spotted you, a smile creeping on his face as he dismissed himself from the conversation and made his way over to you. "How was it?" He asked, looking at you with such glee it made you smile back. "It was great Ken, I didn't think I'd make friends here as well, they're nice.. you also played exceptional" you complemented, tracing your eyes over his face since the sun had gone down.
The light had disappeared leaving the light source to be the lit up Tokyo Dome behind everyone. Keeping the flushed feeling from creeping onto your face, Ken grinned even wider, if that was even possible, looking back at the group he seemed to be thinking something over. In a much quieter tone he looked down at you and asked, "you don't mind if we, I-.. I don't know.. break off from the dinner idea?" This made you a bit confused, "what do you mean?"
"Maybe, uhm, this may sound weird" he grumbled, an embarrassed and hesitant look washing over him, you could see it clearly, even in the darkness of the night with the street lighting from the stadium and the city. Giving him an urging to continue look, he sighed, "do you want to, go... out on a date- with me?"
Everything kind of went quiet, even with the group of people talking amongst themselves a little way away from the both of you. You stared at him as he stared back, a deep red flush was on his face as he retracted his statement after you kept quiet. "I mean, only, if you want to, as friends! You know, friend—... ship?"
You blinked, the gears in your brain suddenly felt rusty, rethinking what he asked you, "he wants to go on a date. With me? Really? Is he joking? Hope not because—" you thought spilling out of your mouth as you said "I would love to go on a date with you Kenji"
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net