The dark room was filled with reporters, as lights shone on the conference table above, microphones and cameras all pointing towards the empty chair as everyone awaited for the guest to arrive.
"For the last few weeks, one name has dominated the headlines in what is sure to be a historic moment in baseball. In just three days, Giants fans will welcome a legend to the new Tokyo Dome as Kenji Sato returns to the land of his birth" a voice of a reporter echoed through the conference room, while people and reporters did their final moments of preparation for the conference.
"Now, please join me in welcoming him back to Japan, the newest member of our Giant Family, Kenji Sato!" The reporters voice came to an end as Ken arrived on the podium, sitting himself down in the chair located in the spotlight, reporters flocked to the front with chairs, holding not pads and phones to record what information they will get from the conference.
"Thanks for waiting, folks" he said over the microphone, as the people tried to grab his attention by calling his name, "who's first?" He finished, scanning the crowd looking at all the faces awaiting for his responses to questions.
"I do it for the fans, you know?"
"It's all about the fundamentals"
"No,no,no,no.. What I said was I am the greatest 'living' player"
"Well, Otani can say whatever he likes"
"Awe, that's too sweet.. Thank you"
"I love baseball. It's all I've got.."
"Bone broth and wheat grass bro!"
The conference also included a load of 'bro' 's, as questions fired at Kenji Sato, he kept his composure, keeping the charming charismatic tone of voice while looking over the crowd, answering all questions, except for the few that didn't 'matter'
"Mr. Sato, while you were in the states you had been spotted several if not many times with a specific, and very attractive, woman, is she your girlfriend?" A male reporter asked, almost everyone in the conference leaned forward for in the next words spoken, most if not all pens and note pads prepared.
Even though everyone didn't want gossip hour, and wanted to stick to baseball, the question had been circulating the internet for who knows how long. Itching to get an answer out of the famous baseball player.
"Wait who..?" A few moments later he does a dramatic, "oooh! You're talking about my personal masseuse, oh no, we're not dating, but I couldn't go anywhere without her, still can't. She's the backbone to why I haven't lost my shoulders in past games" a few snickers littered the room as people vigorously wrote that down in their note books.
"So you haven't had any relationship with this lady?" Another reporter asked, Kenji hummed, "I wish" he thought before answering, "no, no relationships. Good friend as well, cuts my hair for me, wouldn't be here without her" this caused the people to write that down as well.
A female stood up, she was holding her phone to type out the notes made from the conference, "we've seen that she usually goes everywhere with you, is she also coming to Japan?", Kenji nodded, "yes she will, she's from Australia but she'll come to Japan"
"Could we get a name?" A male stood up, there was a pause, everyone understood that he was replaying all the possible outcomes if he did say her name. "Her name is y/n l/n, best Masseuse I've ever met"
But that was all the reporters got on her, a scrapping of where the lady was from and her name. Even after the several appearances of the two out in public, leaving everyone to try and see past it, to see if there was more to the story, because almost all the reporters were itching for a catchy headline. Something along the lines of 'Kenji Sato Secret Love Affair!', 'Famous Baseball Player Has Secret Love Child', 'Sato Admits To Secret Relationship Behind Cameras', there was one thing they all loved putting in headlines, and it was the word 'secret'.
Really had the people of the internet world to click on the page. But of course, even after being told that there was nothing going on between the two, reporters weren't going to let it slide that the famous Kenji Sato was talking to a girl. What was this highschool? Maybe.
Several questions later, Ken continued to answer letting the reporters have their word in, "The rookie? This ain't tee-ball, bro." He uttered, leaving the crowd to laugh at the statement. One reporter spoke a question, "American players are very different, How are you adjusting to the Japanese style of play?"
"Itow-san, right? Baseball is baseball, man. The Ken Sato show is the same, here, the states, wherever" he responded, but the answer was finalised when a formal independent lady stood up, "Mr. Sato, why did you come back to Japan?"
"I-I'm sorry, what's your name?" Kenji asked, leaning forward ever so slightly, "Ami Wakita." She stated, holding her pen and note pad. This made him laugh a little, remembering something in the back of his mind, "Hold up, Hold up, you're the Tigers fan, right?" He asked, a teasing tone lacing his words, causing the people to laugh at the statement. Most surprised by how he remembered such small minor details.
Everything came to a holt when a Tv remote changed the channel of the conference, a surprisingly Tv located on the wall of an expensive jet wall. As a lady sat leaning in the airplane's comfortable leather seats.
The side of the jet had the name Sato on it, and only one with no common sense could fail to guess who this jet belongs too. As you sat in the chair, a private jet was cool and all but there wasn't much going on, especially as you watched the sea underneath go past quickly, heading straight to Sydney, Australia airport.
You needed to do a quick stop over before going to Japan, needing to drop in with your father and niece. The blank screen of the Tv in front of you didn't give any comfort as you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose and rolling your neck back, letting it relax off the top of the dark brown leather.
The jet engines muffled by the soundproofed walls, restricting the amount of sound that can leave and enter the planes cabins. A class of neat whiskey hung by four of your fingers, as your arm rested over the armrest, your pinky finger lifted. As you swirled the liquor liquid around, a few ice cubes clinking in the glass.
"Hello, y/n" a robotic female voice said out of the blue, your relaxed state was unprepared, Mina's sudden appearance caused you to jolt, dropping your glass, smashing it and letting the liquid inside to spill across the cabin. A foam was let out, putting your hands up to your face and dragging down your skin lightly.
"I am sorry for the surprise, I didn't think you'd be that unaware" Mina, Kenji's robotic assistant, stated over the speakers in the corners of the jet. "You're good Mina, didn't see ya coming, literally.." you mumbled the last part, you always expected a flouting ball to appear before talking, but on the jet she was only able to speak through speakers.
"You will be arriving at Sydney Australia in 5 minutes, your father is awaiting for your arrival" she spoke in a robotic manner, you nodded, looking at the broken glass and splattered liquid, knowing that the cleaners would take care of that.
"Thank you Mina, inform Sato that I'm almost there" you mentioned, sitting yourself up right and clicking your seatbelt in as the little green light went on, as the private jet began landing in the airport. "I have sent the message on.. you do know that Ken has been trying to encourage using his first name"
"I know, love" you said, as the jet came to a stop, your button up white shirt sat over your pencil skirt, while you stood on your heels, grabbing your phone and keys, since all most all of your items were on their way to Japan. "But he can live" you finished, waiting for the two cabin crew members to open the doors, "yes, but he has stated that he 'will die' if you don't"
You couldn't help but laugh, looking out of the keys door, the two formal looking ladies gave you a smile that you reciprocated. "Don't worry Mina, he's just dramatic", you mentioned before checking your digital watch before exiting the plane.
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