Several nights you'd wake up to Kenji knocking on your door, asking in a whisper as you grumbled waking up at fuck all in the morning, "can I sleep in your bed?", of course you said yes becuase you could see the tiredness in his eyes, even with the darkness of your bed room all around. A few nights later, it happened again, and again, over, and over and over again. Till you both were just walking to whoever's bed was closest, flopping on a crashing out cold. Only to be awoken by your lovely Emi again, for whatever reason.
Going down stairs to the base to either feed the darling, bath, take her out, entertain her. Luckily professor Sato was always there, even with the tension between the father and son. Even though Ken was annoyed with his father's presence, both of you couldn't help but notice the difference in the way you both slept. Having more time on your hands, having the ability to make a proper meals. Ken had been doing much much better during his games with the more sleep and better foods you had been making for the two Sato's. And surprisingly, you had time to do your job.
Which you were doing now, sitting on Kenji's bed as he laid down in sweat pants and no shirt on, massaging his back with oils and rubbing any pains he could have gotten in the game he had yesterday. He groaned as you pressed down on the right side of his lower back, being cut slightly through the middle of his sentence, talking more about how he had been spending more time with his team mates.
"And they've asked if I wanted to join their meet up after the next match.. told me I could bring over a friend if I wanted, since most of them are going to be bringing their family, well their kids and their wife's or girlfriend's.." he said mumbling as half of his face was covered by the sheets he laid i, enjoying the sensation of your hands running down his back and muscles.
"Oh yeah? You plan on going?" You asked, circling the point you found that caused him a bit of muscle pain. As he grunted in the back of his throat he seemed to think of his answer, "I mean if you come, yeah I'll go"
This made you pause, rolling your eyes slightly at his antics, "Ken you can't just only go if I'm going" rubbing your fingers in the sides of his spine, he shuttered at the feeling as he laughed slightly, a grin plastered on his face, "you could be my friend, you'd have to come to my game though, go in the stands made for personal guests.. if you want too" he said, looking at you, turning his face towards you.
"Hmm.." you hummed, taking a small towel from the side and drying off the oils from your hand. "I could really do with getting out again" you said, in an almost teasing tone, seeing his face light up a bit. Getting up from his stomach position, heading to the Ensuite bathroom connected to his modern looking room.
"I'll make sure you get the best view, no problem" he said walking backwards, a grin smudged on his face. You couldn't blame him, you've only been to a few of his games, mostly only being their before the match and leaving before it started, not staying long enough to watch the game, only going home to ask Mina how the scores are going while you cleaned or cooked.
"Yea yeah.." you muttered, fixing your pyjama shirt, laying yourself down on the comfortable bed sheets, happy none of the massaging oils got on the cotton fabric. "Maybe watching one game wouldn't be too bad.." your thoughts ran through your head while closing your eyes, the lamp on the other side of the bed seemed to dim out as the tiredness began to catch up on you.
(Short one, I've been tired as balls, ya girl had baseball practice (the first reason I watched Ultrman Rising was because Ken played baseball, lmao)
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