It was about 3 in afternoon, Kenji was out at his match against the Swallows. While you, sat at home taking care of the baby while washing her scales with a large scrubbing brush.
You stood on top of the container, Mina informing you about how dangerous the situation was, as you scrubbed the large pink baby Kaiju's back with water and some reptile friendly soap. "Does that feel look baby? Is that nice girl?" You awed as she cooed back at you, rubbing her head again the long scrub.
She giggled as the containment had a two foot deep water at the bottom, letting her soak from the slimy throw up she had that morning. "I would be careful, since falling from this height would be very harmful" Mina stated, before floating down in front of the container to look at the happy looking baby.
"It's fine Mina, and look, isn't she adorable?" You cooed at the baby as she did back, a smile stretching on her chubby cheeks while happily moving to her side to let me scrub her other side. "She does look to be enjoying the bath" Mina said, spectating the pink dragon like Kaiju.
"How long until Ken will be back?" You asked her, making the floating robot stare at you, before mentioning, "he'll be back in only a few minutes" leaving a few seconds of seconds before she piped up again. "When have you started using his first name, y/n?"
"Oh, will from now.. or soon, if we're going to be taking care of missy over here, may as well" you replied, scrubbing under the kaiju's chubby chin. You awed in almost a squeal at how cute she was, making her let out a giggle like screech while a shower of water poured over her, ringing off the soap from her scales. As the water at the bottom of the containment unit drained, a few blowdrying tubes started to dry off the baby.
And just like that, Mina stated, "Ken is home, he's requested to run an ice bath.. he's had a fight at the match" you groaned at the information, climbing down the glass walls, making your way to the elevator, "Mina could you distract the baby for a few moments while I go make Ken chill out" you said, getting a "of course, y/n" from the robot.
Reaching the third floor of the isolated island mansion, you heard shuffling of an ice bath in a room across the floor, on the other end of the house from Ken's bedroom. You heard a chilled voice yelp slightly, meaning he was definitely in the water.
"Sato, are you alright there?" You called out, moving to the large walled off room that had an ice bath with Ken sitting in it. Couches locating around the room, as a large Tv played the match over. He spun his head around, "y/n! When did you get here?" He asked nervously, hoping you hadn't been watching as he got into the bath, "not long, don't worry" you said, walking, the ice in the bath preventing any unnecessary flashing from happening.
You pulled a stool next to his bath, him leaning back as his hair had the ends wet from the freezing water. "Heard about your game.. you good?" You asked, moving around to behind him, very lightly massaging his back as he groaned at the pain of the fight, the ice cooling down the bruises.
"That fucking.. that fucking catcher, I hate him" he grumbled with a scowl on his face, making you noticed a bandaid on his head, almost wincing at the thought of him getting punched in the head. "I'm not a fan of them either Ken.. don't worry" you said, dipping your hand in the water to run it through his hair.
"Ok I'm not going crazy, you said my name" he grinned at you, "maybe you got hit in the head a little too hard" you chuckled, rinsing his hair again, letting it get drenched as he smiled happily at you, "maybe" his mood brightening a lot as you had relaxed with him.
"Would you like a fancy fizzy drink, ken?" You asked, knowing that those drinks definitely had a ton of sugar and at least a little bit of alcohol in them. "I would love that y/n" he mumbled, taking his hand from out of the chilling ice water and grabbing your palm, making your hairs on your arm stand from how cold his skin was.
As he held your palm, he flipped it over so he could kiss your inner hand. You couldn't help but smile at the tenderness, pulling your hand away from the chilling grip and escaping to the little fridge in the back, onto a few drinks left in the storage unit.
Pulling out a few grape ones, watermelon, random other fruit ones, and taking about 6 in your arms to just throw into the tub to help him relax. Spotting something, you couldn't help but laugh at the coconut water, "you really shouldn't have done that advertisement, that stuff tastes like farts.." you said, walking back to the tub and dumping them into the ice, as they sat on the top of the water. You pulled one out, opening the can and letting Ken take it. "That's what I said!" He whisper yelled, watching as you sat yourself down beside him, "you won't believe what Mina did when you went to Australia"
You chuckled silently, "what did she do Ken?", "she took away my fancy fizzy drinks!" Whisper yelling again as the game played in the background, his mind wondering off from the image of him and the catcher getting into an argument and a fight.
"No she didn't" you laughed, trying to not topple over at his dramatic performance over the drinks, "she did, told me healthy choices healthy body" he said taking a long sip of his drink. You chuckled, holding up another cold fizzy drink and putting it to his chin, where a bruise was forming, he winced at the contact but leaned it when you put your hand on the other side of his face, supporting his head while the drink cooled his facial bruise down.
"Maybe we should change this" you mumbled, changing the video on the Tv to a random other game he had played before in America. Stopping the other game he played that day, not wanting him to reminisce over the shitty day.
"What would I do without you?" He asked, pushing his back further to the back of the tub closer to you, if that was even possible. His back straightened ever so slightly, his muscular chest hovering more of the water, "I'm not sure.." you mentioned, a moment of silence before, "are you trying to flex your nipples at me?" You could help but belly laugh at your own joke.
He groaned dramatically, sinking himself into the cold water, hiding under the surface of the ice cube filled tub, him still hearing your laughter even under the water. "Come on before you drown" you suppressed a giggle as you pulled him out of the water by under his shoulder.
"Come on you big baby.." you chuckled, as a few ice cubs fell off of his hair into the tub as he poured at you, his back hunched while looking at you. You calmed down, but he continued to stare, "Ken? Keeeen? Kenji are you alright?" You asked, clicking your fingers as he snapped out of his daze.
"Sorry, love.. you're very distracting" he flirted, leaning out of the tub a bit, flipping his body to face you. "I know I am" you said back, pushing him back in the tub, putting the cold drink back into the ice tub to cool down, grabbing another to make his face bruise reduce for later.
After a long while, the two of you just sitting there, chatting, relaxing from the commotion of the baby kaiju and baseball. It almost felt like the calm before the storm. The warm before the cold. The two of you wouldn't say it, but you two couldn't help but have the same gut feeling. Taking the time to sink into the nice feeling before it all went to shit and chaos.
After several of the drinks had been drunk by the two of you, only a few left in the tub of ice, which a lot had melted over the 30 mins to an hour of being there, Mina emerged from the shadow of the elevator, "Ken, y/n, we have something to show you"
You knew Mina meant well but Ken was just not having it, still pent up and tired after the crap game. He put his hands to his head, you pulled your back, as he sunk under the water, causing the water of the tub to rise a bit. As he went under, you could hear him scream, leaving it to be muffled by the water.
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