Chapter 3: Find the palace

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It's 12:30 for me but it is Friday when I should post so why not, I'll head to sleep after this

Akira leaves the velvet room and heads back to Leblanc

Akira: I found out nothing about the nav being back

Yusuke: So you don't know why the nav is back?

Akira: *cough* nope, all I know is that more people need changes of heart

Ryuji: well, of course, some people are just shitty

Makoto: anyway without any other interruptions, I checked the Phan-site since not many people have used it for requests anymore

Futaba: Find out anything

Makoto: ... And while on there I saw some people still trying to make requests while others are just using it for their own reasons. Mostly the latter. But one request I saw is a woman asking to change someone's heart. Talking about how they became weird over the time they knew them and it worries her.

Yusuke: well if we have the power to help then we must

Ryuji: too bad we're down a member, but I'm sure we Can manage

Sumire: Right... Ann-senpai isn't here...

Akira: ... do we have any keywords

Makoto: Just a name. Hanasuke Yamada.

Akira: (Why does that name sound familiar)

Morgana: Do we know a location? Or any backstory?

Makoto: No sorry. We'll have to figure that out ourselves like the previous palace owners.

Ryuji: we at least knew some backstory on our previous targets

Akira: then we're gonna have to guess, what do we know

Makoto: He's an office worker and that's all she said.

Yusuke: doesn't help us out much

Haru: perhaps somewhere he frequents?

Makoto: That's the thing. We don't know. None of us know anything about his daily life.

Ryuji: think we can get in contact with the person?

Haru: We don't know what he looks like. I could try and see if I can get someone to find out about him.

Ryuji: good idea

Akira: wait, what was his name again?

Makoto: Hanasuke Yamada

Akira: I think I saw him earlier

Ryuji: for real

Morgana: Wait what!? Where!?

Akira: here at Leblanc, he was a customer

Morgana: Was he the one who asked you about love?

Metanav: Keyword found

Ryuji: Love? That's the keyword? What's that even gonna look like?

Futaba: Well we found the desire. Now we need a location

Akira: Anywhere to do with love

Yusuke: if it's love, maybe the place he met someone he loved or a fond memory, we don't know what kind of love

Akira: most likely romantic. He asked me for advice about that like if I knew anything

Ryuji: Hanasuke Yamada's school

Metanav: incorrect

Ryuji: Hanasuke Yamada's Home

MetaNav: Keyword found. Beginning navigation.

Ryuji: Hanasuke Yamada's Girlfriends ho- oh wait I got it

Makoto: wait now?!

they go into mementos but are in Leblanc, which looks normal other than the Sky outside being a darker blue

Morgana: Really Ryuji?

Ryuji: what? I didn't think I'd get it right

Akira: if I had a nickel for every time you got a keyword by random, I'd have three nickels

Makoto: We should have left the guessing until later. Now I don't even know where we are in the Metaverse.

Akira: well there's no distortion anywhere here, and we don't know where his house is, but we might be able to figure it out once we go arou- *cough* my bad

Haru: are you ok?

Akira: I'm fine, just a Minor cold

Futaba: Uh... huh?

Akira: I'll be fine, been thought worse

Sumire: Are you sure senpai?

Akira: I'll be fine, now let's find out how to get through this

Ryuji: don't overdo it

Yusuke: so how do we plan to find his house

Ryuji: we look for the weirdest shit we Can find

Makoto: Who knows how long that could take? For all we know it might not even stand out, making our search for it take longer

Ryuji: mona Can smell distortion right

Morgana: don't just push this on me!

Akira: Makoto's right, we should find out where he lives before doing anything

Makoto: Let's head back for now. We have his palace saved so we can access it once we are outside his house

Akira: luckily I do have a plan

Futaba: Oh?

Akira: Just wait and see- *cough*

Yusuke: I suggest you try to get better as you do your plan

Sumire: You shouldn't try to go through with your plan or infiltrate the palace until you are a better senpai

Akira: I'll get medication, don't worry

Haru: please do

The thieves go home and Akira heads to Futaba's room

Akira: Hey Futaba, I'll need a favor for this plan to work

Futaba: what do you need?

Akira: I need a tracker I can put on Mona's collar

Futaba: Oh you're gonna try to have Morgana follow Hanasuke home and with a tracker you can find out where his home is

Akira: Yep, it is weird if any of us follow him

Futaba: True. Give me until tomorrow and I'll have it ready.

Akira: thanks Futaba, I'll inform the team in the group chat of the plan

Futaba: okay, Mwehehehehe

He heads back to Leblanc to inform the rest of the team of the plan and then goes to sleep. The next day Akira wakes up and heads to the Clinic walking in

Takemi: Welcome to Takemi Clinics. Oh, it's you, Akira

Akira: I need medication

Takemi: I don't have medication for your disease if that's what you're wondering, all I can do is reduce the coughing

Akira: oh don't worry, already handing that, but it's for the other thing I do

Takemi: Alrighty then. Please head to the exam room in the back

he goes to the back room to buy the needed medication, and also buys what he can to stop the coughing, even if it's only for a bit

Akira: thanks doc

Takemi: I still don't know what you are using this for but as long as it's not anything bad

Akira: it's too complicated to explain

Takemi: As long as it isn't anything bad

Akira: it's not anything ba- Ah- ah- Alright see ya walks out

Takemi: Sigh (I hope he lives through this... I hate to see someone like him die cause of love problems)

he walks out and sneezes, and heads back to Leblanc, letting petals fall to the ground, letting the Wind hide the evidence. He takes the medication to lessen the sneezing and starts to work. The plan is already being set in motion, the thieves being at the attic.

Morgana: Why do I have to be used this way...?

Akira: if one of us follows him it be a weird situation to explain, he won't even notice you

Haru: No one would assume a cat with a tracker is following them

Ryuji: It's for the greater good

Sumire: You can do it Morgana-senpai.

Morgana: Oh fine. I show you all just how valuable I am to this team. Next time he comes here I'll follow him out to his house

Akira: alright, you guys stay here as Mona and I am on the lookout

Makoto: on it

Akira goes to work at Leblanc. He would have brought Futaba but she had to be on her computer to track Mona (and she also didn't want to interact with anyone) Now all he has to do is hope he shows up. He worked at Leblanc like usual. Luckily for him, the Target came in (his name is Hanasuke Yamada btw incase anyone forgot)

Yamada: Hello again?

Akira: the usual?

Yamada: Yes, please

Akira: alright then

Yamada: thank you

Akira: No Problem

Akira serves him the usual as he pays for it. He then pretends to Drop a spoon and goes to Pick it up, signaling Morgana to be prepared. He then goes back to doing the normal things he does

Yamada: Hey... no never mind... ignore me...

Akira: what is it?

Yamada: No never mind... thanks for the coffee... I'll be going now

Akira: Alright then

Yamada: *gets up and walks out*

Morgana: I'll be back once I find out where he lives. follows him

Akira: infiltration successful

Yusuke: now we have to wait for Mona to locate him and head there ourselves

Makoto: Let's hope it goes well

Akira: I'll get gear prepared for infiltration

Makoto: good idea. We'll stay here and wait for Morgana

Akira. goes to buy infiltration items as they wait for Mona to find the place


Sorry if there isn't much in this chapter.

Also genuine question, how many words should a chapter have?

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