Chapter 25: Bonds

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Akira and Ann go to the park on a walk, holding hands along the way.

Ann: *smiling along the way*

Akira: *doing the same*

Ann: So how do you feel about Sophia returning?

Akira: It's nice to have her company again.

Ann: I'm glad she's back. I enjoyed her time with us.

Akira: Same, she's so sweet. Honestly, when I'm with her, I feel like a dad.

Ann: *blushes* A-A dad!?

Akira: Yeah, that or I feel like an older brother. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Ann: O-oh.

Akira: Feel like I wanna protect her. Almost jumped off a cliff to catch her, Ryuji had to hold me back because he knew I would.

Ann: You do care a lot for your friends.

Akira: I'd go through that interrogation room to keep them safe if I had to.

Ann: Let's not do that again.

Akira: Then please stay safe. I don't think I can see any of you get hurt...

Ann: I should be telling you that. Considering what you went through.

Akira: I know I know, I was just afraid you wouldn't feel the same way...

Ann: Still could have at least tried to ask again. Wait why didn't you?

Akira: Well back when I tried before, I thought you were trying to tell me to not do it anymore... So I stopped, thinking that's what you wanted. Besides, we had a lot of problems to deal with back then, I didn't think my selfish desire to be with you was something I should worry about...

Ann: What did I say or do that made you think that...?

Akira: The first time, when you said thanks for going out with you and I replied, you said you didn't mean it like that. I thought I got rejected, and I thought it was just bad timing...

Ann: Oh... I'm sorry.

Akira: It's not your fault, I just had bad timing and bad hearing.

Ann: Yep...

Akira: I promise I'll make up for the last two years of making you feel hurt by me.

Ann: I'll do the same.

Akira: Being with you here and now is more than enough for me.

Ann: *giggles*

Akira: It's the truth, still trying to figure out how such a natural beauty like you chose to date me.

Ann: *blushes*

Akira: Just how did I get so lucky?

Ann: I wouldn't call it luck. Max charm maybe.

Akira: Heh, maybe. *debonair charm*

A/N: even tho you only need rank 2 kindness to do her confidant oh well, having charm works too

Ann: *giggles*

Akira: I know I'm good-looking, but it still surprises me you went for me.

Ann: Why wouldn't I? You look hot, you're kind, sweet.

Akira: Thanks. *blushes*

Ann: You're welcome.

Akira: *touches her hair*

Ann: Hey. I have a question.

Akira: What?

Ann: Pigtails or long hair?

Akira: Hm?

Ann: Choose.

Akira: Like on you or in general?

Ann: On me.

Akira: Haven't seen you in anything other than pigtails.

Ann: Do you want to see me with my hair down?

Akira: Sure why not?

Ann: *takes out her hair bands and lets her hair flow down*

Akira: *no words can describe his reaction*

Ann: Akira?

Akira: *speechless* (Say something damn it!)

Ann: *holds his hand* Akira?

Akira: Yeah- we were talking about pigs?

Ann: ...What?

Akira: What?

Ann: Where did pigs come from...?

Akira: You said something about pigs.

Ann: ...oh pigtails. Wait why are you dragging the topic away?

Akira: Oh yeah the question. Honestly, it's a hard choice.

Ann: Do you like my hair down or not...?

Akira: Definitely, you had me entranced for a moment there.

Ann: That explains why you were speechless.

Akira: Hehe, yeah.

Ann: *lays her head on his shoulder*

Akira: *blushes*

Ann: Hey. I just realized. Since Sophia is with us again. Do you think she'd be willing to help us in the Metaverse again?

Akira: Only if she wants to.

Ann: Well she's never seen a Palace before. And Jails aren't a thing anymore since EMMA is defeated.

Akira: Well Palaces and Jails are pretty similar, so she'll understand the concept.

Ann: It shouldn't be too hard. Especially for her.

Akira: True.

Ann: So I guess that's another companion living with us.

Akira: We're already making a family.

Ann: Family huh?

Akira: Heh.

Ann: I wonder how our children would turn out.

Akira: I mean with both our good looks combined, their going to be a real heart stealer.

Ann: Let's hope they don't get into our line of work. As much as this can be fun I don't want to hear about them risking their lives like we do...

Akira: I know, I don't want them doing that.

Ann: Plus... I don't want them to see me in my thief outfit...

Akira: Yep... that could be weird. Mine's is badass though.

Ann: It is. I still don't get the pointed boots at the tip but it's grown on me.

Akira: Well I do go by Joker and I guess they're jester boots.

Ann True. And I guess you have them cause you like to be funny. I guess similar to a jester?

Akira: Eh kinda, doesn't suit me that much though, It more suits someone whose name has "chi" in it.

Ann: I'm assuming you mean Akechi. Which I don't blame you. He's a jester with how he ruined his whole plan cause he said pancakes to us way back before he even knew we could enter that world.

Akira: And we're never letting him live that down.

Ann: Never. He deserves it.

Akira: Indeed he does.

Ann: So what do you want to do now?

Akira: Want to keep hanging here?

Ann: Sure. I'm always down to keep hanging with you.

Akira: Alright then.

Ann: *hugs him*

Akira: *blushes*

Ann: I love you.

Akira: *hugs back* I love you too

Ann: I want to enjoy these moments with you as much as I can. Make up for what we missed.

Akira: Me too Ann.

Ann: *smiles*

Akira: *smiles also*

Ann: Hm? Hey! Look! There's the sweet shop!

Akira: Huh?

Ann: Want to get some?!

Akira: Sure

Ann: Great! Let's go! *grabs his hand and takes him to it. Enters with Akira and orders some sweets for her and Akira.*

Akira: *pays for them*

Ann: How rich are you?

Akira: Well with all the Metaverse money I had saved up, I do have quite a bit.

Ann: I see.

Akira: Getting money wasn't hard, but it was harder when I was on a budget due to you know what.

Ann: I can tell...

Akira: So now I just have a ton of money around. Since surgery costs a lot.

Ann: Ah.

Akira: Well if there are more Palaces there are more opportunities for money, but I hope there is no more.

Ann: You said something about a higher being. I doubt this whole business is over.

Akira: I know... and it's getting me concerned.

Ann: I'm with you there... Who or what would do this to you? A vendetta or something?

Akira: Well I can cross out Akechi because he didn't want me to die. If it were him he wouldn't have bothered to help.

Ann: Could be to throw you off. But then again I doubt he'd want to win like that.

Akira: He stated how much he didn't want me to die to a plant, and yeah Akechi has lied but that's when he was famous.

Ann: True.

Akira: Also it's a disease that is thought to be fake, and if it's a higher being doing this, they have some kind of power.

Ann: It could be similar to Maruki. Power over reality. They made a myth real on you.

Akira: But why me? And am I the only victim?

Ann: You could be one of the unlucky few who somehow got it. Or specifically targeted to have it.

Akira: I hope I was the only victim.

Ann: You might not be. But let's hope you were the only victim ever.

Akira: We still have to catch the person because they could infect someone else, I have no leads on a culprit.

Ann: That makes this troublesome...

Akira: We can discuss this back home, I'd rather not think about it on our date.

Ann: Yeah. Anyway here. *hands him a cupcake*

Akira: *takes it and eats*

Ann: You look cute eating it.

Akira: H-huh? *blushes*

Ann: *giggles* Your blush is cute.

Akira: Y- yeah I get it.

Ann: *eats her share*

Akira: (Adorable)

Ann: *smiling cutely over the sweets*

Akira: *smiling at her smile* Cute.

Ann: Thanks.

Akira: So people just thank each other for stating the obvious now?

Ann: Well, it's still nice to hear it.

Akira: I suppose it is.

Ann: Yep.

Akira: *finishes eating*

Ann: Hey you got a bit of cream on your nose.

Akira: Oh. *looks for a napkin*

Ann: *reaches over and wipes it off with her finger*

Akira: Thanks.

Ann: You're welcome. *eats the cream*

The two of them go back home after a bit, and Sophia appearing back in Akira's phone.

Sophia: Hello. Futaba had some pretty cool stuff. She even talked about her love for Phoenix Ranger Featherman.

Akira: Nice.

Ann: She really loves that series huh?

Akira: I watched some episodes with her, it was alright.

Sophia: It is interesting.

Akira: Hey where's Morgana?

Sophia: He's with Futaba. She wants to have him stay the night so she can learn how to take care of a cat. Morgana agreed to help out.

Akira: ... Can you call Futaba?

Sophia: Okay *calls her*

Akira: She better not have done anything to Morgana.

Ann: I doubt she would do that. You should trust her more.

Futaba: *Picks up* Hello?

Akira: Why do you have my cat?

Futaba: Look. Can you just let him stay one night? Please. I want to learn how to take care of a cat. Don't worry I got Sojiro helping out.

Akira: Alright Futaba, can you put Morgana on the phone?

Futaba: Okay. *Gets Morgana on the line*

Morgana: Hello?

Akira: Hey Morgana, you doing okay? I heard you're staying at Futaba's today.

Morgana: Yeah. She practically begged me to stay since she wanted to learn how to take care of a cat.

Futaba: Did not!

Morgana: Sure you didn't. Anyway. I think she wants to get a cat in the future. So since I'm such a nice guy, I'll help her out with this.

Akira: Alright then, have fun,

Morgana: Plus I'm getting sushi for doing this.

Akira: Nice. Anyway, night.

Morgana: I'll be fine. Don't worry. Night. *hangs up*

Sophia: Call ended.

Akira: Well at least I know he's doing ok.

Ann: I'm sure he'll be fine.

Akira: Well that's more time for us.

Ann: True. And also Sophia.

Akira: *looks at Sophia* I think we should tell her.

Sophia: Tell me what?

Akira: You wanna tell her or should I?

Ann: You can tell her.

Akira: So Sophia. Ann and I are dating. You know what that means right?

Sophia: Dating? Oh! Are you two lovers?

Akira: Yep. (Really she's Lovers)

Sophia: That's great! I'm so happy for you both!

Akira: Thanks.

Sophia: How long have you two been dating?

Akira: A few weeks. Ever since I got Hanahaki cured.

Sophia: Why did you get Hanahaki?

Akira: Some higher being, still trying to figure out a motive.

Sophia: Higher being? Like a god?

Akira: I think, but I'm not sure.

Ann: I'll take them out all the same for doing this to Akira.

Akira: First we gotta figure it out. I'll discuss this with the team when I can.

Ann: Yeah. We should try and learn about what caused all of this.

Akira: And prevent it from happening to anyone else.

Sophia: Do you mind if I join with this investigation?

Akira: Are you sure you're ok with it? I don't want to drag you into my problems.

Sophia: I'm humanity's companion! I'm always here to help!

Akira: Then sure, but be careful.

Ann: Also Akira you know we dragged you into our problems and you helped us. Let us do the same.

Akira: Right. Thanks.

Ann: You're welcome. Also, how long has it been since you entered the Metaverse, Sophia?

Sophia: Hmmmm. A while ago. I still can use my Persona.

Akira: We'll have to get her caught up. Plus I suppose we could use the extra backup since Akechi isn't joining us.

Sophia: Akechi? Do you mean the "Detective Prince" Goro Akechi?

Akira: Yeah, the guy who loves delicious pancakes.

Ann: So basically Akechi can also enter the Metaverse and use a Persona. The "prince" is just an act. He's a psycho who most likely stalks Akira. Not a nice guy. He foiled his plan when he spoke out loud about delicious pancakes to us and we outsmarted him. Now he holds a grudge against us and we mock him every day with pancakes.

Akira: All that too.

Sophia: I see. So is he still a threat now?

Akira: Not for now, but be on the lookout. And make pancake jokes when you can, it's funny.

Sophia: I will keep that in mind.

Akira: Guess for now we can all relax.

Ann: Tomorrow let's get together with the others and try to figure this out.

Akira: Let's go to the Big Bang burger then.

Sophia: I will mark this on the calendar.

Akira: Text the group chats about it too, gotta get them prepared.

Sophia: Okay. *texts the group about the meet-up tomorrow*

Akira: Let's all get rest then.

Ann: Okay.

Akira and Ann go to bed.


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