Chapter 20: Two Dumbasses in Love

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Later that day, Akira's mouth was clean and his neck was better now as he drank water. He's now back at the clinic to double-check everything.

Akira: *enters with a smug smile* Told you I'd survive this.

Takemi: Surgery or did she confess?

Akira: Confession somehow. So now I have a ton of extra money just lying around.

Takemi: Oh. So you got a better ending.

Akira: Yep. You will not believe how it happened.

Takemi: You don't have to tell me. I just need to know that you aren't suffering anymore and that you both are together now.

Akira: A while ago I wouldn't believe that was possible.

Takemi: Well sometimes things happen that go against your beliefs.

Akira: Yeah... Usually for the better. So... no more petal coughing for me, and my mouth and body should be okay.

Takemi: Good. Now for the payment. Payment for making me worry and all the medicine I gave you for this disease that I let you have for free, and for my therapy.

Akira: ...Alright *Gets out his wallet*

Takemi: I was joking.

Akira: should of seen it coming.

Takemi: I'm glad you're okay again. Take care, Akira.

Akira: You too doc.

Takemi: And you better treat Ann well.

Akira: I will, don't worry. Wouldn't want to come back here with Hanahaki- wait I never told you her name

Takemi: One of your friends told me, the brown-haired one.

Akira: Should have known he would, Thanks for helping me Takemi *walks out*

Takemi: *smiles* (finally he is ok)

Akira goes back to Leblanc.

Akira: *walks in* I'm back Sojiro.

Sojiro: You look happy. Something good happened?

Akira: I can finally drink water again. *grabs a bottle of water and chugs it*

Sojiro: What do you mean again? When weren't you able to?

Akira: Long story.

Sojiro: Never mind. I need you to do the dishes.

Akira: Fine... *does the dishes*

I.M. Messages: Ann Takamaki

Hey. Do you want to hang out tomorrow? Alone. Just the two of us.

of course, want me to go to your place?

I rather have yours.

alright then, come by when you're ready.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

see you tomorrow.

He goes to sleep. He then wakes up in the Velvet Room, but this time in his thief attire.

Akira: (No more plants, bars, or prisoner clothes)

Igor: Welcome to the Velvet Room.

Lavenza: Congratulations Trickster. You have overcome what binds you in the cell once more.

Akira: told you I'd do it.

Lavenza: But you couldn't do it until she confessed to you. And that was when you were dying from the disease.

Akira: The important thing is I lived. I'm just glad it's over.

Igor: You've overcome the ordeal once again. And with that, my job here is done. You were a wonderful guest.

Akira: Thanks, Honestly it was scary.

Igor: I do not blame you. Your life was on the line due to love.

Lavenza: But in the end, the cards played in your favor once more.

Akira: They always seem to be in my favor at the moment I'm on the brink of death.

Igor: It would seem so.

Akira: So, you just came to congratulate me? I'm flattered.

Lavenza: Well not just that, we have figured out the reason you had hanahaki

Akira: Because I couldn't get over Ann?

Lavenza: That, and it was forced upon you

Akira: Forced upon me?

Lavenza: By a higher being

Akira: Who? How? And why?

Lavenza: We are unsure, We don't fully have the answer to that, but we can help you out

Akira: How?

Igor: Your shadow was an attempt to put you down, this higher being took Arsene from you, but with Hanahaki being cured you have your persona back, now stronger than ever

Akira: Wow, that's cool

Igor: Well then. I shall bid you farewell. And good luck with your future endeavors. Good luck in figuring this out.

Lavenza: Farewell, Trickster. May we meet again.

Akira: Farewell.

Akira wakes up the next day

Sojiro: *from downstairs* Hey Akira! One of your friends is here to see you!

Akira: (Must be Ann) *changes* Tell Ann to come up here.

Sojiro: It's not her.

Akira: Huh? *goes downstairs*

Akechi: Greetings Akira.

Akira: Oh... thought you were a different blonde.

Akechi: My hair is not blond. Anyway. I've come just to say something here and now. I shall take my leave afterward.

Akira: Upstairs *goes there*

Akechi: *follows*

In the attic

Akira: I'm surprised Sojiro didn't strangle you.

Akechi: I was able to convince him. Anyway. I will only say this once and you better not forget it.

Akira: It's something about Ann isn't it?

Akechi: No. it's related to you.

Akira: What?

Akechi: *pulls out glove* I know now might not be the best time but I don't care. Remember this, Akira. Now that I'm back I haven't forgotten our rivalry. While they might not see me again in the future that doesn't mean I will stop until I've bested you.

Akira: It will be tricky to do it in the Metaverse.

Akechi: I'm up for the challenge.

Akira: Same. I'll kick your ass when that day comes.

Akechi: We will see what happens. But I will not lose again. Farewell until tomorrow. We finish this and go our separate ways. And I better not see you dying from such a stupid disease again. Otherwise, I will kill you before the disease does.

Akira: Good luck with that.

Akechi: See you tomorrow. You better bring something better for the fight than what you've been showing currently. It's pathetic compared to what you did back in high school. *leaves*

Akira: (Fine, I'll bring Satanael just to spite him. Along with a plate of pancakes)

2 hours later

Ann: *arrives*

Akira: Hey Ann. How are you?

Ann: I'm... okay.

Akira: Alright.

Ann: *blushes looking away from Akira trying to hide her smiling face*

Akira: What have you been up to?

Ann: Oh. Nothing much.

Akira: I see.

Sojiro: Huh?

Akira: We should probably go upstairs.

Ann: Yeah...

Sojiro: Something up with you two?

Akira: Nothing.

Sojiro: Oh. I think I get it. Have fun you two. *whispers to Akira* Try not to do any freaky business while the store is open, or at least keep it down, and wear protection if you do.

Akira: We aren't that far into the relationship.

Sojiro: You scored a good one. You better take care of her.

Akira: I will.

They both go upstairs

Akira: *sits on the couch*

Ann: *sits next to him*

Akira: ...

Ann: ...

Akira: I'm sorry for not saying anything...

Ann: No I am. I'm... just nervous.

Akira: I meant Hanahaki...

Ann: Oh.

Akira: And sorry for not paying attention the first time you confessed to me...

Ann: I'm not gonna let you live that down by the way. And you better not do it again when I say something.

Akira: I promise...

Ann: Good.

Akira: I didn't mean to hurt you that day...

Ann: I didn't mean to either when you thought I rejected you... 3 times. Wait when were the other times?

Akira: Hawaii and the school festival.

Ann: I thought you were just saying that at the school festival to try and save me. I didn't think you meant it. And Hawaii?

Akira: I tried making a move but I thought you were rejecting my advances.

Ann: I didn't know you were trying to. Sorry...

Akira: It's fine... I was just too scared the whole time... I thought I had bad timing.

Ann: Wait back at the park, were you serious then too?

Akira: Honestly, a bit of joking, a bit of seriousness.

Ann: Oh... To think you tried 3 times to confess to me...

Akira: And to think we could have been dating since two years ago

Ann: Makes you wonder what would have happened if we did.

Akira: Wouldn't have been suffering for no reason.

Ann: Yeah... and we both wouldn't have gone 2 years feeling rejection.

Akira: We make Ryuji look smart with our stupidity.

Ann: Oh god... that's true. Don't ever tell him what you just told me.

Akira: *leans on her shoulder*

Ann: *light blush*

Akira: Today I'll have my attention on you.

Ann: *blushes harder and smiles*

Akira: *snuggles on her*

Ann: We could have had this... 2 years ago.

Akira: Better late than never.

Ann: True.

Akira: Oh, and by the way, my mouth doesn't taste like a dead plant anymore.

Ann: Yay.

Akira: Just saying if you want. probably wasn't your best kiss with me.

Ann: I mean it was our first kiss.

Akira: Yeah- wait didn't you kiss someone during the movie you're working on?

Ann: Nope.

Akira: But human Morgana told me- oh he was lying. should have seen that one coming...

Ann: The scene is getting cut due to controversy. I don't know the full story, but I never kissed him... turns out he planned to show up when we went to the buffet.

Akira: Wished I could have just told him to leave.

Ann: No I should have done that... but I was too shy to... but had I known his plan beforehand I would of.

Akira: I know...

Ann: I told the director and hopefully he does something...

Akira: I hope so too.

Ann: Either way I'm quitting working on that movie...

Akira: You don't have to do it for my sake

Ann: It has nothing to do with that... I just don't know if anything will happen... plus if they decide to do nothing about it, it'll be weird

Akira: People really would do- yes, yes they would... I don't even know why I asked that...

Ann: Yep...

Akira: damn it, he was trying to mess with me, and I let him do that... I'm dumber than Ryuji when it comes to love.

Ann: He tried messing with me also. Tried making me believe you were an asshole.

Akira: Did you believe him?

Ann: No. I've known you for over a year. I know you're not an asshole.

Akira: One of us is smarter when it comes to being lied to. Wish I could have just had enough confidence to ask you out the moment I had this, I could of at least avoided any further pain.

Ann: Yeah... same.

Akira: It wasn't your fault I had it, Ann...

Ann: But your love for me is what caused it.

Akira: But you didn't mean to do this. I'm the one at fault for not paying attention the first time... for making myself think I wouldn't have a chance.

Ann: I guess. But in the end, it still worked out.

Akira: I wonder if I never had Hanahaki... if we would have been together.

Ann: I believe we would still be together.

Akira: It probably would have just taken longer.

Ann: Better late than never. *smiles*

Akira: Yeah. *Smiles back*

Ann: *giggles*

Akira: *gently strokes her hair*

Ann: I love you.

Akira: I love you too.

Ann: Let's stay together... forever.

Akira: That sounds like an F-ann-tastic idea

Ann: ...

Akira: :)

Ann: Damn it. I smiled at that.

Akira: *chuckles*

Ann: Once we change the principal's heart, we can be together without worry.

Akira: There will probably be more palaces after that one honestly, but we can manage.

Ann: It's our job. Our secret side job.

Akira: And we look great doing it. especially you.

Ann: *blushes* Thanks.

Akira: *gently strokes her hair* So are we just going to snuggle all day? Because I'm down for that.

Ann: You better not try anything perverted.

Akira: Do you honestly think I will?

Ann: Kind of.

Akira: I'm offended. I mean yes you're sexy as hell but I Can respect your boundaries.

Ann: I know you won't try something like that. But I know you think about it.

Akira: You have no evidence I'm thinking any of that stuff.

Ann: Then why were you getting entranced by me when I seduced the Shadows during battle, I heard from Ryuji you always did.

Akira: Damn it Ryuji... Can you blame me? You have a sexy body.

Ann: *blushes*

Akira: *snuggles deeper onto her shoulder*

Ann: ...Let's stay like this... for a while longer. Please.

Akira: Of course.

Ann: Thanks.

Akira: No problem, Ann.

They say like this for a while longer before Ann heads home for the day. At night.

Akira: *lying in bed, thinking*

Morgana: Can't sleep?

Akira: I'm just thinking...

Morgana: About Ann?

Akira: I don't want to screw up my relationship with her.

Morgana: Then focus on maintaining it.

Akira: I will. I'm just scared about messing up... especially because if I do... I'll hurt her.

Morgana: Then you need to get the confidence to maintain it. You can do it. You've accomplished more than this before.

Akira: I've shot god in the head, this can't be too hard... right?

Morgana: It shouldn't be.

Akira: Maybe...

Morgana: Just focus on making her happy. Do good things for her and she'll do the same.

Akira: It's that easy huh...? I can do that.

Morgana: Yeah. Now go to sleep.

Akira: Fine, fine. *goes to sleep*


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