Chapter 2: Gekkoukan

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April 8th 2009

"Hey! It's Yukari, you awake?" Makoto stood up from his bed and opened the door to be greeted by Yukari. "Good morning, did you sleep ok? Mitsuru-senpai asked me to show you the way to school today." "Sure, I'd like that Yukari." Makoto followed Yukari down to the train station where they got onto the next transit. Once on the train they soon were floating across the ocean in the train. "I like taking the subway to school every day, it's almost like we're gliding across the ocean." As they continued along the track Yukari pointed out the window. As Makoto looked over he saw a giant island. "There is is. Tatsumi Port Island, its a man-made island. And our school is smack dab in the middle of it." As they stepped off the train at the station Yukari continued leading Makoto to school. Once they reached the front gate Yukari was greeted by a few of her friends wishing her a good morning. Just as they reached the gates she ran ahead of Makoto and turned around. "Well here we are. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to Gekkoukan high, I hope you love it here." Makoto kept walking and as he and Yukari reached the main doors to the school they stopped. "Well that does it for the tour, should be easy from here on out. You'll wanna head to the faculty office first to get your room assignment. Any questions?" Makoto shook his head and Yukari then asked him, "I've got archery practice today so I won't be able to take you back to the dorm today, but remember not to say anything about last night. Shoot I gotta go, catch you later." Yukari then ran off. 

After a bit of socializing Makoto made his way to the faculty office where he was greeted by a younger teacher. "Ah you must be the new student, Makoto Yuki. Let's see you've moved to a lot of different schools. Huh? 10 years ago your parents- Oh I'm so sorry I was so busy I didn't have time to read this beforehand. Well I'm miss Toriumi, you'll be in my class. Class 2-F. Right now we need to head to the assembly, follow me." Makoto followed ms Toriumi to the auditorium he found a seat and watched as the principal made some announcements that Makoto found to be just boring. During the assembly, a student asked Makoto if they knew Yukari well and if she had a boyfriend. Makoto told him to keep quiet which sparked a bit of discussion about ms Toriumi's class being noisy. Once the assembly was over Makoto was sitting at his desk when the day ended. A very energetic student walked up to Makoto. "Sup dude. How's it going?" The excited student asked. "And you are?" "Me? Call me Junpei, Junpei Iori. I transferred here back in middle school so I know how it feels. Bein the new guy and all so I just wanted to say, hey! See what a nice guy I am?" Junpei pointed his thumb at himself as he looked like the proudest guy on the planet. Soon Yukari walked up. "At it again I see. You better not be bothering him Junpei. You get used to his annoying antics sooner or later." "Ah Yuka-tan you're in this class too?" "It must be fate." Makoto said. Yukari laughed, "Fate? Yeah right. Though it is pretty weird though, being in the same class." Yukari chuckled. "Uh, you guys forgetting that I'm in this class too?" "Yeah what about it?" Yukari asked. "So I heard you two came to school together. Come on, gimme the dirt." Yukari's face went from joy to horror. "Huh? Nothing, we just live in the same dorm together. Are there rumors about this already? Look, there is NOTHING between us got it?" Yukari looked furious. "Relax Yuka-tan nobody takes rumors seriously nowadays anyway." Yukari then stormed off after letting Makoto know she needed to get to practice.

"Well hey, it's your first day and people are already talking about you. You da man. You busy today? I was thinkin about heading to Paulownia mall after school, wanna come with?" Makoto nodded his head and he followed Junpei out of the school. When they got to the mall Junpei and Makoto were playing at the arcade for most of the day before they headed back to the dorm. Junpei stayed on the train as he had a later stop. Makoto realized that it was really late. "Why do people have to jump onto the tracks?" Makoto asked himself. As he entered the dorm Mitsuru greeted him, "Welcome back. You're home pretty late, try not to make it a habit please." "Why? cause you want me back in time for you to watch me on the monitor in the command room?" Mitsuru blushed heavily in embarrassment. "How do you know all these things Yuki?" Makoto waved for Mitsuru to sit down in the lounge. As Mitsuru sat down Makoto sat across from her. "I know about the dark hour, Personas, and Tartarus. There isn't anything I don't know Mitsuru. Let's just keep it at that. I won't say much else but tomorrow is a full moon and there is gonna be a big challenge, I'd let Akihiko know to not go out tomorrow night. Makoto then stood up and headed for his room where he went to sleep.

Mitsuru was sat in the command room with Yukari, Akihiko, and the chairman. "He knows about it all, I don't know how but he knows everything. The dark hour, shadows, personas, even Tartarus. It's almost like he's experienced this before." Yukari then piped in, "Yeah it's strange, and today when we were in class he seemed so sure that it was fate that he, Junpei and myself wound up in the same class together. It's kinda odd in all honestly. He also knew about the cameras." "He even told us to be cautious about tomorrow since it's a full moon." The chairman sat there quietly to himself before he told everyone to just go to their rooms and get some sleep. That night Makoto was visited by Pharos but before he could even say anything Makoto told him he knew a trial awaited him the next night. He vanished without even saying a word.

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