Pantheon Domination (Part 3)

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Perseus was also in a good mood for a few more important reasons with the power he gained over space from absorbing the portion of his power in the form of the Space Stone he already knew a few very important abilities he had.

The first ability he knew he had was extremely important with only a thought if Perseus wanted to he could know the exact location of the other portions of his power in the form of the Infinity Stones. The second ability he knew he had was even more important than the first with only another thought after learning the location of the Infinity Stones he could teleport the Infinity Stones to his exact location.

This means that if Perseus decided that he was done with the extra games all he would have to do is will the other portions of his power to himself, absorb the rest of his power, and enjoy his Omnipotence. At the moment Perseus was fine with the games and was enjoying himself so he would continue with the games for now.

Perseus was definitely happy that if he wanted to do so he could complete his main goal with only a couple of thoughts.

Testing out his power Perseus decides to try and teleport himself back to his previous position before he went off into the direction of Odin's palace. When he does this he immediately finds himself back in his previous position he doesn't see anything that would suggest anyone or anything had previously teleported nearby.

This means that when he teleports with this version of teleportation it would look like he blinks in and out of existence. When Perseus comes to this conclusion he immediately knows that he has found his new favorite form of teleportation after all what is more dramatic than blinking in and out of existence.

Looking around Perseus sees that the battle was almost over the only being of the Norse pantheon left was Thor who was lying on the ground beaten. Perseus had just enough time to look up and see Typhon raise his foot and crush the last remaining enemy destroying Thor the God of thunder, strength, fertility, and consecration and sending him into the Soul World.


3rd Person

As soon as Thor was destroyed and sent into the Soul World Perseus immediately teleports in front of his army which gains their attention since he just blinked into existence right before them. Before speaking Perseus uses his power to send all of the monsters present back to the Soul World while also closing the portal that led into the replica of Tartarus in the Soul World

"Now in a moment I am going to summon the Primordials and when I do so you all will be traveling to the other realms and destroying the rest of the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon along with the Giants of the Norse pantheon. You will also destroy any other beings of the Norse pantheon that are of importance." States Perseus.

"Wait before you do that may I ask did you destroy Odin? I did not see him anywhere on the battlefield after the battle started." Questions Athena.

"Yes while I was heading into the direction of Odin's vault he spotted me and decided to follow me. Once he finally decided to reveal himself after I reached his vault he tried to question me. After having a quick chat I destroyed him." Answers Perseus.

"May I ask as to how you found out about Odin's vault and why you went to Odin's vault? You don't seem to have brought anything from Odin's vault with you." Questions Athena.

"Well, it may appear as if I didn't take anything from Odin's vault but I did. In fact, I took the most powerful artifact in Odin's entire vault." Answers Perseus.

"May I ask as to what this artifact is?" Questions Athena who did make a note that one of her earlier questions was not answered.

"The artifact itself is not important what is important is the fact that the artifact itself was a portion of my power in the form of the artifact." Answers Perseus.

"Which since you asked is how I knew about Odin's vault as soon as we arrived I sensed that a portion of my power was there which is why I knew the location of Odin's vault and why I went there in the first place." Answers Perseus.

"Did you absorb your power back into yourself? is that why you currently do not have the artifact in your possession?" Questions Athena.

"Yes, as soon as I had the artifact in my hand I immediately absorbed my power back into myself which is why I no longer have the artifact in my possession." Answers Perseus.

"Now if that is all of the questions it is time for you all to get started." States Perseus with him using his power to summon the souls of the Primordials after he gave them a few seconds to ask any more questions. An instant after Perseus had used his power the Primordials appear looking exactly like they did when Perseus and the other beings of his army were previously in the Soul World.

"Now I will let the others here catch you up to speed once your task is complete we will continue from there. I'll be going now." States Perseus who blinks out of existence not a moment later.

Time Skip

Over the next few hours the Olympians, the minor Gods and Goddesses, the Giants, the Titans, Typhon, and the Primordials destroy the rest of the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon along with the Giants of the Norse pantheon.

After each being was destroyed Perseus briefed them on the army and their current task which was to destroy the remaining Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon along with the Giants of the Norse pantheon.

When Perseus briefed the beings sometimes he only briefed one being at a time and sometimes he briefed a small group of beings at a time but most of the time he briefed a large group of beings at a time.

Most would expect the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon to try their very best to get out from under the control of Perseus but like the Primordials and Kronos they didn't for deep in their minds, they knew that something was different about Perseus something that would terrify them.

Most would also expect the same from the Giants of the Norse pantheon but like the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon, the Primordials, and Kronos they didn't for deep in their minds, they knew that something was different about Perseus something that would terrify them.

Once Jormungand: the World Serpent was destroyed and sent to the Soul World Perseus immediately made the body of water around the replica of Ancient Greece big enough that it could hold Jormungand. Afterwards Perseus briefed Jormungand on the situation and ordered him to return to his slumber for the time being.

Once he had done this Perseus had his army destroy Fenris Wolf which they could do since they had the Fates and the living embodiment of Fate on their side and because of this, the Norns could not stop them from destroying Fenris Wolf like they do to any one of the Norse pantheon. Soon Perseus's army had destroyed Fenris Wolf and he was then briefed on the situation by Perseus.

Perseus then had his army destroy the Norns along with the rest of the more powerful beings of the Norse pantheon such as Loki, Hel, the rest of the Giants, and the rest of the Gods and Goddesses of the pantheon.

The process of destroying the rest of the most powerful beings in the Norse pantheon took around the same amount of time as it did for the Greek and Roman pantheon due to the sheer amount of Giants in the Norse pantheon.

The process could have been significantly faster if Kronos had used his power over time but Perseus informed him not to since he wanted to take his time briefing the new recruits and he wanted to make some changes to the Soul World.

Line Break

In the meeting room that Perseus and his army had used before for the previous meeting another meeting between Perseus and the most important beings of his army was occurring. The meeting room was much bigger than the previous time Perseus and the members of his army were present this is because Perseus designed the room to grow according to the number of beings in the room.

The beings attending Perseus's meeting are the Olympians, Hades, Hestia, the minor Gods and Goddesses of Olympus, the Titans, Typhon, the Giants of the Greek and Roman pantheon, the Primordials, the spirits of the five rivers of the underworld, the Fates, the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon, Jormungand, Fenris Wolf, Loki, Hel, and the Norns.

Basically, the most important beings in Perseus's army were attending the meeting the only beings not attending the meeting are the traitor demigods, the monsters, the Einherjar army of Odin, and the Giants of the Norse pantheon.

The Giants were not present because Perseus decided that the Giants would not be assisting the others with their task. It would be unneeded and it would be like sending out all of the monsters and traitor demigods something that was currently unnecessary.

All of the Gods and Goddesses who are considered to be on the Giants side are present because Perseus wanted every God and Goddess of the Norse pantheon to assist in taking over the Egyptian pantheon. The reason Jormungand and Fenris Wolf were present would be due to them being some of the most powerful beings in the entire Norse pantheon.

There was also another reason as to why they were present Perseus was planning on them battling one of the most powerful beings in the Egyptian pantheon which would be Apophis: the God of Chaos.

Perseus had also learned something about Jormungand he had learned that Jormungand has the ability to control his size just as the Olympians and most of the other beings in Perseus's army could. Perseus had also learned something about Fenris Wolf he had learned that Fenris Wolf also has the ability to control his size just as the Olympians and most of the other beings in Perseus's army could.

Because of this Perseus created a mini ocean in the middle of the room for Jormungand to reside in during the meeting and any future meetings. Perseus also created a makeshift throne for Fenris Wolf to reside in during the meeting and any future meetings.

During the time when Perseus's army was destroying the rest of the powerful beings of the Norse pantheon and assisting him in taking over the Norse pantheon, Perseus created and or changed a few things in the Soul World.

The first thing Perseus created was an exact replica of Asgard which he created with the help of the memories of the Gods and Goddesses of Asgard. He also made it so that when the Gods and Goddesses of Asgard are destroyed they will go to the replica of Asgard when they enter the Soul World.

The second thing Perseus created was exact replicas of the realms the Giants of the Norse pantheon came from. He also made it so that when the Giants are destroyed they will go to the replica of their respective realm when they enter the Soul World.

The meeting between Perseus and the most important beings of his army had just started with the arrival of Perseus himself who was the last person to arrive.

"Now since I haven't introduced myself to the new recruits as of yet I guess it would be best if we start with that my name is Perseus. You can address me as either my Lord or Lord Perseus however I prefer my Lord." States Perseus while releasing waves of power like he did before to tell the new beings of his army that there would be no objections.

"Now as for the first order of business Odin I believe you are on par with some of the most powerful Primordials are you not?" Questions Perseus who already knew the answer but wanted to let everyone else present know.

"Yes, as far I am aware my level of power could be compared to some of the most powerful Primordials." Answers Odin who was not sure as to where the question was going.

"Good to know." States Perseus who was slightly amused at the looks of shock some of the beings present held.

"Now as I am sure you either know or have put together you all will be completing tasks of destroying the most powerful beings in pantheons in order to assist me in taking over a pantheon. The first pantheon you will be assisting me in taking over is the Egyptian pantheon.

Unlike last time this task will not have the Primordials assisting in any way shape or form." States Perseus while aiming what he was saying at the new beings of his army.

"The Olympians, Hades, Hestia, the minor Gods and Goddesses, the Giants, the Titans, Typhon, and the Primordials already know this but the new recruits are not aware of this so just so you know I can use the power of any being who is a part of my army so if you happen to see me experimenting with your abilities it is because I am getting a feel for them.

Also when I am using your powers and or abilities you can still use them as if I am not even using them in the first place so you don't have to worry about not being able to use your powers and or abilities while I am using them." States Perseus.

"Now Ananke when I give you the go-ahead I want you to teleport myself and everyone else in this room besides for the Primordials to the realm of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. As for the Primordials you will remain in the Soul World unless I say otherwise." States Perseus.

Perseus nods in Ananke's direction giving her the go-ahead as soon as he does this she raises her left hand and snaps her fingers in the next moment there was a bright flash of light and the Primordials were left as the only beings in the room.

Line Break

In the realm of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses there was a blight flash of light and Perseus and every being that was present at the recent meeting besides for the Primordials appear.

Perseus turns to his army and commands "Now I am going to take Jormungand and Fenris Wolf with me when I leave with them I want you all to spread out and destroy any Gods and Goddesses you find.

If you happen to find Ra contact Odin and he will destroy him he is after all on Ra's power level. Now Jormungand, Fenris Wolf, and I must be going." States Perseus with him Jormungand and Fenris Wolf blinking out of existence only a moment later.

Perseus, Jormungand, and Fenris Wolf appear in a place where Bast: the Goddess of Cats and Protection was fighting Apophis: the God of Chaos when Perseus sees that they haven't been noticed by the other beings present he turns to Jormungand and Fenris Wolf and commands

"Fenris Wolf if you can grow to anywhere near Apophis's size go ahead and do so Jormungand grow slightly bigger than Jormungand once you both have grown to your respective heights destroy both the Goddess and Apophis."

Immediately after they were given the command both Jormungand and Fenris Wolf grew to their respective heights which instantly causes Bast and Apophis to notice their arrival. Some people would assume that Apophis would abolish both Jormungand and Fenris Wolf but they would be completely and utterly wrong.

Although he was on the same level as Ra if not more powerful the same thing could be said for Fenris Wolf with Odin that alone would make it a pretty even battle but with the assistance of Jormungand, the battle could already be considered won.

In other words, it didn't take long for Jormungand and Fenris Wolf to destroy both Bast and Apophis. Once they finish destroying Apophis who was the last of the two to be destroyed they turn to Perseus who had enjoyed the show.

"Not bad now I am going to teleport you to where we were before you can then join the others in destroying the rest of the Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon." States Perseus with him teleporting Jormungand and Fenris Wolf to the position they were previously in when they first arrived to the realm of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.

Time Skip

Over the next few hours the Olympians, the minor Gods and Goddesses, the Giants, the Titans, Typhon, the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon, Jormungand, and Fenris Wolf destroy the rest of the Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon along with any demons and monsters that get in their way.

After each being was destroyed Perseus briefed them on the army and their current task which was to destroy the remaining Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon.

When Perseus briefed the beings sometimes he only briefed one being at a time and sometimes he briefed a small group of beings at a time but most of the time he briefed a large group of beings at a time.

Most would expect the Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon to try their very best to get out from under the control of Perseus but like the Primordials, Kronos, the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon, and the Giants of the Norse pantheon they didn't for deep in their minds, they knew that something was different about Perseus something that would terrify them.

After Apophis: the God of Chaos was destroyed and sent to the Soul World Perseus immediately made the body of water around the replica of Ancient Greece big enough that it could hold both Jormungand and Apophis. Afterwards Perseus briefed Apophis on the situation and ordered him to go into slumber for the time being.

The process of destroying the rest of the most powerful beings in the Egyptian pantheon took around the same amount of time as it did for the Greek and Roman pantheon and the Norse pantheon due to the lack of assistance from the Primordials.

The process could have been significantly faster if Kronos had used his power over time but Perseus informed him not to since he wanted to take his time briefing the new recruits and he wanted to make some changes to the Soul World like he had done before.

Line Break

In the meeting room that Perseus and his army had used before for the previous meetings another meeting between Perseus and the most important beings of his army was occurring. The meeting room was much bigger than the previous time Perseus and the members of his army were present this is because Perseus had left the room how it was designed to be.

The beings attending Perseus's meeting are the Olympians, Hades, Hestia, the minor Gods and Goddesses of Olympus, the Titans, Typhon, the Giants of the Greek and Roman pantheon, the Primordials, the spirits of the five rivers of the underworld, the Fates, the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse pantheon, Jormungand, Fenris Wolf, Loki, Hel, the Norns, and the Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon.

Basically, the most important being in Perseus's army was attending the meeting the only beings not attending the meeting are the traitor demigods, the monsters, the Einherjar army of Odin, and the Giants of the Norse pantheon.

Since Apophis: the God of Chaos was attending the meeting Perseus created another mini ocean in the middle of the room right next to the mini ocean made for Jormungand to reside in during the meeting and any future meetings. The only difference between the mini oceans was the fact that the new one made for Apophis to reside in during the meeting and any future meetings.

During the time when Perseus's army was destroying the rest of the powerful beings of the Egyptian pantheon and assisting him in taking over the Egyptian pantheon Perseus only really created and or changed one big thing in the Soul World.

The only thing Perseus created was an exact replica of the realm of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses which he created with the help of the memories of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. He also made it so that when the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses are destroyed they will go to the replica of their realm when they enter the Soul World.

The meeting between Perseus and the most important beings of his army had just

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