(Chapter 26)Loyal, Brave, True

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Chapter .3.

As Artemis walked to the border, she was organising her soldiers.

She couldn't overcome the vulnerability of showing her cane. So, she shifted it into her Swordstaff. It was a weapon she could use if needed and it would support her if needed. Her other main swords hung on her belt. With Hunting Knives hanging from it. With her hidden Saxe just in case.

Her emerald green dress transforms into light armour as she walked. With long sleeves that hide her one sides scars to her fingertips. No need for these strangers to know about any of that if they don't know already.

"I want archers hidden in the shadows and trees. Half the troops I also what behind the trees. I want 250 soldiers for them to see. With their weapons at the ready, 20 Hunters, 20 Amazons, and 20 of Lupa's wolf pack and 50 Natural Spirits", Artemis orders.

"Do you expect trouble cousin?" Percy asks.

"With such a force you are suggesting that or you're going for something different", Annabeth replies.

Artemis thinks for a minute something had changed she just wasn't sure what it was yet. The key word being yet. But she did know a few things.

"No, I don't expect much trouble. But I want to make a statement. There is never any harm of showing strength in the face of the unknown", Artemis says.

"Very wise", Chiron says to her.

Artemis smirks at her Uncle, "Learned it from my Sister"

Many laugh.

"I don't think Mum needed to teach you much Aunt Artemis. In fact, you probably could teach her", Annabeth says mirth in her eyes.

"Hopefully she didn't hear that wherever she is right now", Nico snickers.

Many laugh at that. They all believed that the Old Gods went to the land of their origin. It was a common tale among the new Olympians. Including Artemis even if her gifts didn't really let her believe that.

"My Queen! My Queen!" a solider shouts.

Running up near out of breath.

"Yes, what is it? I can hear you know", Artemis asks the solider.

"The army on our doorstep they have up a flag of parlay up", a solider relays.

Artemis raises an eyebrow at that. Well, that made things interesting.

"Any changes cousin?" Meg asks.
"No. I do what we discussed. But I want on my left flank Chiron at the end Meg, Calypso, Hylla, Will, Nico next to me. On the other Lupa, Grover, Frank, Reyna, Annabeth and Perseus next to me. So, I am flanked by my cousins", Artemis organises them.

"What about me sister?" King Skyton and his siblings ask.

"I need you with Hazel, Clarisse, Chris to keep the soldiers in line. And at the ready just in case things get out of hand and this parley is a decoy. I just know this is the right decision through", Artemis tells them.

They nod all accepting her orders without a problem.

"Can you see anything?" Nico asks her.
"Not much", Artemis admits.

"It takes a powerful person to block your sight", Annabeth muses.

"Exactly and I don't know what I find more disturbing the fact I can't see them or the fact I don't sense trouble but I do sense that something changes. Those things that have my unnaturally disturbed. And I swear I am telling you the truth my family. Whoever they are they will change everything"

They all nod.

"Bring the flag of parlay!" she orders.

Soldiers run to do her orders.

This was sure to be an interesting meeting…

If only she knew the half of it then…

Creators Army Camp…

Apollo and the others had set up came 4 miles or so away from Olympus City. They hoped by setting up outside their borders and not show any threatening behaviour that it would not provoke an attack or seem threatening.

Now it was just a waiting game and to appear as non-threatening as possible. They had set up sentries and they didn't expect it would be long before Olympus responded as they were across the fields from the boundaries of the territory New Olympus but at least a few miles from the New City.

But one of the sentries had just informed them that soldiers were beginning to line up at the tree lines. Obviously, they had been noticed quick. And the soldiers had been assembled quickly.

And the Old Gods tried not to be impressed by the numbers and quick and neat assembly of the Army of Olympus. Soldiers lined up in front of the trees. Dressed in armour they assumed to be the new armour of the Olympian Army and the flags were up in ceremony.

"If I was the Leader, I would have some archers in the trees and in the shadows. That way nobody would know their archer force and if they are on high alert. They would have soldiers waiting in the shadows and behind the trees too", Athena murmurs looking out over the field.

"That would make sense", Zeus says with a nod.

"At least they have signalled the right to parlay", Poseidon says pointing at the white flags going up.

And it appeared to be some shouting of orders was going on over there.

"On order of the Queen most like", Thalia grins remembering Artemis was the Queen.

"At least she is not rushing into a fight with us", Hades comments.

"She is wiser than that and no doubt changed. She would think on this careful and probably plain details that even I would not think about. If I was leading a group that was currently being threatened by a Grand Prophecy", Athena informs them.

They nod that made sense. Every good leader would think about their troops. And that is what the Old Gods had learnt in the last 7,000 years.

"Bring another flag of parlay to us so we can approach them", Athena murmurs to Luke.

Luke nods and rushes to do what they say.

Apollo, Athena, Hermes, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Luke, Ethan, Zoe, Bianca, Jason and Silena were going to walk with they to parley. Hopefully not a number to be too threatening.

While they waited them notice a small group lining up in front. One they saw even from this distance was Chiron the Ancient trainer of Heroes. He was on one end of the line that was forming. Next to him was a woman, closer followed by two other woman and two men. On the other side of the middle was the She-Wolf or She-Mother of Rome Lupa, and next to her appeared to be a Satyr, a man, two women and another man.

Then another woman appeared with a Swordstaff in her hand she placed herself in the middle of the line of 12 then plus the 13th the middle woman. Looks like great minds think alike.

They held up a flag of parley too.

As they began to walk slowly towards them, they did too. As they got closer the Old Gods began to recognise the group coming towards them. On the right of the group was Chiron on the end followed by Meg who really hadn't changed much but the fact she really was a woman now. Calypso and Hylla were next to be recognised. Then Apollo recognised his son Will and Hades recognised Nico next who had a deadly look and aura about him.

And on the left was Lupa who looking really intimidating in wolf form like always. Next was the most recognised Satyr being Grover, then Frank Zhang, Reyna Ramirez-Arelleno. Then Athena and the others recognised as Annabeth Chase standing next to the very recognised and most famous demigod, they had known from their old life Perseus Jackson who looked for once to be very serious.

But it was the middle figure and woman that caught ALL their attention. She was so different. Nearly unrecognisable. Her hair was now three colours of black, golden blonde and her old auburn locks with flecks of grey amongst her multicoloured hair, tired in a single plait. Her once silver/yellow eyes now held bluer and some gold too them. She wasn't in her young age. In fact, she appeared to be over forties in appearance. The much bigger difference was that she had scars down her face and neck and they saw hints of them continuing onwards.

The person leading the group coming towards them was Phoebe Artemis. The Moon Goddess. The Hunter.

Or the new High Queen of Olympus.

Or Apollo's beloved and much missed twin Sister.

That he had been dying to see for 7,000 long years. Would she still know him after all this time? Would she forgive him for leaving her for so long? How much had she changed?

Her eyes held a much more serious tone to them and a much wiser and so did her aura. And her eyes seemed to be turning more silver as she stared at them seeming to be studying them as they held themselves at the halfway point between the two forces.

They reach an acceptable distance and the Creators Leaders bowed deeply to the group before them. It showed they recognised that Artemis and her people were in charge.
"Queen Artemis it is a pleasure to meet you at last", Athena says her voice had been disguised.

Artemis rises her eyebrow elegantly at them. Her eyes seemed to change before their eyes. But maybe it was a trick of the light.

"The pleasure would seem to be ours. Who are you here on behalf?" Artemis asks strongly.

"We are the Army of the Creators and we are here to help you your Majesty with your Grand Prophecy", Zeus replies bowing.
It was a surprise to the Old Gods and the people who knew them that Zeus had become so humble and willing to bow down.

"Which Creators?" Artemis asks curiously.

"Lady Chaos and Lord Order my Queen", Zoe says bowing again to her former 'boss'.

"You seem to know my name and rank well. But can you say my fellow people and family?" Artemis asks gesturing to the group she stood with.

With a challenge clear in her tone and face.

They didn't know but Artemis was testing them. As her gifts seemed to have started working again. And they had shown many surprises.

"Chiron Trainer of Heroes. Meg McCaffrey, daughter of Demeter, companion and once mortal best friend of Apollo. Calypso, daughter of Atlas. Hylla Ramirez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona and once known as the Amazon Queen. Will Solace, son of Apollo, one of the best healers Apollo had ever had from his children. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, the boyfriend of Will and assume Husband now", Apollo states.

"On the other side is Lupa the She-Wolf and Mother of Rome, Grover Underwood, the Lord of the Wild. Frank Zhang's son of Mars and legacy of Poseidon, Praetor of Rome, one of the seven. Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona and younger sister to Hylla, former Praetor or Rome, Hunter of Artemis. Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, Official Architect of Olympus one of the Seven and one of the most famous demigods Perseus Jackson the son of Poseidon, the hero of two great prophecies, one of the seven the most famed demigod since Hercules and probably still is", Athena tells them.

Artemis looks at them and their answers seemed to support a theory of hers. And she felt the hole in her heart begin to fill.

Artemis decided not to let on yet.

She smirks and so does her family.

"Close dear ones", she says purrs the last two words.

Her family that was standing beside her was shocked by her change of address and manner of speaking to the people before them.

"What do you mean Ma'am?" Apollo asks nervously.

"Shall you?" Artemis asks her family.

They smirk.

"Lady Reyna, Goddess and Lady of the Hunt. Advisor to the Council of Olympus", Reyna says with an amused look at the sense of shock she got.

"What about you Si…Queen Artemis?" Apollo asks with a bow of his head trying to hide his mistake.

"I have many other duties and Reyna was the best person to carry over from me young one. She has done me proud and I am always ready to give advice when needed", Artemis replies hiding her smile at nearly hearing him say what she was thinking, "If Thalia my sister had survive or even Zoe, they would have gotten the position or even Bianca if she could have been trained up a little bit"

They didn't seem to get the hint. Much to Artemis's amusement. But the three she mentioned seemed to be stunned and disappointed. But didn't seem to get what Artemis was hinting at.

"Lord Frank Zhang, Lord of Rome, God of Armies and so on and Secondary Leader of the Armies of Olympus! One of the Chief Advisors to the Court of the Sea and Olympus!" Frank says his voice seemed to have gotten deeper with age and boomed much like his Fathers.

Poseidon and the others were shocked at that. They had never expected a legacy to be acknowledged before. It just hadn't been done in their day.

"Lady Queen Hylla Ramirez-Arellano, Queen of the Amazons, the Eternal Queen and Goddess. Advisor to the Count of Olympus", Hylla says her sharp eyes seemed to be studying them.

"King Grover of the Wilderness, succeeder of Lord Pan and one of the Chief Advisors to the Court of Olympus", Grover says with a bow of his head.

He took great pleasure at sensing their surprise.

"Queen Calypso Valdez of the Titans and peacekeeper between the two", Calypso says softly bowing her head.

That meant to Apollo and the rest that Calypso and Leo had tied the knot.

"Queen Meg McCaffery of the Earth, Patron, Saviour and Leader of the Meliai Dryads", Meg says with a tilt of her head.

Apollo looked at her and was so proud of her. But did it mean she wasn't married or attached?

"Prince Consort Will Solace-di Angelo of the Dead and the Underworld, Chief Healer of Olympus", Will says seriously.

"King Nico di Angelo-Solace of the Dead and the Underworld. Chief Advisor to the Court of Olympus. Ghost King", Nico says with a deadly aura stretching out.

He was trying to freak them out a little bit. Only his family knew what he was doing. Intimation usually worked wonders. So, what if this was parlay? He was allowed to intimate. So, sue him. Ghosts tried to do that all the time and they never wined.

And Hades was surprise by just how strong his son's aura was now. He was so proud his little boy was now King and married. His only regret was not being able to see neither.

Bianca also was sad to see how much her little brother had grown up in the time since she last saw him. It seemed to be another lifetime ago. Would he even remember her?

"Queen Annabeth Jackson nee Chase of the Seas. High Chief Advisor to the Court of Olympus. One of the Commanders of the Armies of the Olympian. Head and Goddess of Architecture and more. Designer and maker of New Olympus", Annabeth says her eyes analysing them like they were a puzzle for her to solve.

But why did they seem to sense Artemis had solved that puzzle? They must be imagining things. If only they knew.

Athena was happy and many other emotions of learning her daughter had married the love of her life and she hadn't been there. Even if it was Perseus Jackson. And she was so proud her daughter succeeded in her dream and so much more.

Poseidon also seemed to be happy and sad to learn his son had married without him. But what if Annabeth said she was Queen of the Seas…

"King Perseus Jackson, King and God of the Seas and Atlantis and more. One of the Commanders of the Olympian Army, High Chief Advisor to the Court of Olympus and if needed Second to the High Queen", Percy says his sharp eyes were still Sea-Green but seemed to be a lot wiser.

Poseidon was beaming under his hood. His Son had made him the proudest father in the world.

"And you Da…Your Majesty?" Zeus asks politely.

"You already know I am the Queen or High Queen. What else is there to know?" Artemis asks rhetorically.

It was not like her full title was a secret but they weren't going to know that yet. And having people who didn't know about her accomplishments was refreshing after so long.

"Now tell me more importantly who are you?" Artemis asks them sternly seeing if they were brave enough to lie to her.

But who did they think they were trying to fool?

As she was the Seer Queen. She was the Goddess of Knowing. She was the Goddess of Foresight. She was the Goddess of Sight. She was the Goddess of Truth.

So how did they expect to lie to her?

Oh, this was going to be interesting. Artemis thought.

She wondered if she could mess with them a little first?...

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