(Chapter 19)Serving the Fates and Gods

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Warning!: Funeral of Percy and Annabeth.

Chapter .3.

The letters had remained untouched for now. None of them wanted to read the letters yet. They had a funeral to plan.

The pyre on a floating barges was built by mainly Jason, Nico, Thalia, Hazel, Frank and Leo. None of them looked like they had slept in the last two days.

Piper and Calypso made one large shroud for the two greatest heroes of all time. Symbols of their years of adventures.

The current demigods and people of Camp and New Olympus had wrote notes and were putting them in the pyre to be given to Percy and Annabeth's spirit. Most of them thanking them for everything. But the ones from those Immortal Campers were more personal and they told Percy and Annabeth how much they loved them. There were tear stains on all their letters to the pair.

Natasha, daughter of Hades and Granddaughter-in-Law of Perseus and Annabeth Jackson had stayed with them and so had James Jackson.

James had told them a dozen of the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren actually lived here in the city of Olympus. But had been at home in Alaska for the last few months to spend the final months of their Grandparents lives with them.

They had asked exactly who they knew.

But James gave them a slight smile and told them they would have to wait.

They were now all waiting on the arrival of the Jackson Family.

It was so quite in the Camp and City. Nobody feeling like doing much in their grief. Many had gone to the Temple of Hades and prayed to Percy and Annabeth.

James was talking quietly with Thalia and Nico. Nico being his brother-in-law. When his phone rang.
"Hello?" James asks.

He nods and murmurs a few words before hanging up.
"They will be here in half an hour", James tells them quietly.

The news quickly spread and people were starting to gather at the entrance to the Camp. The process of the bodies of Percy and Annabeth were going through the Camp and then through the city to the beach.

James had told the friends of his Grandparents that they would have wanted Thalia, Nico, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Piper, Clarisse, Tyson, Malcolm, Reyna and Grover to carry their coffins.

So those 12 were at the front with the Council waiting. The waiting was stifling in grief.

Then dozens and dozens cars and vans approach the 'parking' lot of the Camp. Outside the barrier. With the one hearse in the middle.

The black cars pull up and people began to get out. Many of them looked over 80.

James went over to the Oldest Man.

"Dad", James tells him quietly.

They hug and then pull back with watery eyes. He hugs his other Aunts and Uncles. Who were now looking at those gathered with small smiles.

"These are the Council of Olympus, Thalia Grace, Nico and Will di Angelo-Solace, Jason and Piper Grace, Leo and Calypso Valdez, Frank and Hazel Levesque, Clarisse and Chris Rodriguez, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, Grover and Juniper Underwood, Tyson and Malcolm and Miranda Pace", James introduces the main group.

The man bows silently and so do his siblings.

"I am Luke Nico Jackson. I am 100-years-old"

Nico's eyes widen at that. They had named their firstborn after him.

"I am Silena Thalia Jackson his twin. I am sorry we meet under such a sad time"

Thalia's were too widen hearing the eldest daughter of her best friends/siblings was named after her.

"I am Athena Piper I am 99"

Piper had tears in her eyes and so did Athena at the name.

"Charles Frank. 97"

Frank looked up and was shocked to had a 'kid' named after him.

"Zoe Bianca. 96"

Artemis's eyes widen at that. She would never had expected that and Nico thought Bianca would be honoured at that.

"Michael Lee. 95"

"Christopher Leo. 93"

Chris and Leo's eyes widen at that. Who would have thought Percy and Annabeth would name their child after them.

"Clarissa Hazel, his twin"

Clarissa like her husband was shocked. Yes they had come to respect each other in the final years Percy and Annabeth had been around. But she never expected that.

Hazel sobs at the name and Frank and Nico had an arm around her.
"Sally Reyna. 92"

"Paul Jason. 91"

"Tristan Chiron. 90"

"Frederick Poseidon. 88"

"And I am Emily Estella and I am 87"

Everyone was very honoured to have had Percy and Annabeth's children named after them. The Jackson's saw the eyes in their namesakes had tears in them. So they went up and hugged their namesakes.

Telling them their Parents were proud of them and loved them so much.

"But not enough for them to stay with us", Thalia mutters.

Silena Jackson looks at her namesake, "Immortality wasn't their way"

"They told us they always felt that immortality wasn't for them. They said they have no regrets", Tristan Jackson tells them.

"They had one", Athena Jackson states.

"Oh", Tristan says remember the one regret their parents had.

"What was the regret?" Nico asks quietly.

"It was not getting any of you understand how they felt about immorality. They told us that just thinking about it made their skin crawl", Zoe Jackson states.

"Enough of that", Charles Jackson states, "Lets get out parents home"

The immortals line up as the caskets were taken out of the car/hearse. They were simple. But it wasn't like they were going to be buried in them.

Thalia, Nico, Tyson, Jason, Grover and Frank take Percy's and Hazel, Leo, Piper, Clarisse, Malcolm and Reyna take Annabeth's.

They walked through the Camp and up to the City. The streets of New Olympus were filling with people to watch the process.

The two heroes coming home for the last time.

A song was being played by the Jackson's

Carry us home, down the pathway of heroes.
People above with their heads bowed low.
Carry us softly, down the pathway of heroes.
True heroes love,
There was never more.

We fought with distinction,
No visions of glory.
We fought without question,
Or personal gain.

Seek no justification,

It's not part of our story.
And it offers no comfort to the ones who remain.

Just carry us home down the pathway of heroes.
People above with their heads bowed low.
Carry us softly, down the pathway of heroes.
True heroes love,
There was never more.

We were called by our people.
Without hesitation,
Our answer we gave.
Now we're not wondering,
The things that we might have been.
No consolation,

To the forgotten brave.

So carry us home, down the pathway of heroes.
People above with their flags flying low.
Carry us softly, down the pathway of heroes.
True heroes love,
There was never more.

Carry us home, down the pathway of heroes.
People we love with their heads down low.
Carry us softly, down the pathway of heroes.
True heroes love,
There was never more
There was never more
There was never more
There was never more
There was never more
There was never more

To everyone the song was perfect for the two heroes that were coming home one last time.

They got to the area that was set up and a few people from the Apollo Cabin got to work preparing the bodies. They dressed the old couple in armour.

But the time they were done the bodies of Percy and Annabeth Jackson looked like warriors even in their older form.

They were rested on the litter and Poseidon came forward with a drawed a sword. He had always planned to give to his son when he ascended to Godhood as a gift for a Prince of the Seas.

He shakily put one of Percy's winkled hand around the hilt of the sword with it rested on his chest. The armour has the symbols of the Prince of the Sea on it. The armour had been crafted like the sword for when Percy ascended Godhood. But that never happened. He also put a laurel crown on Percy's head. The symbol of victory.

Poseidon touches his son's winkled face.

"I love you my son. I love you so much. There will never be a greater hero then you and your wife. Known that you have been victorious in life", Poseidon whispers he kisses his sons forward.

He put the drachmas on his eyes. Even through he knew Percy had already gotten into the Isle of the Blest it was a n ancient rite and Percy had wanted it.

Tears falling on Percy's face as he continued to say his goodbyes. The others taking turns saying goodbye to both Percy and Annabeth.

Thalia and Nico put a golden necklace of lightning bolt, trident and helm around Percy's neck and it rested on his chest nest to the sword.

"I love you cousin. I love you. Carry us with you always", Thalia whispers.

"Brother be at peace. We will carry on in your place", Nico promises, "We love you"

Annabeth's body was in armour to. Her white hair braided with golden flowers and a laurel crown on victory was on her head. Athena put a dagger in Annabeth's cold hand.

Athena took out two golden drachmas like Poseidon she was honouring her daughters wishes. To be sent off in the ancient rite.

"I love you soo much my daughter. If I had less pride I wouldn't have pushed for immortality. If I haven't I would have gotten this time with you before you death. Your are my favourite daughter and in every challenge you have faced you have come out victorious. Know Daughter you will never be forgotten. You and your husband. You both will always be loved"

Athena then kisses her daughters winkle forehead and brushes her white hair.

"You and Perseus will always and forever be the best demigods and heroes of all time. And now living without you too will never be the same", she whispers and moves back for the others.

Thalia and Grover put a necklace on her with a Pine Tree, Owl and Grover's symbol of Pan on it.

"Be at peace sister. We will be fine. I swear. I love you", Thalia whispers.

Little trinkets were put on the litter around the bodies of Perseus and Annabeth Jackson. The last thing they did was join Percy and Annabeth's hands. Their wedding rings shinning in the light.

Night was coming and everyone was gathered at the waters edge.

The Jackson Family were saying their goodbyes. Before the litter was places on top of the pyre. The carriers of the litter backed off and stepped back.

Poseidon, Tyson, Athena and Malcolm gentle pushed the barge pyre into the water and set it floating out to sea.

Guided by Poseidon's powers.

As Thalia and Nico draw bows. They waited to the pyre was a good distance before firing fire arrows at it. They struck true making it burst into flames as the Frank, Hunters and Apollo cabin members fired their arrows.

The barge was well and truly alight now.

People were holding each other and crying.

But the Jackson Family seemed to be calm and they looked relieved that their parents wishes had been honoured.

This wasn't goodbye for the Jackson Family. They weren't immortal either and had no attentions to be. Well most of them didn't.

The wind blows around the immortals and grieving Gods. Making them look in the direction the wind had gone too.

They thought them saw two figures. In armour. Standing at the trees.

Their eyes widened seeing the ghosts of Perseus and Annabeth Jackson with everything they had just put on their bodies on their ghosts.

Perseus and Annabeth smiled at them with thankfulness and they bowed lowly to their family. They straightened up and gave them a wink.

Then they turned around and disappeared into the trees and from the living plain.

The Gods and Immortals heard words echoes their departure.

"We love you. Always have always will. We are so proud. We are happy. We are at peace. Live long, live true, live well and be happy"

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