Chapter 4

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Picture of the mansion's interior! When I found this on Pinterest I thought it was perfect. To me it's a great design for a masculine home.

Guess who the hot guy in the picture Is?

Keep reading my loves :D


I feel his warm hand press on the middle of my back slightly pushing me through the door.

"Don't touch me." I tighten my jaw and my voice comes out more strong now.

He mumbles something to himself and removes his hand.

"Thank you." I didn't actually think he would listen to me since he's all about respecting him and blah blah blah.

"Humph." Is all I hear him say.

I look up from the shiny floor and the sight in front of me almost takes my breath away. It's absolutely beautiful. In general the design is darker and more masculine but, it's still one of the best mansions I have ever seen. The floors are more unique, the entire main area is split into sections, every so many tan tiles there is a row of black tiles to separate. But the staircase is all tan with the black railing. In the center of the main entry is a 3D all around couch that matches the tile. The thing that really catches my eye is the gigantic, sparkly chandelier hanging down from the center of ceiling. 

"I keep telling my guys to take that down and put up a new one but apparently no one around here listens to my comands, and it's still here." He must have noticed me examining my surroundings because we are stopped right in front of the main door.

"Why would you take it down? It is so beautiful the way the light hits it in so many angles and makes it shine. Besides this design is gorgeous and all but it's a little too dark, plain and definitely masculine, the chandelier gives the room more light and beauty. I think it's fine the way it is."

Surprisingly when I turn my head to look at him he doesn't have a shocked face, instead he staring intently at the chandelier and all around the room. Probably thinking about his design decisions because of my input.

"I don't say this often so you should feel special, I think you are right." When he speaks he looks me dead in the eye and I do the same. God his eyes are so unique and pretty. For green eyes, his are becoming my favorite.

"Well until you tell me why I am here I won't feel special at all." I give him a side glare.

He raises one eye brow for a second before returning his gorgeous face back to normal.

"Ah, right this way billissimo, we need to have that conversation." He gives me a small smile and starts to walk away, expecting me to follow him. If I knew my way around this place I wouldn't follow him but since I just got here and have seen very little of this enormous mansion I decide to follow him.

After we pass this elegant seating area that has a fire place in the middle of the series of chairs set on each side of a glass table. I don't have enough time to finish examining everything because I run right into a hard chest.

"Shit. I mean shoot I-I am so s-"

I look up at the man in front of me. He has perfectly styled, dark brown hair, sharp jaw with a little scrub left on his face from a few days of not shaving, full, pink lips and a suit that hides his muscular build. God why are all these men so handsome...and serious.

"Um hi, I was just trying to keep up with the guy leading me somewhere to talk, but this place is so spectacular that I couldn't help but look at every thing I pass and when I wasn't paying attention I ran into you. I mean no disrespect, I swear." I rant and a smirk appears on his face.

"Oliver how much did you scare the poor girl?" The guy who I now learned his name is Oliver appears from the room next door.

"Not at all boss, maybe a little in the beginning, but the rest is all on you sir."

"Mm I see. Well hello Ms. Cinder May pleasure to finaly meet you. Please allow me to introduce myslef as the main boss around here, Zayne Riley and this young man here is my most trusted man Oliver Ramirez. Now if you please continue to follow us we will explain why you are here this afternoon." I notice the same accient in his voice that Oliver has as well. Ugh why does he have to be so polite too. Wait what does he mean by he is the 'Main boss'? Like the CEO of a serious business and Oliver is his second in hand that he refers to as his 'Most trusted man.'

Zayne turns around swiftly and begins to walk the other way with Oliver next to him on his right side and I follow the two men who scare the living hell out of me.

Soon we reach a dinning room so large you could feed the largest family in world all at one table. That's when I come across a realisazation. They are Italian! Of course it all makes sense now. The language they speak is unrecognizable to me because it's Italian.

I recognized the word "billmiso" because when I was a little girl my dad would pick me up in his arms and poke my nose before calling me mi billmiso. When he passed, I learned that it meant "my beautiful"

Wait so when Mr. Oliver over there refers to me as "billmiso " he is calling me beautiful! What?! Holy shit! That's just whoa.

My thoughts are interrupted by Zayne and his deep, commanding voice.

"Please sit and we will talk." I pull out the chair directly across from Zayne and take a seat.

"Before we start would you like anything?" Zayne asks with a small smirk on his face.

"Um sure a glass of water would be nice." I smile a little.

"Zoey! Please come here for a minute hun."

Seconds later a skimpy girl wearing the sexy version of a maids uniform appears from the kitchen next to us. She is stunning as well, with nice tan skin and long, strait brown hair.

"Yes master." She sounds more independent than she looks.

"Please get our guest a nice glass of cold water and the usual."

"Of course sir, right away." She dissapers into the kitchen with a certain stride in her hips.

"Now back to business." Zayne starts.

"Good I really would like to know why I am here. I have a job and schooling to get back to."

"I was going to tell you the long story that you deserve but, I simply can not do that because of the privacy policy. Now I know this may seem a little confusing but it is strictly business." His eyes travel away from my own and toward the entrance behind me.

"There you are Zoey. Thank you my love."

A tall glass of water with excatly five ice cubes and a slice of lemon on the edge is placed in front of me. Even her nails are nicely manicured.

After a small glass of liquid is placed in front of both Zayne and Oliver she asks if we need anything else and ends up being dismissed before existing the room again.

"Not in a disrespectful way but, can you please just get to the point, I have a life to get back to soon."

"I'm afraid that can't happen as soon as you would like."

"Um excuse me. No! You listen here sir. I have spent my entire savings on my tution to my dream university. You have no idea how hard I had to work to build myslef up again and to accept failur once but move on anyway. I have spent years planning my future career and I promised myself not to let anyone or anything get in my way to accomplish my goals. I only came here because you threatened me to come. I'm sorry but you can not make me stay here against my will, I have rights and I deserve the right to leave whenever I need to without your permission, understood." Holy crap I can't believe I just spoke to these men like that. But I'm proud of myself for making my point and standing up for myself. My mother really does have an affect on me.

A shiver runs down my spine at the look upon both their faces.

"Well then you may leave now, but remeber  I am a very dangerous man that is cabaple of doing many terrible things."

Ugh why does he make things so difficult. I take a long drink of my water and settle back down.

"That's what I thought, now I will not forgive you for anything because you are strong women simply stating her point and standing up for herself, I deeply respect that. But I do not appriacte the tone of your voice with me, consider this a small warning. Next time you feel like you need to express your statment please use a calm and relaxed voice. There is no need to yell or get worked up. " His voice comes out stern but his facial expression is completely calm now. "Although it may be true about you gingers having a short fuse when it comes to anger management."

I look over at Oliver and he is taking a drink calmly. He looks through the glass at me and winks once again.

What is up with him winking at me like that? Seriously it drives me insane. More than I would like to admit to myself even.

"Let's get right to the point. You are here because..."


Your author here ;)

Hehe I love ending in a cliff hanger sometimes. It's fun to see how you guys react and predict to all the different situations.

Sorry it had been awhile since the last update but a lot of personal things are going on and I needed a break.

But I will try to have the next chapter posted as soon as possible.

Guess what? I'm going to be a senior in high school this year! That's stressful right? Haha wish me good luck.

Don't forget to vote! ♡ and have a wonderful day! :D

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