The following chapter is non-canon to the events of this book, and features very short what-if routes for the other girls who were involved with Y/N in this story.
No harem route (SAD), so let your imaginations run wild.
[This Chapter: Kikyo Kushido, Maya Satou, Airi Sakura]
What If: Kikyo Kushida
I was taking a walk to clear my mind from things. Making a choice was harder than I thought it'd be, and I couldn't figure out any way to do it.
**Am I stupid, or is it this hard for everybody who falls in love..? Maybe others don't normally fall for more than a single person at a time.**
My thought process was cut off as I had been passing a café. I saw Kushida through the window talking with some of her friends, but I paid it no mind. I had more important things to worry about.
???: Y/N!
As I walked along, I looked back to see Kushida running in my direction from behind. I stopped walking and turned back.
Y/N: Hm?
Kushida: How are you? What're you up to?
I looked around and saw none of her friends around.
Y/N: I'm fine..? Just got a lot on my mind.
Kushida: Like what, if I may ask?
I didn't trust this girl. She was hot and cold. It was impossible to ever tell what she'd be genuine about, and what she wouldn't. So, I withheld what I knew.
Y/N: It's nothing, honestly. What are you doing here?
Kushida: I was at a café with some friends, and I saw you walking past.
Y/N: So you came running out..?
Kushida: Of course! You looked distressed.
Y/N: You could probably hardly see me. How can you just tell something like that?
Kushida: Don't be silly. Of course, I can tell when there's a shift in your mannerisms. Such as how you walk.
Y/N: You observe me too closely... Weird.
Kushida: Is it?
Y/N: Yeah.
She tilted her head.
Kushida: Is it "weird" paying attention to those around me, Y/N?
Y/N: To that extent? Kinda?
Kushida: Well sorry for caring about people.
I stuck my tongue out.
Y/N: Yeah, yeah. So, what do you want anyway? Sorry, that sounded a little rude... What did you need?
Kushida: Nothing, really. I just saw you walking alone.
Y/N: And..? That's not particularly uncommon.
Kushida: Nowadays? It certainly is, Y/N! You're always hanging with Hasebe-san and the others. Or Sudo-kun and the guys. Heck, I've even seen you with some of the students from Ryuen-kun's class!
Y/N: I get it...
Kushida: Don't make that long face, Y/N! I didn't mean it's a bad thing. It just means you're getting more popular.
**Not exactly a good thing.**
Kushida: But if you're alone, then that must mean you're... You're going to see Horikita, aren't you..?
Her tone filled with malice at the mention of Suzune.
Y/N: No, I'm not. Calm down. I'm only taking a walk.
Kushida: Oh, well... Can I tag along?
Y/N: ...
Kushida: Well?
Y/N: Why?
Kushida: Aren't things just more fun when they're done with more than one?
Y/N: You just rhymed fun with done with one.
Kushida: See? Already more entertaining!
I sighed.
Y/N: Whatever, you can come.
Kushida: Great!
We walked and talked for a while. About nothing in particular. Kushida was a chatterbox, and it was honestly pretty cozy to spend some alone time with her when she wasn't stressing over Suzune, Ryuen, or anybody else that she had it out for.
**I just wish she wasn't two-faced. If she was sweet and social like this all the time, then things would be so much better.**
Kushida: Look, Y/N!
I glanced over at her to see her staring over the railing into the ocean. In our walk, we made our way over to the waterside benches across from the dorms.
Y/N: Look at what?
Kushida: The water is so sparkly when the sun hits it.
I walked over and stood next to her.
Y/N: I guess.
As we stood there, I couldn't help but be reminded of that night when I saw Kushida out here. That shock factor was ingrained into my head.
**What an odd day...**
I let my intrusive thoughts win.
Kushida: Y/N?
I began to fake rage and kick at the railings.
Y/N: Horikita, you stupid cow! Die! I hate you, die already!
Kushida: What the?!-
Y/N: That was my Kikyo Kushida impression. Thoughts?
Her face darkened.
Kushida: That's not funny, Y/N...
Y/N: Take it easy, Kushida!
I poked her forehead.
Y/N: When it's just you and me, you know it's only jokes.
She glared at me for a moment before she took a deep breath and calmed down.
Kushida: You're right. Just give some warning next time. Sheesh, you had me startled when you just started kicking the railing!
Y/N: My bad. But hey...
I leaned on the railing and stared at her.
Y/N: You do remember what happened next, right?
Kushida: Hm?
I raised my hand and made a groping motion.
Y/N: Gotta follow the script, Kyo-chan...
Kushida: Y-Y/N! You pervert-
Y/N: Haha, I'm just joking.
Kushida: Y/N, you still never fail to surprise me. I thought you were a shy introvert when school first began, but... Boy was I wrong.
Y/N: Guess we were both wrong about each other based on first impressions, then.
Kushida: Guess so.
She stretched and prepared to leave.
Kushida: I think I'm gonna head out now, Y/N. Thanks for letting me walk with you.
Y/N: Uh, sure... Thanks for walking with me.
I stared at her as she smiled and began to walk off. I couldn't tell if she was walking slowly, or if it was just how I was perceiving her, but my vision was rosy, blurred, and slowed.
**Did she drug me?! No... It's that same feeling.**
I stared at her. How her hair blew in the wind. How her hips swayed with each step. I started to feel like I was floating as I began to think about our many memories together.
Y/N: Kikyo...
She stopped and looked back at me with a confused expression. It wasn't common for me to call her Kikyo, so I probably caught her off guard.
Y/N: Why are you still single..?
She froze up for a second as she pondered on the question.
Kushida: What?
Y/N: You heard me...
Kushida: It's because-
Y/N: You don't genuinely like anybody, do you..?
Kushida: Well-
Y/N: Why am I the sole exception?
She stared at me.
Kushida: You think you've got me all figured out, huh..?
Y/N: Not all of you.
Kushida: Admittedly, you're not wrong. I do find you more tolerable than everyone else.
**"More tolerable" is sugarcoating.**
Y/N: Come here.
She walked back over to me.
Kushida: What?
Y/N: Figure yourself out, and then get back to me with an answer.
I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes went wide, and her expression was unlike any I'd ever seen on her before. Her blush was powerful, but she tried, and failed, to stay indifferent.
Kushida: Y-Y-Y/N, did you just...
I began to walk off.
Y/N: You've got my number.
I walked off with swagger and confidence. My kiss hit Kushida like a stun gun, and she was unable to move and follow me. As soon as I got out of her sight, my face exploded with heat and went red.
**What the hell was that, Y/N?!**
I stopped holding my breath and had to catch up on my missed breathing. I had to come to terms with the fact that I just went above and beyond my usual and practically confessed that I was in love with Kushida, one of the most popular girls in the entire school. I wasn't even sure if I really liked Kushida that way, or if it was all just impulse.
**I'm screwed, I'm screwed!**
I repeated those words to myself all the way until nighttime when I got a call on my phone while lying in bed. I checked the Caller ID and my heart started racing. It was pounding so hard that my dorm neighbors probably thought something spicy was going on in my room from all the banging. Slowly, but surely, I answered the phone.
Y/N: Hello..?
I stopped, I listened, and then... I couldn't fight back my smile.
[Kushida Short Route - FIN]
What If: Airi Sakura
Y/N: Later, guys.
I waved to Yukimura, Akito, Haruka, and Sakura before heading off. We had all gone out to get lunch together today and then hung out together. It was always relaxing hanging out with them because they were all so cozy to be around.
**You know a group is chill when Haruka is the most "outspoken" of the bunch.**
I walked off chuckling as I thought about it. Even beyond all the friends I've made in class, the "Y/N Group" felt even more tight-knit, and I loved it.
**What a good time. The day's still young. I wonder what I'll do.**
As if it were divine intervention, I heard somebody calling out to me from behind.
???: H-Hey, Y/N!
I turned and looked back to see Sakura behind me breathing heavily.
Y/N: Airi? What's up?
Sakura: S-Sorry... Need to... catch my breath.
Y/N: Take your time.
I looked around and spotted a bench.
Y/N: Come and sit.
We walked over and she sat down to steady her breathing. I looked down at her and didn't know if I should feel worried or not.
**What's got her so worked up..?**
Y/N: You alright now?
Sakura: I'm fine, thanks. Y-Y/N, I wanted to ask...
I stared at her. Sakura was a shy girl, but all the time she had spent with me, Haruka, Yukimura, and Akito had slowly pushed her out of her shell. At least around us four. Her hesitation was making me think that whatever she wanted to say to me was something serious.
Y/N: Yes?
She caught her breath and looked up at me.
Sakura: C-Can you come somewhere with me?
Y/N: Hm? Sure, why not?
She softly smiled for a moment, and then went back to being timid.
Sakura: Th-Thank you. Follow me, please.
She began to walk off, so I followed along.
Y/N: So, where are we headed, Airi? Will this take long?
Sakura: O-Oh, if you have other things to do, that's fine-
Y/N: No, I'm just curious. I like to try and hypothesize about things that are a mystery.
Sakura: A mystery...
Y/N: Yup. Wherever you plan to take me is a mystery, so...
Sakura: I-It won't take too long.
Y/N: Fine by me either way.
We kept walking along until we made our way over to the main track and field.
**Sakura..? At a place like this..? What's going on here?**
I watched Sakura closely as I subtly lagged behind her. I wasn't suspicious of her, but I wanted to get a feel for what she was thinking, so I watched her closely.
Sakura: Sorry. Almost there.
We went around the track and made our way to the edge of the school grounds. After pushing through some bushes and grass, we were presented with a waterside view of the ocean.
Y/N: Is this the place?
Sakura: Y-Yes.
I looked around at the area. It almost felt like it wasn't a part of the school campus with how secluded it was. I stared back at Sakura.
Y/N: I see...
She looked up at me, then quickly averted her eyes.
Sakura: I-I'm sorry- t-this was a waste of your time...
I saw tears forming in her eyes behind those fake glasses she wore.
Y/N: Airi?
She sniffled and refused to make eye contact. Sakura wasn't one to initiate hangouts or plans within the Y/N Group. This was arguably the only time I'd ever seen Sakura invite someone out.
**She's tearing up... She's probably anxious, or embarrassed... Maybe she thinks she made a bad decision inviting me out here. She thinks I am uninterested... Poor girl...**
Sakura was a very meek girl, so you needed to be gentle with her. My lack of reaction thus far was probably convincing Sakura that something she found interesting wasn't interesting to me. I decided to take it easy and appreciate the scenery.
Y/N: It's so beautiful.
Sakura: I-It is- You think so?
Y/N: It's gorgeous. How did you find a spot like this, Airi?
She wiped her eyes and slowly began to calm down as she realized that I appreciated her showing me this.
Sakura: I-I found it by accident with Haruka... And... I wanted to show you.
Y/N: Well, thanks for showing me. I love it.
I began to take a walk along the waterside and take in the moment. I felt free here. The space wasn't large, but it was secluded. It felt like a tiny world of its own.
Y/N: Hey, Airi?
Sakura: Y-Yes! I mean- yes?
She was trying to fight back her smile and blush. My appreciation for this place probably made her day.
Y/N: You carry your camera everywhere with you... By chance, do you have it now?
Sakura: My camera? Yes, I have it. U-Uhm... Why?
Y/N: Back during the Island Test... Waaay back when... We made a promise, didn't we?
Sakura: We did?
Y/N: Yeah. I didn't forget, but I feel like now is the perfect time to fulfill said promise.
Sakura: I-I'm sorry, but could you remind me?
Y/N: You took mental snapshots of me, and I said we'd have to take some pictures for real once we got out of there.
Her blush deepened.
Y/N: And with such a beautiful backdrop, I feel this is as good a time and place as any. So, what do you say?
She didn't try to fight back her smile anymore.
Sakura: T-That sounds nice! Can we?
She took out her camera and waited for my approval.
Y/N: Go for it.
I posed and she took some photos. We went back and forth. She took a bunch of pictures of me, and I took a bunch of her. After a while, we sat around and went through the pictures.
Y/N: Haha, I hope your storage is fine.
Sakura: Don't worry. It's got a lot of space left.
She looked up at me.
Sakura: Thank you, Y/N.
Y/N: Hm?
Sakura: F-For coming out here with me- when I asked... And for not thinking it's stupid...
Y/N: Oh, come on... Only a blind person would fail to appreciate this place. I should be thanking you for showing me it.
Sakura: I see. That's nice.
Y/N: Hey, how about just a few more? We still haven't taken any together.
Sakura: A-As in both of us... In the same photo..? At the same time..?
Y/N: That's what "together" means, silly...
I took the camera and held it up as I slid over closer to her.
Y/N: Smile!
I snapped a bunch of photos. It was kinda funny to me how different her expressions were in each photo. Like she was fighting with herself to either smile or blush and look away. And her laugh was something you didn't hear often, but it was so precious.
**She's so adorable... Her overly-timid personality was a little off-putting at first, but it's really grown on me. Man, she's so cute...**
I stopped in my thoughts and slowly turned my head to look over at her.
Sakura: Y-Y/N? What's the matter?
Y/N: N-Nothing.
I looked away and felt my face warming up. I wasn't sure why I was suddenly feeling this way while looking at her. She was sweet, cute, and innocent. I just had an overwhelming urge to protect her. I wanted to stay at her side. I loved how much she liked being in my presence. It made me feel wanted. I had plenty of friends now, but none relied on me for comfort as much as Sakura did. And it was starting to make me act out.
Y/N: One more photo, Airi.
Sakura: S-Sure.
My heart began racing. I knew what I wanted to do, but I didn't know how she'd respond.
Y/N: Alright. No glasses in this one. Just your raw face, okay?
Sakura: Y-Yeah, that's okay, I guess.
She took off her glasses and smiled.
Y/N: There's Airi. Well, say cheese.
Sakura: Chee-
As I was about to take the photo, I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I snapped the photo and then leaned back.
**I'm insane!**
I didn't have to even look at Sakura to know how she reacted. I could immediately feel the heat on my lips when I kissed her, so I knew she broke out into a huge blush.
Y/N: Sorry, that-
Sakura: Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-
I looked over at her. Her face was hidden in her shirt, and she was a stuttering and shaking mess.
Y/N: My bad...
Sakura: Y-Y-Y-Y/N..?!
I began to stand up, but she removed her face from her shirt and quickly grabbed my hand. Her mouth was crooked, and her face was redder than a tomato.
Y/N: Huh?
Sakura: Don't go. I-I-I-I-I-I...
Y/N: Breathe, Sakura.
She took a few deep breaths, but it didn't help this time. She couldn't manage to speak, so she had to use actions instead. She continued to hold onto me as she pulled my arm close to her.
Y/N: H-Hey?
Sakura didn't speak. She was still unable to. But her bright red face and crooked smile spoke for themselves. We sat there quietly together. I felt her trembling as she held onto me. I knew it was a positive reaction, but she was overloaded at the moment.
Y/N: I don't regret what I did... I meant it...
After a moment, I felt her head topple onto my shoulder. She wasn't asleep, but she wanted to be close. Sakura had found a safe space in me.
**She's so precious.**
I should've known from the start. Thinking back on how Sakura and I have interacted with each other from the start of the year to now made it all obvious.
**Sakura was in love with me. Way before I even considered her an option. She waited for me with no guarantee I'd ever like her back. She still waited, and...**
I looked down at her as she lay on my shoulder.
**Airi... I hope it was worth the wait. I'll make it worth the wait...**
I continued to sit there quietly with her as we just enjoyed each other's company, and enjoyed the scenery.
[Sakura Short Route - FIN]
What If: Maya Satou
It was a slow day today. Nothing in particular was planned, and nothing I was interested in doing either. Not except for one thing. There was an on-campus fair going on, and I
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